HomeMy WebLinkAbout1921-07-11 I - City Hall, Huntington Beach Cal. July 11, 1921. Regular, Pursuant to adjournment of July 5th- the Board of Trus- tees met in regular session. Roll call.. Trustees present Banning, Obarr, Onson, Andrews, Drew Bids for This being the date set for receiving bids to furnish Ford Roadster the Gas Department with a Ford Roadster, Ford Truek Chasis and Truck. Barnett body, fenders and cab, the Clerk opened the bid, Awarded to of Talbert & Co. it being the only one received and was Talbert Co. as follows : also their Ford Roadster regular equipt. $603. 25 offer for Ford Truck Chasis . regular. 695. 79 old Ford. Barnett body, fenders & Cab. 227. 22 $1526. 25 Talbert also make an offer ffir old Ford of 125. 00 Making the .net price for new equipment. 1401. 25 and it was moved by Trustee Obarr seconded -by Trustee Andrews that the bid submitted on the full equipment and price offered for old Ford be 'accepted. Carried. I C.D,Heartwe-11 Request was presented for C. D. Reartwell for permit request for to cut curb to put in driveway to Lots 25 & 27 , Block 207 permit to and it was moved by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Obarr cut curbing that matter be refereed to Street Superintendent. Carried. Ord. #221. Ordinance No. 221, Specifications No. 20 for the Spec. #,-20. construction of Willite pavement was read for the second adopted. time and on motion by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Onson was passed and adopted by the following vote: Ayes. Trustees Obarr, Onson, Andrews, Drew & Manning. Noes, None. Absent None. Ord. #222. Ordinance No. 222, declaring the intention of the 5th St. Imp. Board of Trustees to improve Fifth Street ;by widening Adopted. the same was read for the second time and �on motion by Tr'uatee Obarr '-seconded by Trustee Onson was passed and adopdd by the following vote: Ayes, Trustees Obarr, Onson, -Andrews, Drew & Manning. Noes. None. Absent None. Pac. T.& T. Co. Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. preferred request request is for permission to set poles in alley running N. W. from referred to First Street and in alley running northeasterly to Olive Ave. City Atty. and along the north side of Atlanta Street easterly to the City Limits and it was 'moved by Trustee Drew seconded by Trus- tee Onson that the matter be submitted to the City Attorney. Carried. Com. apptd. Communication received from Ben Schwartz, owner of City to consult. Hall building offering to rent the said building to the City owner of after the - termination of the present lease, August 30th, 1921, City Hall, for a period of three years at a monthly rental of $150.00 in matter of requesting an answer before the 1st of ugust and it was moved Lease. by Trustee Obarr seconded by Trustee Drew that a committee be appointed to consult with Mr. Schwartz before the lst of August, City Attorney to be one of Committee, Carried. President Manning appointed on such committee, Trustees Drew, Andrews and the City Attorney. City E'ngr,to In regard to the request of the Pac. Telephone & Tel Co. commence on for permit to run pole line the City Engineer called attention dedicating to the fact that Lots 1, 2 & 3, of Block 301, purchased by the lots for City several years ago to straighten out connection between street Olive Avenue and Atlanta Street had never been dedicated for purposes. street purposes and it was moved by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Andrews that City Engineer be authorized to draw up papers and run necessary lines to dedicate such portions of the said lots to street purposes as necessary. Carried. fSanitary Moved by Trustee Obarr seconded by Trustee Andrews that Inspector Vern B. Brown be appointed Sanitary Inspector under the di- appointed, rection of the Health Officer with. a salary of $60. 00 per month. Carried. i ,1 1 1 �I r I, fI ij July 11, 1921 2, Subject of condition of streets where cut by Oil Condition of companies in crossing with their pipe lines was brought up ;, streets where and one across Seventeenth Street made by the Standard Oil cut to instalMo. was particularly mentioned and it was moved by Trustee pipes of OilDrew seconded by Trustee Obarr That I;d the matter of the cut Companies, pavement across 17th Street made b Standard Oil Co. be y i; * referred to the Superintendent of Streets . Carried. II Bond to be Moved by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Andrews that I . filed by any person, firm or corporation asking permission to cut parties the pavement on any improved street shall file a bond with wishing to the City Clerk in $1, 000.00 to cover permanent repairs to cut pavement. pavement so cut. Carried. Dance Floor Moved by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Andrews that on City matter of rental of City property covered by dance floor on property, beach be referred to City Attorney. Carried. ��, Petition to Mr. Kyle Howard presented petition asking release from i remove restricted territory of all property lying between Palm & restrictions,Magnolia Avenues, Lake Avenue to 23rd Street, also Mr. Stevens presented petition asking for release from restricts I , ions all property lying between Ocean and Palm A venues II , _ Eighteenth to 23rd Street. and it was moved by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Onson that matter be laid on table until { ' completion of the negotiations started by the City. fxx �. j Roll call was asked and the motion carried by the following f I vote : Ayes. Trustees Obarr, Onson,Andrews,Drew and Manning. T Adjourned. There being no further business it was moved by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Andrews that the Board adjourn. r Carried. Approved . . . . ity Clerk. �I President f th Board of . r steel i of the City of Hun•tingto each, 7� s California, Attest City Clerk and exmofficio Cle of the Board of Trustees o the City of Huntington Be , Calif, 'i i I, I' , ' 1 1 .I I �I