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t CITY HALL July 2nd, 1923.
REGULAR : Regular meeting was called to order at 8 p. m. by President
' Drew.
ROLL CALL: Trustees present: Onson, 14acklin, Obarr, Andrews, Drew
" absent: None
The minutes of the meeting for the month of June were read
and approved, on motion by Trustee 1.1acklin, seconded by Trustee
BEHALF OF Mrs. Clark appeared before the Board reque!ting permission
G.A.R. AND for the G. A. R. and VVoman' s Relief Corps to use the Auditorium
r VVODIANS RZLIEF for their regular meetings. Mrs. Clark was advised that the floor '
CORPS: was undergoing repairs in the Auditorium at the present time, and
it was uncertain as to how soon the building would be available .
Motion was offered by Trustee Macklin, seconded by Trustee Onson,
that the Woman' s Relief Corps be granted permission to use the
Auditorium at 2 p.m. July 17th, provided the repairs to the floor !
were completed.
LIBRAa iPORT; Report of the Library Board for the month of June was read
and on motion by Trustee Onson, seconded by Trustee Andrews, ac-
cepted and placed on file.
liESIGNATION Communication from the Library Board was read , advising
OF LIBRARY that A. M. O'Brien had resigned as Trustee and recommended the t76��,
BOARD TRUSTEE: appointment of J. Ed Huston to fill the vacancy. This re-ee-mm
tion was apprd on motion by Trustee Andrews , seconded by
` Trustee Obarr. '
Another communication from the Library Board was read , re-
APPOINTiv�ENT commending that Mrs. S. A. Moore be reappointed to serve another
OF ARS.S.A. term as Trustee , her term of office having expired. This appoint-
MUORE,TKUS`1'1 went was a�"d on motion by Trustee Obarr, seconded by Trustee
OF LIBR-LEY: Onson. 14 q D 5
Communication signed by Superintendent of the Gas Depart-
HE: GAS LADIPS went, was read , stating that the expense of operating gas lamps
TRANS1-1R OF had been carried by the Gas Department up to the close of the fis-
1ONEY FROM cal year in the amount of $2852..85. On motion by Trustee Obarr,
G TO seconded by Trustee Ivacklin, the Clerk was authorized to transfer j
' GAS FUND:FUND: this amount from the General Fund to the Gas Fund. !!
RECESS: At this time a five minute recess was taken.
After the Board was again called to order, Mr. Vu. H. Bradley
PEiHLIISSION TO appeared before the Board, requesting special permission to erect
HOLD BIBLE a tent for holding Bible Chautauqua at 5th and VValnut Streets , and
{ CHAUTULA : on motion by Trustee Obarr, seconded by Trustee Andrews, permission
was granted Mr. Bradley to erect the tent on condition that it be
1 placed at least fifty feet from any building, permit to run eight
weeks from July 22nd, and to be revo'dable at any time.
Trustee Macklin and City Engineer Gates reported that the j
STRE1,T LAIAPS: Southern California Edison Company had promised to have the phew
street lights in operation within a veyy short time.
1 The petition of business men with reference to peddlers' y
;PEBDLEE7S LICENMlicenses, which was carried over until this meeting, was laid over
h until the next meeting, because of the absence of City Attorney
! City Engineer Gates reported he had spread -the amount of
RE: 6thST1�ELT late damage in the matter of widening 5th Street, and same was
iAND 15th STREET:ready for inspection of the City Attorney. Also that he was pre-
paring plans for paving 15th Street.
On motion by Trustee Obarr, seconded by Trustee I.+Ia.cklin, the
V.iCATE Clerk was instructed to notify R. E. Wright to vacate the grounds
BUNGALETIT now occupied by his Bungalette Court, not later than September
COURT : 15th.
Minutes -- July 2nd, 1923 - Page #2
BILL S On motion by Trustee Onson, seconded by Trustee Obarr, l
nLI,Ot�`ED: bills ,approved by the Finance Committee , were allowed:
Richard Drew $25.00 Ace Taylor $104.00
A. Onson 25.00 Bob Iley 36.00
J. H. Macklin 25.00 E. M. Driver 104.00
R. L. Obarr 25.00 Wm. Barker 97.00
C. J. .Andrews 25.00 J. W. Elkins 108.00
Joseph Vavra 25.00 T. C. Germany 109.00 ;
L. W. Blodget 125.00 E. H. Smith 210.00 �
- - - C. W. Warner 75.00 N. 0. Sagraves 8.00
W. R. Wright 250.00 Henry Lake 106.00
V. E. Fixsen 150.00 Joe Hughes 106.50
Louis F. Gates 250.00 Tom Talbert 12.00
Grace M. Brose ' 62.50 J. S. Thatcher 175,00
Gertrude Catching 100.00 Jack Colvin 150,00
C. D. Hooper 100.00 Lawrence Klentz 100.00
Margaret Colvin 100.00 Fred Candee 150.00
Helen N. Newland 100.00 C. T. Agrelins 7.00
Clint Creamer 150.00 Air Reduct,Lon Sales Co. 4.05
L. E. Hill 135.00 Brown & Bevis 26.85
L. E. Hill 40.00 Brown Transfer Co. 2.50
W. R. Garrett 115.00 Buck & Buck 29.98
$ J. D. Godfrey 105.00 Calif. Compressed Gas Co. 25.00 ,
Sam Isom 115.00 Catching Bros. & Co. 116.97
J. Tinsley - 200.00 H. S. Crocker Co. 37.50
R. Choat 165.00 P. B. Drane 4.37
J. L. Stanton 165.00 Duplex Percolator Co. 4.00 j
W. H. Stanton 150.00 Easy Mfg. C.i. 180.00
Perry Ballard 20.00 Eastside Water Co. 18.75
A. E. Bannister 150.00 Louis F. Gates 10.25
C. D. Steward_ 150.00 General Gas Light Co. 182.00
Geo, W. Coleman 150.00 General Gales Corp. 189.55
J. A. Randel 150.00 Grimes-Stassforth Staty. 49.83
Roy Ballard 175,00 Harry T. Groves 18.00
Ray Bradfield 165.00 Chas. R. Hadley Co. 11.70
J. K. Sargent 175.00 Florence Hallicy 7.00
Mrs. E. G. Black 50.00 W. W. Hanks 35.25
F. B. Miles 100.00 C. H. Her ter 150.00
V. U. Brown 180.00 Ralph G. Hawes, M.D. 3.00
Frank Parcel 125.00 S. L. Hoke 11.10
l Harry Lee 10.00 H. B. Hdme . Co. 18.40
Harry Lee 150.00 H. B. Machine & Forge Co. 5.65
J. W. Bryant 150.00 H. B. Machine " it 7.95
C. A. Creamer 35.00 H.B. Motor & Bike Shop 7.25
E. J. Lawrence 75.00 H.B. Municipal Band 750.00
�1 E. J. avre7rcel ��70.00 H. B. News 230.70
L. B. Thompson 50.00 H. B. News 91.60
Frank Ash 13.00 H. B. Service Station 9.00
B. F. Windham 69.00 H. B. Telephone Co. 40.00
B. F. Windham 5.00 H. B. Telephone Co. 14.00 '
H. A . Knight 42.00 H. B. Volunteer Fire Dept. 33.00
H. A. Knight 6.00 H. B. Water Co. 282.83
B. F. Handley 8.00 H. B. eater Co. 16.20 g
Dan Sheehan 8.00 11V- H. Jones 260.00
F. M. Pryor 24.00 W. H. Jones 244.00
Bruce Harris 12.00 Kardex Sales Co. 3.16
Bruce Harris 8.00 Keplinger Printing' Co. 22.00
Bruce Harris 52.50 C. C.Kierulff & Co. 9.38
Howard Gar rison 20,00 LaBolsa Tile Co. 300.00
Howard Garrison 33.50 L.A.Rubber Stamp Co. 5.76 +
Clifford Garrison 33.50 Wm. T. Lindstrom Co. 81.15 j
Pat Garrison 28.00 Listenwalter & Gough 7.91
Helen Rardin 18.00 Ed Mm ning 1.55
Sam Isom 5.00 Ed Manning 22o60
C. Harpold 117.56 W. E. Martin 120.00
Joe Hughes 107.50 R.E.McIntosh 20.98
Joe Pallidino 109.00 R•E•McIntosh 74.69
Dave Mathis 8.00 R.E.lAcIntosh 35.21
M. Loftis 109.00 R.E.McIntosh 16.30
Tony Brachdorf 109.00 R.E.McIntosh 17.39
Geo. Thomas 8.00 R.E.IvlcIntosh 22.85
Ed Caryney 127.00 R.L.McIntosh 211.50 t
i Minutes - July 2fid, 1923 - Page #3.
4 '
R. E. McIntosh $27.98 'Union Oil Co. $66.92
Sam Jernigan,Sheriff 30.80 Van Fleet-Freear,Inc. 189.00
Orange Co.Pipe & Supply Co.170.02 It °' 129.60
Pacific Pipe & Supply Co. 45.50 if t' 243.00 j
It IT2.70 Joseph Vavra, Trees. 47.99
H.E.Proctor 1,00 Geo. W. Wardwell 7.50
Reliance Mfg. Co. 200.00 Wells & Sons 36.75
Republic Supply Co. 8.76 Elaine Wharton 7.00 ;
Rucker-Fuller Desk Co. 14.00 Jack M. Whitney Lbr.Co.101.20
Santa -Ana Sugar Co, 26.95 if " 9.00
Ben Schwartz 150.00 IT
" 298.70
Shinn-Holtz-Lyon Co. 512.23 TV IT 232.40
j IT tr i° 287.32 C. N. Whittam,Agent 250.00
( Southern Calif.Edison Co, 234.45 Yav -aan & Erbe Mfg.Co. 91.75
l " Counties Gas Co. 2424.66 W. D. Young 127.79
Sprague Meter Co. 247.50 V!. D. Young 8.08
Standard Oil Co. 46.00 W.R.Wright, Trustee , 99.36
Sam Steins Stationery 38.58
J. C. Teter 7.50
J. Tinsley 30.45
Elmer Turner 8.90
Trustee Obarr, seconded by Trustee Onson, offered a
A SA motion that the salary50.00 of � per month be allowed the Fire
Chief, effective July lst,
j Communication signed by the Huntington Beach Band was
TO�I.B.BON read, asking permission to use the Auditorium at noon on Sundays
for rehearsal , and on motion by Trustee Macklin, seconded by
IN R�.DITO I Trustee Andrews , the request was granted on condition that the
IN A�iDIlORIUTvI: building wa;s not required for other purposes at that time.
Communication wao also read , requesting the use of the
3 Auditorium for the band, July 20th, for the purpose of .giving a
RE, : BET IrlEI'I`h benefit concert, but as the repairs of the floor in the Auditorium
will be in progress at that time , it was impossible to grant the
request, and the Clerk was instructed to so advise them.
On motion by Trustee Obarr, seconded by Trustee Andrews
` COi4MITIEE the president was authorized to appoint a committee of three
f COMPILE 11tiLE S �
FOR NEGG AUD, , trustees, to compile a set of rules to govern the use of the new
Auditorium. President Drew appointed Tru.stges Obarr and Andrews
and Onson, on this committee.
Communication from the Huntington Beach Star was pre-
requesting information with reference to leasing the old
OLD CITY HALL City Hall building offering to pay $150.00 per month rent. As
the Board was not yet ready to consider leasing the building, the
BLDG : matter was taken under advisement.
Resolution #397 was presented and read, providing for the
RESOLUTION paving of Ocean Avenue and install ornamental lighting system, and
instructing the City Clerk to advertise for bids to be received
#397 : July 23rd. Trustee Obarr, seconded by Trustee Andrews, moved
adoption of Resolution #397 , copy of which is on file in the office
of the City Clerk, and it was passed and adopted by the following
Ayes: Trustees Obarr, Onson, Macklin, Andrews, Drew
Noes: None
absent: None
'PE On motion by Trustee Onson, seconded by Trustee Macklin,
,1 IKTOF the Clerk was instructed to write the American Legion and Boy Scouts;
a f A.ZRICAN LEGION extending thanks of the Board for their efforts in cleaning up the
On motion by Trustee Onson, seconded by Trustee Mack-lin,
ADJObiUIENT: the Board adjourned to Monday evening, July 9th, 1923. Yzo) j
President Board of stees. City erk
Ci y clerk.