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CITY HALL July 30 , 1923,.
1tegular Pursuant to adjournment July 27th,theregular meeting was called
to order at 8: 00 P. 14 . by the President.
Roll Call Trustees present: Onson, i.lacklii�,, Andrews , Drew.
Trustees absent: Obarr.
A communication from Maher was read , making application
Communication for a position as cement inspector on the Having of Ocean Avenue .
L1Uher Sarne was placed on file on motion by Trustee Andrews seconded by
Trustee Onson.
Communication signed by C. a. VanBrundt., general agent of the
Communication bonding comp,-ny representing 1.1r. George H. Oswald was read , asking
C. S. Van- the Board the reason for rejecting the bid of 1i1r. Oswald.
i�rundt On motion by Trustee Onson seconded by Trustee Andrews this
communication was referred to the City Attorney for a reply.
Library Board The annual report of the Library Board was read and on motion
report. by Trustee Onson seconded by Tructee Andrews was accepted , and
placed or_ file .
Communicati-on: A communication signed by the City Clerk and Gas Superintendent
adjustment of was presented and approved recommending adjustment of salaries
salaries of certain Cite employees , a copy of which is on file .
1dr. Cammeron of the Oil kAlorkers union addressed the Board
ET :Labor Day with reference to an eppropiai3n from Music & Promotion Fund
Celebration for the Labor Day Celebration. On motion by Trustee Macklin
seconded by Trustee Onson, w500,.00 was set aside to be paid from
1alusic & Promotion Fund to the Labor Day committee .
This being, the time for receiving bids for the sale of a
Bids on certain franchise for the purpose of laying and operating Oil
Oil Pipe -Pipe Lines in certain portions of the City, the Clerk opened
Lines and declared the following~ -bids:
Thomas ' . Simmons. �100.00 Cash
There being no other bids Trustee 1.11acklin seconded by Trustee
Onson Offered a motion that the bid be accepted «nd the Clerk
instructed. to c<<11 the roll , the motion was carried by, the
following votes
AYES : Trustees Onson, 1-iacklin, Andrews and Drew.
NOES: Trustees None
Absent: Trustee Obarr.
The bid having been accepted Ordinance #263, providing for the
above described franchise }:as given first reading.
F. 1.1enton Vj. F. Menton, Attorney, addressed the Board. st,-ting that he
Attorney, represented certain tax payers who were not satisfied ti�,ith the
Ocean ::venue action of the Board in awarding the contract for the paving of
contract. Ocean Avenue. He did not state whether these were tax payers of
Huntington beach or elsewhere.
Macklin to President Drew appointed Trustee Macklin to act on the finance
act on fin- committee in the absence of Trustee Obarr.
ance commi-tee
The thirty-five day time limit .having expired for the final
payment of the general contract of Clark Brothers on the City
Final Payment Hall , the clerk was instructed to draw a i,,rarrant in the amount
to Clark Bros . of. $9825. 00, this being the amount shown as still due on the
Certificate of 1.',alker and Eisen, architects. Also a warrant
Extra :ork for y407. 57 in favor of Clark Brothers covering extra work on
the Gas au1t� shelving and counter in the police department.
A bill of John Barlow for $100.00, being the cost of
u Payment for a life boat for the beach was also presented. All the
Life Boat foregoing bills were approved on the motion by Trustee
Orson, seconded by Trustee Iuiacklin.
Notice of completion of wiring contract on the City
Eotice of comple- Hall of Woodhill Paterson Company was presented and on
Lion, for wiring motion by Trustee Onson seconded by Trustee Andrews the
City Hallo President of the Board was authorized to sign the notice of
comple ti on.
i�,E: S tree t It was moved by 'Trustee Iflacklin, seconded by Trustee
Lighting. Onson that the City l.ttorney take up the matter of street--
lighting with the Edison Company and if no satisfactory
i:dison Comj))-ny. arrangements could be made , that he take the matter up with the
railroad commission. This applying to the new Street lights
recently installed .
City :L:ngineer Gates reported on the matter of Clay Street
Clay Street crossing. Chairman of the Board of Supervisors , T. B. Talbert,
crossing. was present and advised the Board of the action of the county
officials it=ith regard to this crossing.
There being no further business , on motion by 'Trustee I:iacklin
seconded by 1ndrews , the Board adjourned .
City Clerk
President of Board o Trustees
i Attest:
City Olerk.