HomeMy WebLinkAbout1922-09-11 k CITY HALL September •llth, 1922a . . kw REGULAR.- , Pursuant to adjournment, September 5th, the Board was f, called to order at 8 p. me, o _.. f, ROLL CALL.- Trustees present: Onson, Macklin, Obarr, Andrews, Drewo ct absent '-, None =r: G BIDS FOR Mr. Walker of the firm of Walker & Eisen, architects, T 1VEW CITY HALL presented plans for the City Hall, for such alterations as i were desired:, and after all departments had been heard, on motion of Trustee Obarr, seconded by Trustee Macklin, the City Clerk was instructed to advertise for bids on the City Hall® Separate bids to b:e called for,plumbing, heating, electric wiring without fixtures, painting, cement walks, and drive-ways., and the b alamc-e of the work ' in the, general contract® Notices to be published in the Huntington Beach News and such other publications as may be selected by the Clerko Said notice shall be published three times and bids shall be received up to o° clock �! October 3rd, 1922. _ BIDS FOR On motion by Trustee Onson, seconded by Trustee Andrews, NEW ASSELZLY- the City Clerk was instructed to advertise for bids on HALL: the Assembly Hall. Separate bids to b e called for plumb-. ing, heating, electric wiring without fixtures, painting, cement walks, and drive-ways, and the balance of the work in the general contract® Notices to be published in the Huntington Beach News and such other publications as may be selected by the Clerk. Said notice shall be published three times and bids shall be received up to o'clock October 3rd, 1922. BILLS ALLOWED: On motion by Trustee Anson, seconded by Trustee Macklin, the following bills were allowed: Ed Manning .0.00 . . . . . 0 . . . . .$262.15 Ed Manning . . . . . . 0 . 00 . . . o60 43.40 L.g.Rubber Stamp Coo .. . . . . 24o70 He Be. News . 0o . . . 0 . . . 0 . . . . 0 145.70 Los Angeles Trust & Say.Bk. 760.00 j, Eastside Water o m .® . . 0.0 . 0 . 0 1805 W.A.Ga liem Mgr.Lions..Band 100000 BAND MUSIC ON Trustee Macklin presented a request of the Labor Day LABOR DAY.- Committee for an allowance of 45OeO0 in addithn to the $100 previously allowed to defray the expenses of the Band Music . on Labor Day! On motion by Trustee Onson, seconded by ,l'r :tee Machin, the .City Clerk was authorized l to draw a warrant for $50..00 in favor of the Chamber of ! Commerce, who will see that this amount is paid to the Band* REQU4ST FOR A communication from Virginia Hill , making inquiry as to LIVING QUARTERS the possibility of renewing the lease by Mr. Kirkpatrick �= ON END OF PIER of the Tackle Stand on the end of the Pier, in the event BY VIRGINIA HILL she purchased same, was asking permission to construct DENIED.- , living quarters in addithn to the stand, was read and the application denied. I. i • NEW TOILETS Trustee Macklin brought up the matter of the new toilets IN THE 'PIER in the Pier Comfort Stations not working; the matter was COMFORT STATIONS .- referred to the Assistant City Engineer© OILING OLIVE A petition was presented, signed by San Pedro Lumber Co. , !' STREET: .. Republic supply Co. , Huntington Beach Ice Co. , Union Oil Coo , requesting that Olive Street from 3rd to let and from let to Atlanta to the city boundary, be oiled. On motion regularly put and carried, the request was laid on the table. I a Y j I' Y, 1 i I I+ j 1' it September llth, 1922, #2 {' , I REQUEST OF GEORGE The request of George Beam for gas' service at the BEAM FOR GAS SERVICE: corner of Florida and Utica Streets,was presented, and in view of the fact it would require a 600' ex® ill tension of the main, the matter was taken under advisemento AWARDING OF CONTRACT The subject of awarding the contract for collection a FOR COLLECTION OF of garbage was reopened, and V. Um Brown requested GARBAGE: permission to strike out .that clause in his bid sti- pulating that the city should prohibit the placing of certain articles in the garbage, inasmuch as City Ordinance is now in effect governing this action. On motion by Trustee Obarr, seconded by Trustee Macklin, , all bids were rejected, with the exception of V. U. jY Brown, and contract awarded to Mir. Brown. The City Attorney .being instructed to draw up contract and pass on bond offered by Mira Brown. Carried. ADOPTION OF Ordinance #249, fixing the limits of Fire District #1 ? ! I ORDINANCE #249 Qwas read for the second time, and adopted by the FIXING LIMITS OF followin vote : FIRE DIST. #1. yes m Onson, Macklin, Obarr, Andrews, Drew I, l Noes m None I' Absent - None CUTTING CURB Street Superintendent Gates presented a request for � 3 4 ON LOT '1, BLOCK 702: permission to cut the curb on Lot 1, Block 702. Motion regularly put and carried- permission was granted. EMPLOYING TEMPORARY City Olerk requested permission of the Board to STENOGRAPHER: employ' a stenographer in his office until October lst, in order to bring the work up to date, and on motion o of Trustee Macklin, seconded by Trustee Obar' r, this action was authorized. �I ADJOURNI&-NTa. On motion by Trustee Macklin, seconded by Trustee Obarr, the Board adjourned. �I+ Lw L� i CITY 06LERKO ' APPROVE D° BPresident of the board of rustees of the City of Huntington Beach, Calif. I fittest: City Clerk and ®officio Clerk of the Board of Trustees of the City of Huntington Beach, Calif. r � �ll I i ,j I ,