HomeMy WebLinkAbout1923-05-21 f � i F `: `� CITY HALL MAY 21st, 1923. REGULAR Pursuant to adjournment iday 14th, the regular meeting was called to order at 6 : P. _,.. By President Drew. ROLL CALL Trustees Present: Onson, Macklin, 0barr, Andrews & Drew. Trustees Absent : None. ti i Communications were read as follows: SEN111T BILL #-704 Governor Richardson and Senator Eden acknowledging receipt of telegrams with reference to Senate Bill ;r704. On motion by Trustee Obarr , seconded by 'Trustee Onson, same were accepted and placed on file . OF-ENEIG ENTERTAIN- Loyal Order of 1•ioose requesting a definite date for use of I,:P,IIT OF C I TTY the Auditorium. AUDI'TORIU?i In view of the fact that 'the American Legion had been granted the privilege of giving the opening entertainment , the motion was offered by Trustee 211acklin seconded by 'Trustee Obarr , that the American Legion have the Auditorium June 15th, and the Loyal Order of lldoo l e , June 22nd ; fee for the use of same to be determined at a later date. The Clerk was instructed to notify these organizations. LIGHTING SILRVICE A letter from W.L.Deimling,District Manager of the Southern I4 CERTAIIo 20R`1'IOIIS Calif. Edison Co. acknowledging letter complaining of the OF TH' CI`2Y lighting service in certain portions of Huntington Beach, stating that the conditions would be rectified as promptly as possible . REQU,ST i.Ie41. SACYETT A request for a permit to hold a boxing exhibition in the TO HOLD BOXING EX- Auditorium, accompanied by Cashier' s checks for $5.00 , IiIbI'i'ION IN AUDI- license fee , and �100.00 guarantee against damage , signed TORILZ'i DENIED by was presented and on motion by Trustee Andrews , seconded by 'Trustee Illacklin, the request was denied I and the Clerk instructed to return the checks. i PROPOSED 01.IIP Frank Swartz , Sec. of the Chamber of Commerce who was GROUND appointed some time ago with reference to a camp ground site reported that the only ground that he had been able to secure was located East of the old Ball grounds and between the Pacific Electric Ry. and the beach. President Drew stated that this same site was under con- sideration last year and it was found that it was not of sufficient elevation to be safe from the high tide , and for that reason it would not be advisable to consider this ground for the proposed camp; RESOLUTI011 #394 Resolution 7#394, which is included and made a part of these ?ninutes , instructing the City Engineer with reference to the widening' of 5th Street was read , and on motion by Trustee Obarr,seconded by Trustee 'Ia.cklin same was passed and adopted by the vote as shown on the Resolution. T.E ANSFER OF A request signed by the City Clerk was read recom.rlending that $J1-0,000 FROI?I 010,000 be transferred from the Gas Department Fund to the GAS F 611D 120 General Fund. On motion by 'Trustee ljacklin, seconded by i GENE iU L I'UIID Trustee Obarr , this transfer was approved. Page #2 , 1din_utes of May 21st, 1923. LIGHT G.64-Y B1iTTLLSh'12 On motion by Trustee Obarr, seconded by 'Trustee LII;OL"TUld ORDEr D IId- Andrews , the Clerk was instructed to order Light 2'T1,LLED III FIiiE DE-'T. Gray Battleship Linoleum laid in the Fire D0R,.IIT'O'RY, OFFICE OF Department Dormitory and kitchen; in the office CHIEF OF 20LICE AND of the Chief of Police , and Desk Sergeant , on DISK SEii EANT. condition that the Van Fleet-Freear Company would give a written guarantee against destruction of the linoleum from damphess in the cement floor . TOT.L OF BILLS ALLOG-,TM On motion by i'rustee Obarr , seconded by 'Trustee 1'TLLIAIJ lacklin, bills as audited by the finance Committee $843.75 were allowed as follows: William Meredith, AN70.00 90.25 ; 0283.50 LETTER OF THiiNKS On motion by Trustee Obarr, seconded by 'Trustee TO 11,M. VVJ'aHL Macklin, the Clerk was instructed to write a letter to 1dr. V`i'ahl , of the Standard Oil Company, thanking him for his advice on landscaping the City Hall grounds. CITY EINGII=R INSTRUCT- On motion by Trustee Macklin, seconded by `''ru.tee ED TO INSTALL UALI- Obarr, the City Engineer was instructed to install AT CITY HtILL 'ID walks leading from Orange Street to the front of AUDI'1TOrcIU!1 the City Hall in accordance with the recommendation of Mr. VVahl. Also to prepare the grade for walk ` in front of the Auditorium CONDUIT FOR ELiCTRIC On motion by 'Trustee DIacxlin seconded by Trustee ( SE.LiVICE FOii CITY !U.iL & Andrews, the City Engineer was authorized to lay con- OD. duit for electric service i,rom the City Hall to i opposite side of Orange Avenue . On motion regularly put and carried the Board adjourned to !:londay, !day 28th, at 8 : P. i a CITY CLEXK i President , Board of C.,i<y Trustees I ATTEST City Cle k. l i 1 f I I 1 III f ,I i a� a J M4 I` Ito and clelivar im Me' P3 re t owevirAmdoiA of aiild City, a (Uarvw I Dravidad W, Lam` in W 0-7140a llo of r'JIMI of W'W'14 city. I I " � rt1w Board 01P5 TzAot,003 c sty of PuntInstob Pow—chpunned c-01 qedm z-1 ., 2M, of' M I!tI ! wtItwLg n 4,e h datawdn that the, pu A ie n ere =11 meaq. jj of Mtobor 19" � omid B nad 4.4,uly curitll Newly pao=d x aacdptoa . irl-tw o a .2"? of 40 c Ity, o m"Pi of :1 M ',M-wot IV the uum- r4arc- Cho t U ty tm�oo to `r Ic"t mho 0-etion in 09 Uz MVAMA A p =444 Vadtlo b Lw) bane Cwsna tandSao boor duly n a a r c' I o ' , c ..� Off Intorlocutoxy 04w.va` t h t* r. r*d p, said uoion as prevido-d by Ico. havtm mn duly ana rog-aarly onterad on t1w "Et "'I dw 00 "Nay e 3.921, x,-,ff nwxrd of Trwiteer, of lch City Off' Mvi arton )1 m is a .i ; � e i he a la rU f Oaf , dog I'wek� 411 h 0 &411m r I I of lZaOL-tion y',,,per}{y y ,� tile- �� �!� ,e� s� $�yys t�+y�y, rt ^�� a, pit; ��y �# i 3�'t-«e -0 Lui �'i�,XLMaU �matISM Out a.�A PJiSiiot 1.uld �#h ^��wri S �drT� o -each l o , pioce or of laml ano, Qh _lance u locatiou :04 IW I ' ' � mm �1, It y II i __ II -�J AX ��, ,Ir 1 _ �" t �+`Y:cPYt�cvs'��� NnYLe.Tws %ifYar+§4MIX"rf'�}Gaim.S�t�l3��a*c>W'yA��9- \ y ikry Ca £Ge� ,�. ,y ,y `. yvtsza k , '4' 3 ?i�k'a&O l r Ewa or the 'city Ole,rK R i l a