HomeMy WebLinkAbout1923-05-14 v \ CITY HALL hgY 14th, 1923. 1EGULAR Pursuant to adjournment Ida,y 7th, the regular meeting was called to order at S: P. Ld. by President Drew. ROLL CALL Trustees .resent : Onson, h1acklin, Obarr, Andrews & Drew I Trustees Absent: None. I - REPORT OF The report of the City Librarian for the month of April CITY LIBRARIAN was read , and on motion regularly put and carried, i same was accepted and placed on file. CO111'UNICA'TION- A communication from the War Department, United States EIdGIK11"E IS OFFICE Engineer Office with reference to the application from 1.vAri DES1-1.dT1,Ui 1T the State Highway Commission for permission to dredge a portion of Newport Bay for the purpose of building a grade for the highway, was read. UNION OIL 2I2B Also a communication from the same office notifying LII4E INTO OCEAN all interested parties of the application of the Union Oil Company for a permit to lay a pipe line 4500 feet into the Ocean, Northwest of the Westerly City Limits of Huntington Beach. 0O_iDl"UT I CAT ION A communication signed by Geo. Bauer, protesting FRO,:I GEO. DI-UER the location of this pipe line if it is to' be used for PiOTESTING-UNION dumping waste oil into the ocean was read. OIL 2IPI� LIVE Il,TO This communication was accepted and placed on OCELU file with reference to the proposed pipe line of the Union Oil Company. Trustee Obarr, seconded by Trustee Onson moved that the City Attorney be instructed to investigate and if found that the pipe line wat to be used for other than loading vessels that he should be authorized to protest the location of this extension. COlzu�iUIdICATION- A communication from the League of the Southwest invit- LEAGUE OF TEE ing the Board to attend a conference at Santa Barbara S0U'1.'1T,,::ST. June 7-8-9. On motion by Trustee Obarr, seconded by Trustee Andrews , this communication was placed on file. Two telegrams were read from the City of Monterey PglfY SENATE BILL #704 urging the Board to wire objections to Senate Bill# 704 which dives control of Sanitary sewers owned by the City to the County Supervisors. Pi On motion by 'Trustee i4acklin, seconded by Trustee Onson, the President of the Board was requested to wire Governor Richardson, Senator Eden and Representative Ball , urging veto of Senate Bill 1-704. �'PLICA`IIUl'�- An application from the Nonpariel Athletic Club for a IvONPARIEL ATMETIC permit to conduct a boxing exhibition at some date CLUB TO IIOLD BOXII�Gduring the month of June was read and same was denied , i EXdIBITION- for the reason that specific date and location :oust DENIED be shown before a permit can be granted. On motion by Trustee Andrews , seconded by 'Trustee Obarr, the application was placed on file . APPROVIL BILL Communication was read from 1"alker and Eisen, Architects $561.00 DUE ED stating that they were attaching a certificate i,1 NIdING authorizing the completion payment of $561.00 due Ed ,-'arming on the Plumbing and Heating contract of the E r f 4 14J, I I I and Acceptance Auditorium; also Notice of Completion/for execution and recording. On motion by Trustee IJlacklin seconded by ;! Trustee Andrews , the -'resident of the Board was authorized to sign tiie Notice of Completion. 100.00 sLLOIUED ldiY A motion by Trustee Obarr seconded by Trustee I'dacklin y 11iALIali- Ray Walker was allowed $100. 00 from the Music and DISTRIBUTION H.B. Eromotion Fund for the distribution of 1000 1 FOLDERS Huntington Beach folders on the trip to Chicago j which is to be made by the Track Team of the I ' Huntington -Beach High School . I GAS EIIGI14B A.ND PU1,P On motion by Trustee Macklin, seconded by Trustee CITY ENGIIZ R Onson the City Engineer was authorized to purchase a small gas engine and pump9 cost not to exceed 400.00 d 1 COVFIR-1.1P�TION APPOINT- The City Ulerk requested confirmation of appointment .a,MNT V.E.FIXSEN of V. L. Fixsen as deputy City Clerk. LEPU'TY CITY CLEIT- On motion by Trustee Onson, seconded by `.Trustee Andrews , the appointment was confirmed . COUNTER- POLICE On motion by Trustee Onson, seconded by Trustee Obarr � DEJ?T, II1,67 CI`1'Y HELL Chief of Police Tinsley was authorized to have a ' counter constructed in the Desk Serge,att' s room in y the New City Hall . ; ;Vi.2 OF TRACT # 445 A new map of Tract r 445 which was submitted and + it i approved April 2nd was presented showing alterations in the size of the lots and on motion by Trustee ` j Onson, seconded by Trustee Obarr, the Clerk and { Engineer were authorized to sign the new map on condition that the corrected map has been presented to the County Supervisors and again_ referred to this board. f' I PERIrIISSIOT: 'TO CUT CUiiB Permission to cut the curb ,was on motion by Trustee L012S 25-27 Dlock 407 Obarr, seconded by Trustee Unson, granted as ! fo;lows : ,ots 5-7 , Flock 414 B. Butcher, 111ots - 25'-and 27 , Block 407 I F. H. Cooley, 5, IT 7 , Block 4140 PLANS FOR PiiO2OSED FRA.,,EThe Building Inspector presented plans for a DUELLING LO-''S 5-6 proposed frame dwelling to be built by E. Co Wright 7 B1OCI_ 110 A22ROVi:L' on lots 5 & 6 , Block 110. On motion by Trustee Obarr, seconded by 'Trustee inson, the plans were approved and the Building Inspector authorized to j fi issue permit for same . .A1.IOUNTS ALI.,&trrED AS On motion regularly put and carried the following FOLLOsai: ED _,.,aNNIIIG bills were allowed: Ed Manning ;�561e00; �5610 00 and LZAY Ult LIAR Ray Vilalker,, $100.00. yp100 a 00 On motion regularly put and carried the Board con- Al'POI1,iTiINT E'.A-SUT R firmed the appointment of u= . A. Suter and Wm. & VL-1. IIERLDITH ON tlIeredith to fill the lacancy on the Appraisal Committee. A P-LI {A I SAL U Q!L I'il TEE I � On motion by -Trustee Obarr seconded by '.Trustee � Andrews the Board adjourned to 8 : P. D1. May 21st,1923. L� ! 'I Q City Cler �I III President Board o i y rus eeso ATTEST : City��/ L✓ Cl k !� Y r r '