HomeMy WebLinkAbout1923-06-22 CITY HALL JUDIE 22nd, 1923. REGULAR Pursuant to adjournment June 16th, 1923 s the regular meeting was called to order at 8 : P. Id. by President Drew. ROLL CALL Trustees Present: Onson, Macklin, Obarr Andrews & Drew. Trustees Absent: None. TRANSFER OF $4 ,452.21 A communication signed by City Engineer Gates from .-7iunicipal Bonds , 1923 was read, recommending a transfer of 04,452.21 to General Fund from the Municipal Bonds , 1923 fund, to the General Fund; this being engineering expense paid from the General fund on Ocean Avenue paving work, prior to the sale of the bonds. On motion by Trustee Tvlacklin, seconded by Trustee Obarr, this transfer was approved. WARRANT IN A,T,,IOUN`1' OF On motion by Trustee Macklin, seonnded by Trustee $1150.00 allowed the Onson, the Clerk was instructed to draw a Bennett Montgomery lidw. Co. warrant in favor of Bennett Montgomery Hdwre. Company for $1150.00 covering the hardware for the City Hall ; $800.00 of which is to be deducted from Clark Brothers contract in accordance with the specifications of the City { Hall. i WARRANT IN AL/11OUNT OF On motion by Trustee Onson, seconded by Trustee $410.00 allowed Macklin, the Clerk was authorized to draw a r Bent,ett Montgomery Lidw. Co. warrant in favor of the Bennett Montgomery Hdwre. Co. for $410.00 covering hardware on the Auditorium; $350.00 of which having been de- ducted in settlement with Clark Brothers on their general contract. WARRA,NT IN A.-JiOUNT OF On motion by Trustee Macklin, seconded by $971.40 in favor of Solar Trustee Obarr, the Clerk was instructed to draw Lighting Company a warrant in favor of the Solar Lighting Company for $971.40,; $400.00 of which is to be deducted from the electrical contract of R . E. McIntosh on the Auditorium, and the balance to be de- ducted as a portion of the $600.00 allowance for fixtures on the electrical contract of Woodill-Patterson, on the City Hall . NOTICE OF CO12LETION OF Notice of Completion of Clark Brothers, general i CITY HALL CONTRACT; Contract on the City Hall , was presented ; r Also Architects certificate also Architects certificate covering completion payment on the same contract, and on motion by Trustee Obarr, seconded by Trustee I'iacklin, the .President was authorized to sign a warrant in favor of Clark Brothers in the amount of $8287.00 upon receipt of a written guarantee covering the front steps of the City Ball for a period of two years, signed by Clark Brothers. r jf i f s a Page #2, 1'dinutes June 22nd, 1923. WARRANT IN FAVOR On motion by Trustee Macklin, seconded by Trustee OF WALKER & EISEN, Ob arr, the Clerk was authorized to draw a warrant Architects in in favor of Walker & Eisen in the amount of 41650.18; amount of this being the balance on their fee on the City Hall. $1650.18. HATTER 2ERTAINING TO President Drew brought up the matter of electric- . ELECTRIC SERVICE Fa-v service for the new street lights and it was arranged ' STREET LIGHTS that Trustee -'Macklin, and City Engineer Gates , call upon i1Zro Deimling, of the Southern California Edison Company in an endeavor to secure proper service® HEJECTION OF ALL The matter of bids on paving Ocean Avenue and repair- BIDS FOR xAVING OCEAN ing portions of 17th and Delaware having been taken AVENUE AND L�EPAIi�ING under advisement June 16th, was again taken up and PORTIONS OF 17th & a motion by Trustee Obai, r, seconded by Trustee Macklin ' DELAIiARE. that all bids be rejected, was carried. I On motion by Trustee Macklin, seconded by Trustee ' Andrews , the Board adjourned to Monday evening June 25th, 19230 CITY CLERK A PP R0 VjD: Pres. Board of City TxTus tees. ATTEST : City Clerk i i i I I I ' i 4