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City Hall April 30th, 1923.
REGULAR Pursuant to adjournment , April 16th, the regular
meeting was called to order by President Drew at
8: P. Id.
ROLL CALL Present: Trustees Onson, Macklin, Obarr, Andrews
� 8c Drew
Absent: Trustees None..
K4- k -
Communications were read as follows: -
' I
OFFER BALD SERVICES L. W. Tozier of Hollywood offered the services of � a
HOLLYNtOOD AIMERICAN a band made up of the members of the Hollywood j
LEGION American Legion for concerts to be given on the
beach; said communication was ordered placed on file. l
PROTEST-PAVING 15th Mrs. E. S. Zabriskie of Tonopah, Nevada wrote pro- ! :
testing against paving of, 15th Street.
INABILITY OF STANDARD The Standard Oil , Sales Department advised that Mr. �
OIL CO. TO YMP Chattock was unable to keep his appointment April
LPPOINTIIIENT WITH 23rd with members of the Board and offered apologies J
BOARD APRo 23rd for failure to do sog Both communications were
ordered placed on file.
0011211TNICATION FROM A letter from Senator Shortridge attaching a copy
SENITOR SHOR'TRIDGE of a letter received by his office from Assistant
:HLFEMII"CE TO ADDITIONAL Postmaster General Bartlett , stating that additional J
ASSISTANCE IN LOCAL allowance has been made to the local postoffice for . I
POSTOFFICE the second quarter of 1923, was read and on motion
"i by 'Trustee Andrews seconded by Trustee ifla.cklin the
Clerk was instructed to write Senator Shortridge
. ; thanking hire for his efforts in behalf of I
Huntington Beach.
R � ' ' - - Report Jo Z. Whe rt covering an audit of the I �'
.�POlt2 OF Jo Ja��H�.,ARTY Repo of a y c g ,
REPORT ON AUDIT OF City Treasurers' Street Bond Account was submitted
TEEAS. STREET BOND and on motion by Trustee Macklin, seconded by
ACCOUNT. Trustee Obarr, same was accepted and ordered placed
on file . i
PUnCaSE OF FOED This being the time for receiving bids for a Ford
.nOAD3TER-U2ON OPEDING Roadster for the Gas Department as advertised in the II
01' BID Huntington Beach News , the only bid submitted was
opened and declared by the Clerk as follows: �
W. D. Young, price of $462.56 delivered. !I
On motion by 'irustee 1dachlin, seconded by Trustee p
Obarr the bid of W. D,, Young was accepted. �I
PROPOSAL TO BUY In accordance with notices regularly published in i
$300 ,000 0 00"H. B o the Huntington reach news , inviting sealed pro- �
Irlunicipal Bonds ,1923" posals for the purchase of "Huntington Beach
BY CI`.t'IZENS NAT'L. Municipal Bonds , 1923" in the amount.- of $300,000.00 � !I
BANK & SECURITY 00. the Clerk opened and declared the only proposal �
,! received as follows,: Citizens National Bank of
!� Los Angeles, and Security Company. The proposal
being in the amount of the par value and accrued J
interest to the date of delivery of the bonds and
a premium thereover of $1560.00 for the purchase of n
the entire issue of 0300,000.00 Huntington Beach
Municipal Bonds , 1923
The roposal was accompanied by a cashier' s
check for 93000.00 as evidence' of good frith and
was submitted subject to immediate acceptance and
to the further condition that the City of Hunting-
ton Beach would furnish a certified abstract of the
proceedings authorizing said bonds , satisfactorily ;
evidencing their legality to the bidders' attorneys. I ,
The matter of acceptance was temporarily laid
over for further discussion.
##2- Minutes of April 30th Cont'd.
Those present having matters to take up with the
Board were invited to do so at this time by President
PERMIT GRANTED 14. W. Sackett representing the Antlers Club request-
ANTLERS CLUB TO HOLD ed a permit to hold a boxing contest in the Odd
BOXING LIATCH Fellows Ball , Friday evening 1J1a.y llth. On motion
by Trustee 1llacklin seconded by Trustee Onson the
permit was granted.
RE( ,URST OF HILL & A representative of Hill-& JAcGowan requested per-
MCGOVAN TO ERECT mission to erect-stereoscopic advertising sign on
STERJCOPIC ADVERTIS- the roof of the Chamber of Commerce building. On
ING SIGN motion by 'Trustee Andrews , seconded by trustee 1a1acklin
the matter was taken under advisement.
On motion by Trustee ilacklin seconded by Trustee
Andrews , the Board went into executive session.
The Board was again called to order at 9:37 P. 1A.
SALE OF $300,000.00 On motion by Trustee Onson seconded by Trustee -lacklin
HUNTING`1'ON BEACH and carried by unaminous vote of the Board, the pro-
Id-UNICIPAL BOTa`DS , posalf as stated above in these minutes,of the
1923,TO CITIZENS Citizens National Bank of Los Angeles and Security
NATIONAL BAI�Y, OF LOS Company for the "Huntington Beach Municipal Bonds ,
LIdGELES AND the 1923" was accepted and the bonds sold to said bidders
SECURITY C011 ANY at the price offered and on the conditions stated in
the proposal.
Proposals of various printing houses were submitted
PRINTING OF $300,000 for printing the bonds , and after careful analysis
HUNTINGTON BEACH of these offers , it was found that the Huntington
'MUNICIPAL BONDS, 1923 Beach News bid of $145.00 for printing bonds on a
AWARDED TO HUNTINGTON lithographed border was the lowest price submitted.
BEACH NEWS. On motion by Trustee I'lacklin, seconded by Trustee
Onson, the work was awarded to the Huntington Beach
A notice of completion covering the General Contract
of Clark Brothers of the Auditorium was submitted for
approval ; also Architects certificate signed by
Walker and Eisen indicating their approval of the
acceptance and providin for the fourth payment on
the contract which was 4975.00 lest allowances for
changes in original specifications to the amount of
CLERIC INSTR CTLD TO On motion by Trustee Onson, seconded by Trustee Andrews
DRAW WARz?A TT IN FAVOR the Clerk was instructed to draw warrant in favor of
OF CLARZ BROTIERS Clark Brothers for the net amount of$3111.00; also
FOR 03111.00 authorizing the President of the Board to sign the
final on completion of the Auditorium. On motion by �y
Trustee Obarr, seconded by Trustee 14acklin, the
President of the Board was authorized to sign an
extra order in favor of Clark Brothers for alteration
of posts in the fire apparatus room, 035.00; and
increasing the thickness of the floor in the fire
apparatus room, $70.00.
II._TTER PERTAINING TO City Treasurer Vavra brought up the matter of the form
POSSIBILITY OF of demand now being used by the City, calling attention
FORGERY ON CITY to the possibility of forgery, by reason of the fact
WAR.ItAiyTS BY 1-MASOIT OF that demands are given out upon request with a blank
GIVING OUT DEIVIANDS warrant attached.
11ITH ATTACHED After some discussion, on motion by Trustee lAacklin,
seconded by 'Trustee Obarr, the matter was referred to
the City Treasurer and the City Clerk for further
APPROVAL OF 11IAP A map of Tract #473 was submitted & on motion by
TRACT 473 -Trustee Obarr, seconded by Trustee Andrews, same was
1 �
� I
I '
#3, 1.1inutes of April 30th Cont'd. II
C. S. BUNDSCHUH REQUEST Building Inspector Gates submitted a request for per I �
TO CUT CURB-GRANTED mission to cut the curb on lot 13, Block 606, owned
by C. S. Bundschuh, which was granted.
CITY ENGIITEER INSTRUCT- On motion by 'Trustee Obarr seconded by Trustee Macklin,
ED TO PUT IN DRIVE FOR City Engineer Gates was authorized to put in the
FI?2 APPARATUS AT' 14EVI drive for the fire apparatus at the new City Hall.
CHIEF OF .POLICE REQUEST-On recommendation of Trustee 11a.cklin, Chief of 2olice �
ED TO SECURE AID OF Tinsley was requested to go before the 6chool
SCHOOL ASSE-1213LY IN AN Assembly and endeavor to enlist their aid in
ENDEAVOR TO ELILAINATE endeavoring to eliminate accidents by careful ob- I
ACCIDENTS servation of the traffic laws.
� Ili
Trustee Macklin also brought up the matter of having
MATTER PERTAINING TO the grade cut down between the Pacific Electric Hy.
CU`i'TING GRADE BE`T'tV`i and the beach, level with the traey.s , and City
2.E. RY. AND BEACH ON Engineer Gates reported that he had the matter up l
OCEAN AVENUE with the Pacific :electric and their Engineering
Department had expressed a willingness to have this
j done if permitted by their officials ,
1,iR PERTAINIRG TO -Trustee I:lacklin brought up the matter of electric
ELECTRIC SERVICE FROM lights; stating that he had noticed that the lights II
SOUTHERN CALM<'OI IIIA early in the evening under the peak load were very
EDISON 0011PANY poor and after discussion, on motion by Trustee
Macklin seconded by Trustee Jnson, the Clerk was in-
structed to write the Southern California Edison
Company with reference to the matter and the City
Attorney was instructed to follow up with a personal I'
$MAJOR C.H-UL RTER Major C. H. Harter addressed the Board with reference {
APPOINTE"D ADVERTISING to distribution of the advertising folders which he
NAGER TO DIST:�-cIBdTE had delivered to the City, requesting that he be '
10,000 ADVERTISING appointed advertising manager for the Board during I'
FOLDERS the period necessary to distribute the 10,000 folders.
On motion by '`Trustee 1zia.cklin, seconded by Trustee
Obarr, C. H. Harter was appointed advertising manager
for a period of three months beginning I.Tay 1st, at a
monthly salary of $150.00, plus a reasonable allowance
for expenses , all of which to be paid out of the Music
and promotion fund. y
CHIEF OF POLICE AUTHORIZ-Chief of 2olice 'Tinsley brought up the matter of em-
ED TO E3¢Il?LOY LIFE ploying a life guard for the summer and on motion by
GUARD 1,41 ,N 1�=_'DED Trustee vnson, seconded by Trustee Obarr, Chief of
Police was authorized to employ a life guard when
needed. III
On motion regularly put ana carried, the board adjourned,
a i ty Cl Ark
4 1
qPyreside-ntof Board o i'rustees '�
City Cln4l,
, 2