HomeMy WebLinkAbout1923-05-23 CITY HALL iiIAY 23rd 1923. '
REGULE n Pursuant to call of President Drew, the
special meeting was called to order at 5 :2.1.i.
ROLL CALL Trustees Present: Orison, i�iacklin, Obarr,
Andrews & Drew.
Trustees Absent : Hone .
DE11Ei'a:II111NG T Y-PE This special meeting having been called for the
OF 2AVE,-E-12 20 BE purpose of determining the type of pavement to J
USED JIv Ochs .N t 11E. be incorporated in the plans and specifications I
for paving Ocean avenne , as shown in the special
notice of meeting; a copy of cF,liich is attached
and made a part of these minutes. 1 �
A discussion was had of the best type to adopt
and after consideration, a motion was offered
by Trustee 14acklin, seconded by Tra-tee Onson
that the City Engineer be instructed to draw
specifications for 4z" Concrete Base , and 11" I �
Narrtnite Bitulithic top for pavement on Ocean
Avenue , the same being approved unanimously. !
Phis having completed the business for which the 1'
meeting was called, the Board adjourned. a
AP t I {
President Board of 'ity ' rustces
City Clerk
Huntington Beach, Calif.
Iviay -22nd,•--1923.
Hon. Board of Trustees,
IVir. Richard Drew,
I4r. A. Onson, 4 ,
I01,r. J. H. 1dackl in,
ldr. R. L. Obarr,
i'ir. C. J. Andrews. I
You are hereby notified that a special meeting
of the Board of Trustees of the City of Huntington Beach will I
t it Hall at 5: 2. IVI. P,'Ia 23rd 1923 for i
be held in he City y , ,
the purpose of instructing the City Engineer as to the type
of pavement to be incorporated in the plans and specifications
for paving Ocean Avenue .
President of the Boktd of 2ru tees I
Received the above notice prior
to 2: P. IwT. Iviay 23rd, 1923.
T r e e � �-