HomeMy WebLinkAbout1923-01-02 y 4 CITY HALL, January 2nd, 1923. REGULAR: Regular meeting called to orddr at 7:30 p. m. by President Drew. ROLL CALL : Trustees present - Onson, Obarr, Andrews , Drew. " absent - Macklin The minutes for the month of December were read by the Clerk and on motion by Trustee Obarr, seconded by Trustee Andrews , were approved. READING OF Reports of the Building Inspector, City Treasurer, City REPORTS: Clerk and City Recorder, were read , and on motion by Trustee Onson, seconded by Trustee Andrews , accepted and ordered placed on file . Communication from E. C. Aright was read, requesting a portion of the insurance to be placed on the new city buildings , which was ordered placed on file. A copy of a resolution passed by the Lion' s Olub of Huntington Beach was read, declaring the intention of the club to support the movement of paving Ocean Avenue. This resolution was accepted and ordered placed on file. PERMIT TO A communication received from A. C. Loomis, present CONDUCT owner of the Avalon Pool Hall -, which was referred to Chief of Police AVALON POOL Tinsley, on December 26th, was reportedp� ib�ht�,}�ief Tinsley for HALL : granting of a permit to conduct this pool hail, and on motion by Trustee Obarr, seconded by Trustee Onson, the reque2t was granted. TRA1TSFER OF The Clerk presented a bill covering the gas used for STRE;,;T LAL,H' street lam s from July lst, 1922 , to December 31st, 1922, in the ITEM FROM amount of 9896.08 , requesting authority to transfer this amount STFE;ET' TO from the Street fund to the Gas Department. On motion by Trustee GAS DEPT. : Andrews , seconded by Trustee Obarr, the transfer was authorized. JOSEPH VAVIUt Joseph Vavra appeared and took the oath of office as TADS OATH City Treasurer. His bond was presented in the amount of y 25,000 OF OFFICE'. AS which was supplied by the American Surety Company, v,&4 accepted on CITY TREAS. : motion by 'Trustee Obarr , seconded by Trustee Onson. Ord. -�54 Ordinance #254 was ?given the second reading and adopted by the following vote : Ayes - Trustees Andrews, Obarr, Onson, Drew Noes - None Absent - Macklin Ord. 255 Ordinance #255 was given the second reading and adopted by the following vote : Ayes - Trustees Andrews , Obarr, Onson, Drew Noes - None Absent - Macklin BOND OF The bond of V. U. Brown for performance of garbage con- V.U.BROWN: tract awarded September llth, 1922, which was signed by T. B. Talbert and W. i�. McKee , was approved by Trustee Obarr, seconded by Trustee Onson. President Drew brought up the subject of the new tele- IM,411 TE'LE- phone directory just issued by the Huntington Beach Telephone Corn- PHONE DIREC-parry, stating that the company had left out the names of the TORY• Smeltzer subscribers in this issue , and in view of the fact it had been the practice of the company for approximately fifteen years to include these names in the Huntington Beach Directory as a courtesy to the subscribers, he felt that some action should be taken to determine whether or not this service could be withdrawn from the subscribers without a hearing before the Railroad Commission. After considerable discussion, on motion by Trustee Obarr, seconded by Trustee Andrews, City Attorney was instructed to take up the matter of the telephone service and change in directory with the Railroad i t 111 � I I Page #2 - Minutes January 2nd. Commission asking for a hearing. Trustee Macklin arrived at 9:50 p. M. t { The subject of paving Ocean Avenue was brought up, and FE: PLATTER OF Engineer Gates stated that his plans called for a 60' roadway PAVING OCEAN leaving 20' on each side for walks and parkings. Afterdiscus- AVE. : Sion, it was the opinion of the Board that in view of the fact t that the Pacific Electric Railway parallels the outer edge of this pavement, there will be no necessity for walks on the outer side and that it would be advisable to pave this additional 20' making an 601 pavement from 1st to 23rd Streets, and Engineer Gates was instructed to revise his figures on this basis. Street Superintendent Gates reported to the Board that VOTE OF TH[,'L:KS the Boy Scouts during the past week had rendered valuable ser- TO BOY SCOUTS vice to the City in cleaning up the alleys and that he felt some , FOR ASSIS`1'ING recognition should be shown the organization, suggesting that IN CLEAIdING the clerk should be instructed to write them, offering thanks A,LL'EYS: of the Board for the service rendered. On motion by Trustee a Obarr, seconded by Trustee Onson, it was so ordered. f PURCHASE OF On motion by Trustee Macklin, seconded by 'trustee Onson, i FIIU: DEPT. the Fire Chief was instructed to purchase water-proof coats, APPAia-L : pants , and helmets, required by the Fire Department. i On motion by Trustee Onson, seconded by Trustee Macklin ' BIDS ALLOSED: the following bids were approved by the Finance Committee and allowed: ; Richard Drew $25.00 Sam Isom $123.25 A. Onson 25.00 E. H. Smith 200.00 J. H. Macklin 25.00 J. 0. Tinsley 112.50 i R. L. Obarr 25.00 Jack Colvin - 125.00 C. J. Andrews 25.00 Fred Candee- 125.00 j C. E. Lavering 25.00 Thos. Van Talbert 12.00 L. W. Blodget 125.00 C. W. Booth 101.70 C. % Warner 75.00 Frank Parcel 84.00 17. R. Wright 250.00 E. M. Driver 4.00 Grace M. Brose 1275.00 Thos. Van Talbert 12.00 Gertrude Catching 100.00 Thos. VanTalbert 12.00 Gertrude Schumm 100.00 R. E. Trainer 2. 25 Helen N. Fountain ✓' 100.00 A. G. Lingle 4.00 Clint Creamer 150.00 B. F. Windham. 65.50 R. E. Clark 150.00 Sam Isom 4.00 E. Hill ✓ 125.00 W. R. Garrett 10.00 . R. Garrett 115.00 H. B. Vol. Fire Dept. 54.00 ` J. D. Godfrey 106.00 R. M. Blodget 100.00 ' Mrs. E. G. Black 30.00 Dan Kingston 5.00 V. U. Brown 180.00 E. F. Lane 5.00 George Tinsley, 15.00 C. A. Creamer 13.30 J. Tinsley 200.00 C. N. Whittam, Agt. 125.00 R. Choat 150.00 T. C. DeLapp, P. M. 22.00 Dan Kingston 125.00 Louis F. Gates 34.77 Roy Ballard _ 175.00 W. H. Jones 220.00 J. L. Stanton, 150.00 W. H. Jones 280;00 Perry Ballard 150.00 Catching Bros. &o Co. 231.00 F. B. Miles 100.00 Vd. R. Wright.Trustee, 24.79 J. K. Sargent 150.00 Huntington Beach News 190.70 Louis F. Gates 125.00 J. K. McDonald 240.00 Louis F, Gates 125.00 J. K. McDonald 132.50 Geo. Handley 115.59 Huston,Syter & Huston, 162.50 J. C. Handley 100.00 E. C. Wright 40.00 J. Harpold 96.00 R. E. McIntosh 11.15 F. Parcel 100.00 R. E. McIntosh 19.68 G. Paladino N/ 101.50 H. F. Gramlich 4.00 D. C. Mathis 96.00 R. C. Echols 5.50 E. M. Driver 100.00 Pacific Auto &o Supply 15.25 J. H. Torres 88.00 Union Oil Co . of Calif.248.55 G. A. Stringer 68.00 G. C . Neibuhr 6.80 A. Taylor 100.00 Anderson &e Hinton 68.46 S. Talbert 192.00 H. B. Machine & Forge 6.40 4 ` a 1 1 1 r Page #3 - Minutes, January 2nd , 1923. i 0. B. Drug Co. 29.45 Mathews Paint Co. .50 R. J. Prescott 13.46 Orange County Treas. 272.20 Jack M. Whitney Lbr.Co. 8.10 Eastside Water Co. 18.75 Holly Sugar Corp. 21.13 Chas. R. Hadley Co,. 18.77 Crane Co. 4.56 Chas.Kaufmann & Sons 6.50 Standard Oil Co. 5.05 Vm.T. Lindstrom Co. 4.10 Beacon Light Co. 5.52 Brown-Bevis Co. 1.44 Reliance Mfg. Co. 137.50 Southern Cos.GasCo. 1309.86 Ben Schwartz 150.00 'P Calif.Edison 283.58 Beacon Light Co. 22.54 It n " 446.03 Chanslor & Lyon Co. 54.14 Yeager Rock Co. 32.25 Welsbach Co. 110.00 I Shinn-Holtz-Lyon Co. 36.67 L.A. Rubber Stamp Co. 8.05 TO PREPAIE ORU. On motion by Trustee Obarr, seconded by Trustee Onson CALLING BOND the City Attorney was instructed t,,,o prepare ordinance ' calling ELECTION FOR bond election for paving and lighting Ocean Avenue , and re- PpVING & LIGH12IIIG surfacing portion of Delaware andl7th Streets. OCEAN AVE. : c There being no further business , the Board adjourned ' AD JOURN_MNT: to January Sth, 1923, at 7:30 p. m. - CITY C ERK. f l { PRESIDENT OF BOARD--- ATTEST : CITY CLERK. Y i 6 ' A • 1 1