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' f I I I i ` a 1 it CITY HALL APRIL 9th, 1923. REGULAR Pursuant to adjournment April 2nd, the regular meeting was called to order at 8: P. M. by President Drew. � IN lulil Trustees Present: Macklin, Obarr, Andrews and Drew. Roll Call Trustee Absent: Onson. IN RE Report of the City Librarian for the month of March was Report of City read and on motion of Trustee Macklin seconded by Librarian Trustee Obarr, same was accepted and ordered placed on file. IN RE Communication signed by the City Clerk and Ex-afficio Confirmation- Assessor requesting confirmation of the appointment of Appointment R.C. R. C. Steward as Deputy Assessor effective only during I� Steward, Deputy lass. the time necessary to assess the personal property for the current year, was read and on motion of Trustee Obarr, seconded by Trustee Andrews, the appointment was confirmed, effective March 27th, compensation to be at the rate of $7.00 per day. i IN RE Communication signed by the City Clerk asking confir- f, Confirmation of mation of the appointment of V. E. Fixsen, at a salary Appointment of V.E. of $150.00 per month to act as Assistant to the City Fixsen, Asst. to Clerk, was read and on motion by Trustee Macklin, � City Clerko seconded by Trustee Obarr, same was approved. IN RE On written request submitted by the Supt. of the Gas Instruction of Dept. for authority to purchase a Ford ioadster, the Clerk to advertise motion was offerred by Trustee Macklin, seconded by I for bids on Ford Trustee Obarr, instructing the City Clerk to advertise Roadster9 Gas Dept. for bids for the above roadster, same to be received up to the hour of 8: P. M. April 30th, 1923. IN RE This being the time for receiving bids for Jail equip- 1� Iliscussion df bid ment in accordance with published notices in the for Jail equipment Huntington Beach News, the Clerk opened and declared the following bid: Brombacher Iron works , price com- plete in accordance with plans and Specifications on file, $3500.00 erected and installed complete , includ- ing two coats of battleship gray paint. There being but one bid submitted, Trustee Obarr asked for further information as to the possibility of securing other bids, and the matter was temporarily laid over until it II Chief of Police Tinsley should arrive. ' f IN RE Mr. Dimit of the V1. P. Jeffrys Co. addressed the Board 1.1r. Dimit of the soliciting the work of printing the bonds which the W.P. Jeffrys Co. City is about to issue. President Drew informed !Ar. soliciting printing Dimit that the Board did not wish to place the order of $300,000.00 muni- without hearing other representatives of printing cipal bonds. houses who would appear when the bonds were sold. i In Re A representative of the Church of Christ appeared before Request of Church of the Board asking permission to use Circle Park Sunday II Christ to use Circle the 15th of April , for a basket lunch, stating that the Park for Basket Lunch Park would be left in first class condition. 0n motion granted. of Trustee Obarr, seconded by Trustee Maklin, per- i mission was granted for the use of the Park. I' I b ' J 1 Y1 i r -2- Minutes of Apr. 9th, Cont'd. l IN RE Mr. E. D. Burke addressed the Board in behalf of the xiepresentative of Oil Committee from the Dil Workers Union with reference to Workers Union heard the proposed amendment to the Building Ordinance and with reference to President Drew informed hi m that the Ordinance was proposed amendment of not ready for further reading and suggested that the Building irdinance. Board would be pleased to have a conference with interested parties and it was agreed that they would meet Thursday Evening April 12th, at which time the Board would hear the views of any one desiring to be heard. IN RE Frank Swartz , of the Chamber of Commerce appeared be- Lb?. Swartz of Chamber fore the Board in the interest of securing a site of Commerce in referencefor an Auto Camp Grounds for the City ; stating that to matter of securing he had approached the Huntington Beach Company recent- a Public Auto Park* ly with reference to securing the old ball park, East of town. Mr. Anderson suggested that he take the matter up with the City Trustees. On motion by Trustee Macklin, seconded by Trustee Obarr, Mr. Swartz was authorized to confer further with the Huntington Beach Company endeavoring to get a definite proposcl for leasing the ground in question and report back to the Board at their next meeting. IN HE A map of Tract No. 436 was submitted and on motion of Approval of Trustee Obarr, seconded by Trustee Macklin, same was Tract # 436. approved. IN RE The matter of awarding the contract for Jail fixtures Brombacher Iron Works was again taken up and on motion of Trustee Macklin, awarded contract for seconded by Trustee Andrews, the bid of the Brom- Jail equipment. backer Iron Works was accepted, the work to be com- pleted 5 weeks from this date , at a price of $3500 installed complete. IN RE Trustee Onson arrived at 8:45 P. M. —Arrival of Trustee Onson t - IN iiE Major Harter advised the Board that he would have the Reference to Adver- proof of the advertising folders ready for inspection tising at the informal-'meeting to be held Thursday evening. IN RE Building Inspector Gates presented a drawing of a Proposed garage and proposed Garage and Apartment Building to be erected rpartment Building, by Mr. 'Tuttlebach on lot 10, Block 117 , located at _ 18th & Ocean, the corner of 18th and Ocean Avenue. In view of the continued. fact that the proposed plan provided for setting the buildings out upon the property lines , -air. Tuttlebach was informed that an informal meeting would bR held Thursday evening to discuss the Building Qrdiance and that it was the desire of the Board that no action of the Board be taken before that time. IN RE Mr. Elliott appeared before the Board in behalf of Tyr. Elliott in property owners on 5th St. asking the status of the reference to hastening proceedings for widening of 5th St. and offering proceedings for widen- any assistance that they might give in hastening ing 5th Street the completion of this matter. Attorney Blodget stated that it would require at least 90 days to complete the proceedings and that the matter must go through the regular channels and the full time would be required for legal proceedings. IN RE Res. #393 instructing the Clerk to advertise for bids for the sale of Huntington Beach Municipal bonds , 1923 Resolution #393 amount of $300,000.00, same to be received April 30th 1923 up to the hour of 8: P. 11. was read and on motion by trustee Onson, seconded by Trustee Maklin, same was adopted by the vote as shown on the copy of said Resolution which is included and made a part of these minutes. -3- Minutes of Apr. 9th Cont 'd. � IN RE President Drew informed the Board that he had been advised by Mr. Stonerod of Walker and Eisen, 14a.tter pertaining to Architects that he was unable to secure an es- change of circular timate on construction of a circular counter and counter(£ obscure glass) obscure glass partitions for the business office to octagon in shape for of the City Hall , because of the manufacturers business office of the inability to secure curved obscure glass and that 1dew City Hallo he recommended installation of an octagon counter r and partition to be constructed of oak, stating that he had a price of $890.00 for such a fixture complete , except the painting and that Clark Brothers proposed to allow accredit on their con- tract of 400.00 to cover theCdnstruction of par- titions withoutthe counter. On motion of Trustee + Macklin, seconded by Trustee Onson, the President of the Board was authorized to sign an order for this extra work, forwarding same to Walker and Eisen for execution. IN im On motion by Trustee Oba rr, seconded by Trustee Macklin, the President of the Board was authoriz- Extra order in favor ed to sign an extra order in favor of Clark of Clark Brothers Brothers in the amount of $30.00 covering the for �30.00- change in the Specifications of the Iron Rail- Iron Railing to be in- ing to be installed on the main stairway of the stalled on main stairway City Hall. of City mall. IN RE Mr. S. C. Minor appeared as spokesman for a committee representing the Loyal Order of the Application of S. C. Moose with reference to securing the New Audi- Iiinor of Loyal Order of torium for the purpose of putting on an enter- the i`ioose , to hold tainment as the opening event for the new build- opening event in the ing. President Drew informed Mr. Minor that New City hall Bldg. other applications- had been previously filed � and as the Board had taken no definite action he suggested that a written communication be filed with the City Clerk for future action . IN RE Supt. of the Gas Dept. 'asked for.";Anstruction as to the installation of necessary bins and work Supt. Gas Dept. instruct- benches in the gas shop in the new City Hall, ed to secure necessary and on motion by Trustee Andrews, seconded by work benches etco for Trustee Macklin the Supt. was instructed to make new building. such installations as he ddemed necessary for the proper handling of the business. IN HE The matter of selecting furniture for the City Hall was discussed and the Clerk instructed to i4atters pertaining to prepare a list of furniture required for the furniture for the various offices , together with estimated cost new City Hall Bldg. of same for consideration by the committee _ appointed at the meeting of April 2nd . The Clerk was also instructed to prepare an estimatS of the area of linoleum that in his judgment should be needed for the new City Hall , and the estimated cost thereof. I IN RE Trustee Ida,cklin brought up the matter of cleaning of residential lots and the Street Supt. was in- !datter pertaining to structed to make further effort to have property cleaning Residential owners complete this work without having the ; . lots. same done at the expense of the City, since cost of same would have to be collected from the various owners with their taxes. IN BE City Engineer reported progress on the matter of Progress-opening of opening Clay Street crossing. Clay St. -Crossing. IN HE The following bill was allowed: Sweetser & Bill allowed Sweetser & Baldwin Safe Co. $186.20 Baldwin Safe Co. $186. 20 f � E ~----- -4- Minutes of Apr. 9th, 1923. IN RE On motion by Trustee Obarr, seconcled by Trustee Macklin, the Board adjourned to -Monday, evening Adjournment 8: 2. Phi. April 16th, 1923. City Clerk President, Board of ',01ty Trustees ATTEST: City Clerk _ F 0 ti i r 1 "NOTICE INVITING SE. +" ) PROPOSALS" S NOTICE OF SALE OF iUNICI2AL BOOS OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA. 3 4 Sealed pr©pbsals will be received by the undersigned, 5 City Clerk of , untington Beach, County of Orange, State of Cali- � d: oo I, 6 fornia, at the office of said Clay Clerk, until the hour of lltmbg . 7 p. Ma. on SMond.sy the 30th day of April, 1923 for the purchase of g Bonds in the sum of 300,000*00, designated as "Huntington Beach 11 9 Municipal. Bonds, 1923" and said Bonds shall be three hundred (300) 10 in number of the de,nomi na ti on of one thousand ($1,000 0 00) dollars 11, each and all of said Bonds shall be dated May let, 1923 and shall 12 be parable at the office of tho City Treasurer of the City of 13 Huntington Beach, California.-as follows: Fifteen. (lh) of said ,I 14 Bonds shall be payable on the first day of May of each year be- 16 ginning 1--fay 1st, 1924 and all of said Bonds shell bear interest 16 at,.the rate of 5% per annum, payable semi-annually on the first 17 day of May and the first day of November of each and every year, :gip m 18 interest payments' beginning November let, 1923 at the office of 19 the City Treasurer of said City of Huntington Beach and the prin- 20 cipa.l and interest thereof, shall be payable in lawful money of 21 the United States at the office of said City Treasurer of said I 22 City of huntington Beach. 23 Sand Bonds are to be issued in accordance with the ro-� x p 24 visions of an .Act of legislature of the State of California, on- 26 titled, "An Act authorizing the incurring of indebtedness by 26 cities, towns and Municipal Corporations for .'unicipa,l improvement27 s and regulating the acquisition, construction and completionyw 28 thereof" which became a law February 25th, 1901, and all Acts or 29 parts of Acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto, and in 30 accordance with the general incorporation .Acts of the State of I� 31 California. for cities of the Si tk Class, and the Ordinances of 32 said City* J { I 1 � 3 I I' I I � s _ ", y � •. ,r = ' 'a ." "� ,- t> ! µ,de too I� � C+ 1 � � 1 1 1 l I n ♦ y � I LJ f Proposals will be received for all or any portion of said 2 fj Bonds. No proposals for said Bonds will be entertained for less than face value together with accrued interest to date of delivery 3 of said Bonds. 4 All proposals Faust be accompanied by a certified check 5 6 drawn upon a responsible bank of the State of California and pay- ; able to the City Treasurer of the City of Huntington Beach, for 7 8 the sum of three thousand ($3,000.00) dollars as a guarantee that 9 the bidder will purchase and pay for said Bonds in accordance 17ith t 10 the proposal in the event such bid is accepted. 11 Proposals will be addressed to the City Clerk of the City i 12 of Huntington Beach and will be dndorsed "Proposals for Purchase , 13 of Bonds". 14 The Board of Trustees of the said City reserves the right 15 to reject any and all bids and to waive an�r formality in any bid 16 as the interests of said City may require. 17 By order of the Board of Trustees of the City of Huntington a..ot%�aw�.e d 18 Beach made at its^Hegular Idee ting, held April 19 City Clerk and -o ficio Ulerk of the 20 Board of Trustees of the City of Huntington Beach, Cal ifo mia. 21 The foregoing Resolution was adopted at Negular mecting 22 of the Board of `.aTrus tees of said C:i ty of :iuntington B eacb.., held on 23 the (T4' day of April, 1923 by an affirmative vote of at 24 least four Trustees , to-wit: 25 AYES: Trustees (?UAe-uJ 26 NOES: Trus toes `'1/t�•d;-..a.R_ I 27 ABSENT: Truce tees to- 28 Signed and approved day of Ap i.1, 1923. � 29 30 President of the Board `Trustees of the City of Huntington Leach, California. 31 AVMST:` 32 City Clerk and ex-9,Tficio Clerk of the Board of Trustees of the City of Huntington Beach, California