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City Hall, Huntington Beach, Calif. January 10, 1922.. - I
Regular. Board of Trustees of the City of Huntington Beach met in
regular session pursuant to adjournment of January 9th.
Roll call.. Trustees present planning Onson, Obarr & Drewo
Absent Andrews.
Plans fb r new City. Engineer presented completed plans for the additional
Comfort Sta. Toilets to be constructed at the foot of Main Street and
Approved. Itt was moved by Trustee Onson seconded 'by Trustee Obarr
Clerk to advertise that the plans be accepted and' the Clerk instructed to
for bids. advertise for bids to be opened February Sth, 1922.
Champion. Mr. Champion asked that a runnay be constructed down bluff I
to the beach so that mothers with babies in perwabulators
could reach the sand, the city having no right-of-tray
no action could be taken on the request.
City to go on Moved by Trustee Obarr seconded by Trustee Onson that City
record as to Attorney take steps to put the City on record in the
P. E. fares. matter of Pacific Electric Ry. ratese harried.
Camp Ground Moved by trustee Obarr seconded by Trustee Onson that the
discontinued. City disco.ntinud the Camp Ground and that the Chief of
Police be instructed to have all tents removed. Carried..
Treasurer to On the advice from the City Treasurer that the Liberty
sell Liberty Bonds held by the City could be sold at par it was moved
Bonds . by Trustee Onson seconded by Trustee Dreg that, the Treas-
urer be instructed to sell the $5,000.00 Liberty Bonds,-
owned by the City, to 'Kest advantage. Carried. _
Ord . 2-33 amendingOrdinance No . 233 Amending Dance Hall ordinance was read
Dance Ilan Ord. for the second time and it was adopted by the following
adopted. vote on motion by Trustee Obarr seconded by Trustee Dreg:
Ayes, Trustees Obarr, Onson, Dreg and Fanning.
Noes, None. Absent, Andrews .
Grd.#234 Amending- Ordinance No. 234 amending ordinance No 19 as Amended by
19 -8 31 in re/ ordinance No. 31 was read for the second time and on
St. obstructions motion by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Obarr 'was
adopted. passed and adopted by the following voted
Ayes, Trustees Obarr, Onson, .Dreg and Hanninge
Noes, ?`done. Absent, Andrews.
0rc°d.7t235 Fixing Ordinance No. 235 fixing the salaries of certain officers
salaries9rst. of the City was read for first time. �
Lights on 17th & Moved by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Obarr that
!.lain Streets. Street Supt. be instructedk to have Main and 17th Street
illuminated. Carried.
Streets to be Koved by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Obarr that
repaired. a connuittee be appointed -to meet with the Supt. of
Streets and Sari Talbert on Tuesday at one P. `,I. to
go over the streets to arrange for repairs. Carried.
Presiders V t' entire Board to serve on this contmittee. '
Adj . to 1/23/22 0.4 notion regularly put and carried the Board adjourned to �
Monday evening January 23rd, 1922, at .7.30 . I
G/ 4
>� duty Clerk.
Preside the oard of Truste s
of the City of Huntington Beac ,
California. Attest 0 . . . . . . . . . .
City Cl rk and ex-off'ic' erk
of- the Board of T ees of the
City of Hunt' ; on Beach, Calif.
_ l