HomeMy WebLinkAbout1923-01-15 CITY HALL , January 15th, 1923,
REGULAR: Pursuant to adjournment January 8th, the regular meeting
was called to order at 7:30 p. m. by President Drew.
ROLL CALL: Trustees present e Onson, Macklin, Obarr, Drew.
J F2 absent Andrews
A communication was read signed by Mess. Knoth and
HE> NEW Zanetti who have purchased the pool hall owned by Lawton & Jones,
LICENSE FOR requesting a permit to conduct this pool hall under the new owner-
POOL HALL : ship and granting of license for same. This request mas referred to
Chief of Police Tinsley, on motion by Trustee Obarr, seconded by
Trustee Macklin.
REFUSAL OF The application of L. Koppl for a permit to conduct a
ANOTHER pool hall in the Dewy Building, corner of Olive and Main Streets,
a POOL HALL : was denied on motion of Trustee Obarr, seconded by Trustee Onson.
TRUSTED. ONSON Trustee Onson was appointed by President Drew to act on
TO ACT ON the Finance Committee in the absence of Trustee Andrews.
The Library Report for the month of December was read,
and on motion by Trustee Obarr, seconded by Trustee Macklin, was ac-
cepted and ordered placed on file.
RE: INSTALLA- A communication signed by Mrs. Mary Wupperman, Yuma,
TION OF NEW Arizona, was read requesting that a street light be installed at the
corner of Magnolia and Lake Avenue and on motion by Trustee Obarr,
STREET LIGHTS seconded by Trustee Onson, the City Clerk was instructed to write
Mrs. Wupperman, advising her of the program now being carried out
with reference to installing lights in the city.
- Mr. Ray Edwards, manager of Foster 8c Kleiser, who have
LICENSE TO purchased the business of Harnois & Son, who have bill boards in
NEW BILL BOARIthe city, addressed the Board with reference to the issuing of- li-
CONCERN°° cense for the conduct of business in Huntington Beach. Mr. Edwards
was assured that license would be granted, and the clerk was instruct-
ed to advise him of the amount due , at once.
ORD. #256 Ordinance #256, regulating the construction and operation l
: FILLING of gasoline filling stations was given second reading, and on motion
STATIONS° by Trustee Macklin, seconded by Trustee Onson, was adopted by the
following vote :
Ayes: Onson, Macklin, Obarr, Drew
Noes: None
Absent = Andrews
ORD. #257 Ordinance #257 providing for a bond election for the
BE: PAVING & purpose of paving and lighting Ocean ,Avenue and paving portions of
LIGHTING 17th Street and Delaware Avenue , was given first reading.
Trustee Macklin brought up the matter of failure to pro-
perly repair, "treets where the pavement has been cut by the Hunt-
NOTIFY H.B. ington Bead company for the purpose of laying water mains, and
CO. : TO REPAIRaf ter some discussion on motion by Trustee Macklin, seconded by
Trus' Onsonn the City Attorney was instructed to notify Huntington
PAvel)ENTS : Beac ompanyto properly repair these pavements at once , and upon
failure to do so that he should prepare a complaint to be signed
by the Street Superintendent Gates.
Trustee Macklin requested the City Attorney be instructed
RE: POOR to confer with Southern California Edison Company with reference to
LIGHTING the lighting service being rendered. He stated that at times the
SERVICE°° lights were so poor that they were practically useless, and felt
that better service should be demanded.
On motion by Trustee Macklin, seconded by Trustee Obarr,
NOTIFY BONDS- City Attorney was instructed to notify the bondsmen of Ridenour
MEN FOR iiIDE- Brothers, contractors, for the construction of the Pier Comfort Station
NOUR BROS. TO to proceed with the completion of the contract.
COMPLETE PIER On motion by Trustee Obarr, seconded by Trustee Macklin,
Page #2 Minutes January 15th, 1923.
DISCONTINUE the drinking fountain at the corner of Main and Walnut Streets ,
DRINKING was ordered discontinued, and the City Clerk was instructed to
FOUNTAIN:, notify the Huntington Beach Water Company to discontinue service.
Trustee ldaggklin brought up the subr;ect of having a
AUDIT OF thorough audit made of the City Treasurer's books, as he felt it was
CITY TRFAS. 'Sonly fair to Mr. Lavering and Mr. Vavra to have this audit con-
BOOKS: ducted at this time, and on motion .by Trustee Macklin, seconded by
Trustee Onson, the City Clerk was authorized to employ a competent-
auditor to perform this work.
A map of .tract 382, being situated near Wintersburg, was
presented, and on motion by Trustee Macklin, seconded by Trustee
Obarr,was approved.
Street Superintendent Gates reported that the approximate
INSTALLATION cost of installation of street lighting standards, constructed of
OF ADDITION- iron pipe, would be $25.00_ for the complete job per light. On
motion by Trustee Macklin, seconded by Trustee Obarr, the Street
AL STIUf _ET Superintendent was instructed to install 25 lights at locations
I LIGHTS: selected by Superintendent Gates.
BILL On motion by Trustee Onson, seconded by Trustee Macklin,
ALLOWED: the demand of the City Treasurer covering principal and interest
due on street assessment on city property in the amount of $511.96
j was allowed.
ADJOURNMENT : There being no further business , the Board adjourned
until Monday evening 7030 p. m. January 22nd, 1923.