HomeMy WebLinkAbout1923-04-16 CITY HALL , April 16th, 1923. J EGULAR Pursuant to adjournment, April 9th the Board was called to order by .President Drew at 8: P.M. ROLL CALL The roll was called and the following named # Trustees were present: Trustee Obarr, Andrews , Onson, Drew and Macklin; Absent, Trustees None. In Re A communication was read, signed by May S. Christian Science Society Jackson,Clerk of the Christian Science Society request for Auditorium of Huntington Beach, requesting the use of the June 29th. Auditorium for the evening of June 29th. On motion by Trustee Macklin, seconded by Trustee Onson, the request was granted on con- dition that the Building is completed and ready for use at that time. IN RE A communication from the Loyal order of the Moose Request from Loyal was read, requesting use of the Auditorium for Order Of The loose an entertainment; it being their desire that they for opening entertainment be allowed to give the opening entertainment. in the l:ew Auditorium. On motion by Trustee Obarr, seconded by Trustee Andrews , the communication was accepted and placed on file. IN RE Communication from Chief of Police Tinsley was Confirmation of read asking confirmation of the appointment of appointment of Ray Brad- Ray Bradfield as Motor Patrollman, at a salary , field- Llotor Patrollrt an of $165.00 per month. On motion by Trustee Onson, seconded by Trustee Macklin, the appointment was approved. IN ICE Official notice of the hearing of the Railroad Notice of hearing of Commission in the matter of the Huntington Beach H.B.Telephone Co. Telephone Company vs. the City of Huntington Beach vs. City of A_. B. to be held in the City Hall , May 3rd at 10,: A.M. , lay 3rd at 10: A.W. 1923, was read and on motion by Trustee Macklin seconded by Trustee Andrews , the City Attorney was instructed to appear and take such action as was necessary in the interest of the City. IN HE A communication from the League of the Southwest Communication-League of was accepted and placed on file, on motion by Southwest, accepted. 12rustee Obarr. IN HE President Drew announced that the representative April 20th selected as of the Warranite Paving Company ired to take date to look over `��arranitethe Board on a trip of inspectionriday, , April _Waving. 20th was selected as the date for looking over Warranite paving. IN RE her. Chattuck of the Standard Oil Company appeared April 23 selected as date in behalf of the asphalt department , requesting to look over Asphalt that Board inspect various types of asphalt paving paving and it was agreed that the Board would accompany him on i,flonday, April 23rd. IN RE Ordinance # 260 was given second reading and on motion by Trustee Macklin, seconded by Trustee Ordinance #260 Onson, same was p&ssed and approved by the follow- second reading. ing vote : Ayes: Trustees Drew, Macklin, Obarr, 4ndrews and Onson. Noes : Trustees None. Absent: Trustee ane. IN Ids' Ord. #261 was given second reading and on motion by ° Ordinance #261 Trustee Obarr, seconded by Trustee xdacklin, same was second reading. adopted byy the following vote : Ayes Trustees Onson iflacklin, Obarr' Andrews and Drew. Noes Trustees None , Absent_: Trustees None. i Page J2 Minutes of April 16th. IN M At the request of the Assessor, the following committee Appointment of was -appointed to make ahcappraisal of the cash values committee to make of taxable real estate and improvements within the an appraisal of City limits to be used by the Assessor in fixing the Beal Estate to aid assessed values for the coming year: Assessor , _ J.' YL . McDonald , W. H. 'Taylor and Thos. Berry. The Clerk was instructed to notify these gentlemen. IN RE Fire Chief Tinsley requested instruction from the Board Fire Chief Tinsley in the matter of answering fire calls outside the City 1 asks information as limits. It was the opinion of the Board that even 'tho regarding Fire Calls their inclination was to render assistance , they feel ; outside the City that inasmuch as it was contrary to law, that they limits. would be compelled to instruct the Chief to refuse to answer calls outside of the City limits except in ex- treme emergency. IN RE City Engineer Gates read a communication from A. A. Communication from Irish of the "Sure Shot Oil Company" stating that the A. a. Irish of "Sure debris on their lease would be cleaned up at an early Shot Jil Company" date , they having been delayed on account of securing an adjustment from the Insurance people after their fire. IN RE City Engineer Gates reported that the P. E. had advised Spotting of oil tank him that instructions had been issued prohibiting the cars on siding between spotting of oil tank cars on the siding between Main .� -,plain & 6th on Ocean and 6th Sts. on Ocean Avenue . IN lam; On motion by Trustee Obarr seconded by Trustee Andrews License of Ida Lynnes the temporary permit previously grsnted by the Board & Gladys 1ialton- to Ida Lynnes and Gladys Walton for maintaining a a Lunch Stand revoked lunch stand at 14th and Main was revoked and the building ordered removed. IN RE Building Inspector Gates presented a request for a permit Request for permit to to add a screen porch on the Helm Apartment at 7th and add screen porch to Ocean Ave . On motion by `trustee Obarr seconded by Helm .opts. -denied. Trustee Macklin, the request was denied. e el. IN RE City Engineer Gates presented an Easement Agreement with Easement agreement the 2. E. icy. covering 9 storm odrains from Ocean Ave. , with P. E. Ry. same to be placed under the tracks of the -2. E. On t covering 9 storm drainsmotion by Trustee Obarr seconded by Trustee Macklin, the President of the Board was authorized to sign this _ agreement with the P. E. lty. IN RE On motion by 'Trustee Macklin seconded by Trustee Obarr, Building known as the old building commonly known as the "Chili Can" located "Chili Can ordered adjoining the alley in the rear of 201 !Aa,in St. was removed account of declared a fire menace and a public nuisance and same fire menace. was therefore ordered removed. IN RE On motion by Trustee Obarr seconded by Trustee Macklin Signs diverting heavy the City Engineer was instructed to place signs at traffic ordered placed 17th and Lake , also at Olive and Main, diverting at 17 & Laken also heavy traffic to Lake Avenue. Olive & Main u On motion by Trustee 1jacklin, seconded by Trustee Onson IN RE the demand of L. W. Blodget for 4100.00 and R. Y. Clerk authorized to Blodget for 4100.00 payment for special services in the draw warrants to matter of the Pacific Palisades, was allowed and the L.W. Blodget & R.T . Clerk &uthorized to draw warrants for these amounts. Blodget-special services. Demand of 1,1hambra On motion by Trustee Obarr, seconded by `trustee 1.lacklin Null Taper & Paint Co. the demand of the Alhambra Wall Paper and .faint Co. , h for 44$25.00 allowed in the amount of $825.00 being an initial pa ment- on the.-painting contract for the new City Halrildings, i 0 4 #3 Minutes of April 16th,1923. was allowed. On motion regularly put and carried, the Board adjourned to 8: P. M. April 30th. Ems/ City Clerk Pres. Board of City Trdstees A T'i`E T City C3-b rk P I ' d 1 1 e i Y I