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City Hall, Huntington Beach, Cal. June 6th, 1921.
Regular. Board of Trustees met in regular session.
Roll call. Trustees present Manning, Drew, Andrews, Onson.
Mimtes approved.PP Minutes of May meetings read and approved.
Tarcy arrival. Trustee Obarr, arrived.
Off cers rep orte.p Reports of Treasurer, Clerk, Recorded, Building, &
Plumbing Inspector, Electrician, Engineer were read
and on motion by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Andrews
were accepted and ordered placed on file.
Jas Ginter Application of Jas. C. Ginter to rent a ten foot
application space under pier was refused as it is not desired to
refused. rent any of the space under pier. -
W. C. Ginter, Application of W. . C. Ginter for permission to erect
request Shooting Gallery just East of Pier was granted on motion
granted. by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Andrews,
O.K.Kirkpatrick An agreement for the City to permit 0. K. Kirkpatrick
Three years to erect a hollow the structure at ouster end of Pier 4-
Agreement with exclusive right for the sale of certain goods on
accepted. Pier in consideration of the monthly Payment to the City
of $25. 00 per month rental and the policing of the end of
the Pier by lesee was presented and mlt mas moved by Trus-
tee Drew seconded by Trustee Andrews that the President J
of the Board be authorized to sign said agreement in be-
half of the City, Carried.
The above Agreement asifor a period of Three years,
W,C.Moulds to Application of W. C. Moulds to rent from the City
be rented a space between the stairs at west of Pier and the Pavilion
space near was presented and it was moved by Trustee Drew seconded -
West stairs by Trustee Onson that space be rented to IJIr. Moulds at
of Pier, a monthly rental of $10.00 =aae'�xra�txkkx with the proviso �
that building be so constructed that employes of the So.
California Edison Co, would have free access to their
installation, under stairs, at all times. Carried.
C. W. Warner, Communication from C. W. Warner in regard to increased
communication business of.Recorderd Court and the small salary allowed
taken under the Recorder and it was moved by Trustee Drew seconded by
advisement. Trustee Onson that the communication be taken under advise- r
if. ment. Carried, b
! � Health Officer The resignation of Dr, G. A. Shank as Health Officer
appointed, J. having taken effect on the 31st of May, the appointment of
Tinsley to a new Health Officer was in order and it was moved by Trus-
fill vacancy, tee Dbarrseconded by Trustee Drew that J. Tinsley be ap-
pointed as Health Officer to fill the vacancy. Carried.
i Pantages permit The Application of the Pantages Oil Co, now properly
granted. signed by its officers and bearing the seal of the Corpora-
tion was again presented being for permission to run pipe
lines from Block 813 to 812 across 13th Street request
! ' was granted on motion regularly g y put and carried.
Woolner permit Application of the Woolner Oil Co. for like permission
granted, as to pipe lines in alleys of Block 911, application meet®
ing all of the requirements the permit was granted by mo-
j tion regularly put and carried. ;y.
License on Subject of the protest to the License Fee on Bill
Bill Boards to Boards was brought up and the City Attorney was instructed
be changed. to amend Ordinance No. 210 making the fee 10,0 per square a
yard for all existing boards and if it is desired to erect ;
other boards permit first to be obtained from the Board
of Trustees.
,rrz c t� cau e� 'L l
}� Bond election The subject of he Bond election that was called for
a, anvalid. May 31st was brought up and the City Clerk confessed error
1 i
June 6, 1921, 0 2,
Bond Election in several matters in connection therewith that would
Invalid, render the election to be no effect and void and it was
moved by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Onson that the
election called for the 31st day of May, 1921 for the pur-
pose of voting on the proposition of issuing Municipal
Bonds in the sum of $150.000. be declared invalid,
j Roll call was requested and the motion was adopted by the
following vote:
Ayes. Trustees Obarr, Onson, Andrews, Drew and Manning `
Noes, None.
Absent None.C. .'
of C. ask Secretary Rogan of the Chamber of Commerce appeared
Letter of in- before the Board with the information that the Motorcycle ,I
vitation be Association desired to hold a meet in H t
written to with a space on the East of the Pier thendateof which
Assns. is unsettled also that the Fraternal Brotherhood would
on August llth, 1921 have an outing here and desired that
the Board write a welcoming letter to each of these asso-
ciations and it was moved by Trustee Drew seconded by
.� Trustee Andrews, put and carried that the Clerk write
such letters. Carried.
4 Parking space Mr. Sharp, General Agents Office P. E. Ry. Co was
rented by P.E.present to inquire into matter of a lease granted by his
for Auto company to a person of part of the Right-of-way of the
Park, op- P. E. Co, lying between their rails and Ocean Avenue
posed to N. W. of Main Street, lesee wishing to construct a fence
CityQs inter- around the property and use it as an Auto Park, and it
ests. was moved by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Obarr that
such permit be not granted. Carried. I'
Demands alloyed. Moved by Trustee Obarr seconded by Trustee Onson
that Demands approved by Finance Committee be allowed.
Demands as follows :
` Carried.
p Ed Manning, $30. 00; C. J. Andrews, $30:00
A, Onson, 30,00; R. L. Obarr,
R. Drew, 30.00; Chas,, R." Nutt- 125;Ob
Grace M. Brose./ 100.00; C. E. Lavering, 25. 00
L. W. Blodget,� 75.00; Gertrude Catching, 85.00
F. L. Snyder, 150. 00; Clint
1 : 00Bennie Page, 105. 00; K D. Snyder, 51.25John Schenk, 41.00; Bob Clark.-
96; 75
B; F. Windham, 60-00; C. W. Warner, 124:25
J. Tinsley, - 163.05; Carl E. Malchow, 170:00
W. M. Hines, 150,00; J. H. Iman, 150*00
Mrs; E. G. Black, 30.00; C. R. Sumner, 134:45 i
V. U. Brown, 120.00; M. B. Howard, 6. 00
M. B. Howard, 3.00; L. P. Cortner, 15. 00
S. S. Lavering, 78.00; 1. N. Smith, 17. 00
Frank Parcel, 96.00; Jake Reed, 4/50
Chas. R. Nutt, 54.14; Andersons Electric Shop
H. B. News, 331. 65; H. B. Phone Co.
T. C. Deha ////// 40, 30
pp, 10. 00; 9; 75
W. R. C. & D. of V. 25. 00; H. B. Water Co. 233:14
So. Cal. Edison Co. 126. 91; So. Cal. Edison Co, 103. 46
City Garage, 84,80; H. B. Hardware Co, 36.55 j
H. B. Sheet Metal Wk. 1, 50; R. J. Prescott, 18;42 -
Talbert & Co. 12, 50; Pacific Garage, 1.25
Standard Oil Co. 28,05; So. Counties Gas Co. 825; 63
Union. Oil Co. 56.03; L.E,Hendrickson, 12,00
East Side Water Co. 18.75; B. Schwartz, 40.00
So.Cal.Disinfectg Co. 16. 52; Crane Co. 183. 60
A. Carlisle, 14. 10; Genl Gas Light Co. 163. 49
The Bristol Co. 47. 70; Sprague Meter Co. 512; 60
_ Smith,Booth,Usher Co. . 6.20; H. Mueller Mgg Co. 10, 61
Gen. Gas Mantle Co. 8.82; Jas. Jones Co. 36,00
L. A. Rubber St. Co. 6.05; S.C.Disinfecting Co. 68, 75
Adj .6/13/21 Moved by Trustee Obarr seconded by Trustee Drew to-
adjourn too Monday June 13, 1921, 8 oclock P.M. Carried,
President of the Board o Trustees'
City of Huntington Beach. Attest 4a .
City Clerk & Clerk of hi
• i