HomeMy WebLinkAbout1923-06-04 3 ! + { CITY HALL JUNE 4th, 1923. + IEGULAR The regular meeting was called to order at 8: P. IA. by President Drew. t ROLL CALL Trustees Present: Onson, Macklin, Obarr, hndrews & ! Drew. ;!! Trustees Absent : None . I� + MINUTES FOR MAY The minutes of the meetings held during the month of 'day were read, and on motion by Trustee Dbarr, ;' seconded by Trustee Macklin, same were approved. M MONTHLY REPORTS OF Reports of the City Treasurer, City Clerk, -City fi CITY OFFICERS Recorder, Librarian and Building Inspector were read and on motion by Trustee Onson, seconded by Trustee Macklin, same were accepted and placed on { file . OPENING NEVVI CITY• HALL An inyitation,l from the City of Anaheim was read CITY OF ANA IUt,I dl announcing that their New City Hall would be formerly opened, Thursday, June 7th. 9 REQUEST OF BOY SCOUTS A letter from R. J. Prescott , President of the TO USE LAKE PARK- Boy Scouts of the City of Huntington Beach was read Granted requesting the use of Lake Park for recreation purposes by the Boy Scouts of Huntington beach. i On motion by Trustee Macklin, seconded by Trustee Obarr, permission was granted. ! SURETY BOND - A surety bond of V. E. Fixsen, in the amount of V. E. FIXSEN $1,000.00 was presented for approval , and on motion by Trustee Obarr, seconded by 'Trustee Andrews, same was approved. APPOINTI,ZNT OF A request of Chief of Police Tinsley asking confir- HARRY LF.E- Life Guard mation of the appointment of Harry Lee as Life x Guard- at $5.00 per day was read , and approved on motion by 'Trustee Onson, seconded by 'Trustee Macklin. FINAL PAYMENT- Mr. Lester Clark was present and requested the Board 1 NEW AUDITORIUM to pay the final payment on the general contract of the Auditorium. ' President Drew informed him that it was the in- tention of the Board to withhold this payment until I it could be determined who was reaponsible _for the condition of the Hardwood floor in the new Auditorium, ' and that as soon as this matter could be satis- factorily settled, the Board would be ready to pay the final amount. INCREASE IN SALARY- On motion by Trustee Macklin, seconded by Trustee MHF. Ea G. BLACK Onson - i, rs. E. G. Black, Janitress at the Pier Pier Janitress Comfort Station was granted an increase in wages to ! t apply for the next four months; same to be at $50.00 per month, and this to cover the extra work for the summer months. a r { I! I i I - t Page #2, Minutes June 4th. i APPLICATION- An application from the Avalon Pool Hall for a AVALON POOL HALL - permit to conduct the business under new ownership` was refefred back to the Chief of Police , for the reason that the application does not state specifically the number of tables , and the lines of business to be conducted in the same room. APPOIN`111JENT E. A. On motion by Trustee Obarr, seconded by Trustee SUTER- 'Macklin, the appointment of J. Ed Huston, to serve Appraisal Committee on the Appraisal Committee in place of E. A. Suter who declined the appointment , was confirmed. ORDINANCE # 262 Ordinance No. 262 was given first reading, desig- nating the meeting place of the Board of Trustees in the New City Hall . I II DRIVEWAY AT NEW CITY The question of using the driveway connecting HALL CONNECTING Magnolia Avenue , between 5th and 6th Streets , across IVIAGNOLIA AVE. BETWEEN the City Hall grounds was discussed and in view of 5th & 6th STREETS the fact that several years ago this street was �o closed to public use , it was deemed best to use this as a driveway with the understanging that it was to remain the property of the City, without dedication as a street, and in accordance with same a motion was offered by Trustee Macklin, seconded by Trustee Onson, that the City Engineer be instruct- ed to grade the drive , extending between 5th and 6th streets being a prolongation of Magnolia Avenue and to put same in condition for travel . WASTE WATER- After considerable discussion of the ways and means NORTHERN PART 0F CITY o2 disposing of the oil and waste water that escapes i from the sumps in the Northern portion of the City, a motion was offered by Trustee Obarr, seconded by Trustee Macklin, instructing the City' Engineer to "® survey a proposed line to carry the waste water along the S. P. tracks from the North City limits to Lake Park, and report back the estimated cost. IVIISSION TO CUT On motion by Trustee Macklin, seconded by Trustee CURB GRANTED TO W. H. Onson permits to cut curb were granted the follow- R TAYLOR, Lot 119,Block ing property owners; W. H. Taylor, Lot 119, Block 110: H.B. Service , 110; H. B. Service Station, at the intersection Station, intersection of 5th and Magnolia Streets. 5th & Magnolia On motion by Trustee Onson, seconded by Trustee IAONTBLY BILLS Macklin, bills approved by the Finance Committee were allowed as follows: Richard Drew 25.00 A. Onson 25.00 y J. H. Macklin 25.00 R. L. Obarr 25.00 C. J. Andrews 25.00 Joseph Vavra 25.00 L. W. Blodget 125.00 C. W. garner 75.00 W. R. Wright UQ 400 i d 1 'I i r I M , iI o Page #3, Minutes June 4tho V. E. Fixsen $150.00 Tom Talbert 12.00 Louis F. Gates 250.00 Jo So ''hatcher 175.00 Grace M. Bro se 125. 00 Jack Colvin 150.00 Gertrude Catching 100.00 Lawrence Y,-lents 100.00 Co Do Hooper 70.50 Fred Candee 150.00 Margaret Colvin 100.00 Adair & Son 6. 98 Helen No Newland ✓ 100.00 Air Reduction Sales Co. 203.00 Clint Creamer ✓ 150.00 Amer. Surety Coo 5.00 R. E. Clark 150.00 Anderson & Hinton 20.35 L o E a Hill 6-•- 175.00 Cal . Comp. Gas Co. 18.00 W. R. Garret 115.00 Catching Bros. 38.38 J. D. Godfrey 105.00 T. C. DeLapp , P. 14. 108.40 f Sam Isom 115.00 TT TT TT 'T 15.00 J. Tinsley► -- 200.00 it 11 it TT 20.00 R. Choat 165.00 P. Bo Drane 8.80 J. L. Stanton 165-00 Eastside Water Co. 18.75 W. Ho Stanton 150.00 Louis F. Gates- Exp. 32. 90 Perry Ballard 150.00 General Gas Light Coa,,. 5. 07 i A. E. Bannister 150.00 Matt E. Grate 15.00 r Co Do Steward 150.00 W. W. Hanks 17 .10 i Geo. 11. Coleman 150.00 Co H. Harter 25.00 Jo A. Mandel 150.00 C. Ho Harter 25.00 I Hoy Ballard �75000 C. H. Harter 50.00 i Ray Bradfield 165.00 C. H. Harter 150.00 Jo K. Sargent L.- 165000 Ralph E o Hawks , 1Z � 3000 hrlrso E. Go .Slack 30.00 Ho B. Hdw. Co. 31.28 ! F. B. Miles 100:000 H.B. Mach. & Forge Co. 6.70 i; V. U. Brown 180.00 H. B. Service Stato 9.20 6 Frank Parcel 27.80 H. B. Telephone Co. 30.55 I Frank Ash 71.50 Ho B. Volunteer Fire Dept 87.25 it Ho A. Knight 2000 Ho Bo U'ater Coo 262.64 Bo F. Handley 2-o00 Ho Bo eater Co. 9.69 Bo F. Windh8m 2.00 W. Ho Jones 252.00 Dan Sheehan 2o00 W. Ho Jones 260.00 Jo W. Bryant 101o00 Jo So Lacey 65.25 C o 1do Gray 3.00 Ed Mannigg 6.20 Co harpold 139o80 Ed Nanning 3.50 Joe Hughes 110.75 Jo K. McDonald 50.00 Joe Pallidino►- 117o25 Bo To IMolliea 21.00 ; Dave Mathis 109.75, G. Co Niebuhr 11 .00 M. Loftis 109o75 orange Co. Treasurer 76.50 Tony Brackdorf 110o 25 Paco Auto & Sup. Co. 12.65 Geo. Thomas 112.75 R. Jo Prescott 51.07 Ed Carney 5• 55. 50 nepubl i c Sup. Co. 25.65 IT " 64 o 75 Ri denous Brothers 437 o 50 Ace Taylor 100000 Ben Schwartz 150 9 00 ;j, 1 Bob Iley 92o00 Shinn-Holtz Lyon Co. 148o28, E. IA. Driver 28.00 Soo CaloLdison Co. 241.62 Wm,. Barker 890 25 2540.49 C. L o Wells 29 0 00 Soo Co. Gas C o o 26.14 R. L. Davis 14o00 Sprague Meter Coo 247o50 Jo W. Elkins 91.25 T' IT 247 0 50, To Co Germany 18.00 Stantd.rd Oil Coo 25.76 iT TT it 77o25 Sam Stain 20.00 E. Ho Smith 216o00 Do Oo Stewart 50.00 1, Frank .Parcel 32.00 R. 0. Steward. 119.00 ` J. Co Handley 96-00 J. Tinsley 28.60, No 0. Seagraves 77.25 Union Oil Coo 53o82 Henry Lake 108.00 Marren & Bailey Co 14o50 Joe Hughes- Truck 107.00 Weber Shawcase & FixtoCo 890.00 j, E. K. adood Lbro Coo 301 o 91 t W.R. Wright , 'Trustee 112.63 Yawman & Erbe i.Ifgo Co. 90.50 III I ,' i ' � L. 4 Page #4, +Iinutes June 4th. On motion by Trustee Obarr, seconded by Trustee Andrews, the Board adjourned to Monday evening, June ll th, 8: Y. G/v Y' ' City Ulerk VF : President , Board of ' TY Trustees ATTEST* City Clerk l -