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CITY HALL , January. 22nd, 1923.
REGULAR: Pursuant to adjournment January 15th, regular meet-
ing was called to order by President Drew.
ROLL CALL: Trustees present - Onson, Macklin, Andrews, Drew
. absent - Obarr
The communication of L. 0. Knotts and M. Zanetti,
PERI1tISSION TO requesting permission to conduct a pool hall , located at #136 -
! CONDUCT POOL Main Street, having purchased the interests of Lawton & Jones,
HALL: which was referred to Chief of Police Tinsley on January 15th,
and reported favorably by him, was brought up for approval, and 1
on motion by Trustee Onson, seconded by Trustee Macklin, the re-
quest was granted.
BOND OF The bond of D. A. Dale, plumbing contractor, was pre- f
D.A.DALE sented, and on motion by Trustee Macklin, seconded by Trustee
APPROVED: Andrews, same was approved.
c Communication signed by Charles A. Harter was read,
ADVERTISING outlining a proposed advertising campaign to be carried on in the
CAIAPAIGN IN interest of Huntington Beach, and Mr. harder being present ad-
Il`I`.i'LFF-S'T OF dressed the Board with reference to this proposed advertising cir-
HUNTINGTON cular. No action waa taken on the matter, with the understanding
BEACH APPROVED that Mr. Harder would interview business men of the city and re- �)
port progress in that respect.
REPORT OF The City Attorney reported on the following matters
CITY. ATTORNEY that were referred to him January 15th:
The matter of flood water on Clay Street had been j
FLOOD I'ATER taken up with the District Attorney, and assurance was given that
`AT CLAY ST. : definite action would be taken.
In the matter of the Pacific Palisades Association, suit
PACIFIC PA- the Superior Court had rule., sustaining demurrer of City of j
LISADES ASSN. Huntington Beach, establishing the - validity of the Ordinance
SUIT: vr.e4tricting_ oil operations in' certain portions of Huntington Beach.
BONDSI,MN OF In the matter of Pier Comfort Station, Ridenour Brothers,
RIDENOU , BROS- contractors, the City Attorney notified the bondsmen of above men-
TO COMPLETE tinned contractors, to complete work covered by their contract, and
PIER COItIFORT during the week Ridenour Brothers have been active in pushing the X
STATION: work to completion butBui;.ding Inspector Gates informed the Board
there were numerous unsatisfactory items',that`:must be corrected
before he would pass the building. +I
Repairing damaged pavements by Huntington Beach,--Co-. and
REAPS.IRING others, the City Attorney Blodgett notified Huntington Beach Com-
DAMA.GES PAVE- pany, H. Bo Anderson,Assistant Manager, to proceed forthwith to
i+ANTS: repair damaged pavements where same was caused by laying of their
pipe lines, and he was advised that the Huntington Beach Company,
foreman had instructions to repair these pavements at once.
APPOINTING OF City Attorney Blodgett reported that the following !ap-
APPRAISERS: praisers had been appointed by the court to set the values on pro-
perty condemned for widening 5th Street: D. 0. Stewart, J. K. pi
McDonald, Reuben Catching.
Trustee Oba rr arrived at 8:15 p. m.
IMPROVEIZNT City Attorney Blodgett reported that the General Manager
" IN TELEPHONE of the United States Long Distance Telephone Company, also 'J. L.
f SERVICE PRO-' Adams, Commercial Agent of the Pacific Telephone & TeleBraph Com- !�
MISED: pany, and B. Ho Snowden of the Huntington Beach Telephone Company
had called on him at his office and advised that three additional
toll lines were now in operation between Huntington Beach and Long
Beach, and that within two weeks the United States Long Distance
Company would have three additional lines direct connection to Los
Angeles and felt that this would render satisfactory long distance
service to Huntington Beach for some time.
Minutes - January 22nd, 1923 - Page #2.
SECOND READING Ordinance #257 providing for the calling of Bond
ORD. #257 Election for the purpose of financing paving and lighting of
CALLING FOR - Ocean Avenue and portion of Delaware and 17th Streets,was given
BOND ELECTION: second reading, and on motion by Trustee Obarr, seconded by
Trustee Onson, was passed and adopted by the following vote :
Ayes - Trustees Onson, Macklin, Obarr, Andrews , Drew
Noes - None
Absent - None
PERMISSION TO Permission was granted Ed Champagne to cut the
CUT CURB : curb at #501 - 16th Street on motion by Trustee Macklin, seconded
by Trustee Onson.
PERMISSION TO Permission was granted Ben Lindley to out the curb
CUT CURB: at #402 - 8th Street on motion by Trustee Onson, seconded by
Trustee Obarr.
The matter of completion of contract of Ed Manning,
COMPLETIO11 OF contractor, on the Pier Comfort Station, was brought up, and in
PIER COTJFORT view of the fact his contract has been completed for more than
i STATION: sixty days, and that Building Inspector Gates states that the
work was entirely satisfactory, the Clerk was instructed to draw
a warrant for the balance due Mr. Manning on this contract, being
the amount of $300.00. °
REPORT ON On motion by Trustee Macklin, seconded by Trustee
JAIL EQUIP- Andrews, Chief of Police Tinsley was instructed to secure infor-
VIENT: motion looking to the purchase of necessary jail equipment and
report back as soon as possible on this matter.
On motion by Trustee Obarr, seconded by Trustee Onson,
BILLS ALLOWED: the following demands were allowed:
Ed Manning $1702.00
Ed Manning 300.00
ADJOURNMENT: On motion regularly put and carried the Board ad-