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CITY HALL August 13 1923.
Pursuant to adjournment, August 6 , 1923, the regular
Regular meeting was called to order at 8:00 P. :A. by 2resident
Roll Call Trustees present Onson, Annrews , and Drew
_L'rustees Absent I,Iacklin, Oba.rr.
Onson on President .Drew appointed L2rustee Onson, to act on the
finance Committee finance committee in the absence of Trustee Obarr.
,Recess recess of five (5) minutes was declared by President Drew.
Board was again called to order. Mes�nwhile , Trustee
Macklin had arrived. The reports for the month of July,
reports for of the Recorders , Building Inspector , Clerk and Treasurer
July were read. Also the report of the Clerk, covering fin-
ancial transactions for the ps,st fiscal year.
On motion by Trustee ivia.cklin, seconded by Andrews , re-
ports were accepted as read and ordered placed on file .
Mrs. Higgins appeared before the Board in behalf of
the 4Jomans l:elief Corp stating that the G. A. R. and
Wom .ns relief t,WoT*lians _P.elief Corp of Orange County was to have a picnic
Corp , and (a. R at the beach, August 15, and requested an approporation
picnic. of tr✓enty-five (25. 00) dollars from the Music and Promotion
Fund for the purpose of securing an orchestra for enter-
request for tainment.
25.00 On motion by Trustee Macklin, - seconded by Trustee Onson,
the request w€,s g-r�:nted.
A communication was read from a committee of Oil V-iorkers -
Union, requesting the use of the Auditorium for a paid
Oil Vorkers dance , September loth. It was moved by 'Trustee IJlacklin
d€-.nce , seconded byTrustee Onson, that the recuest be granted ,
subject to the rules that may be put into effect by the
committee recently appointed providing their report is
ready before the tenth of September.
Communication from the California League of Municipalities
Convention giving ; notice of the annual convention of the League to be
o California League held at Coronado , September tenth to fourteenth. Also a
of I,,Iunicipalities letter from 1 . L. Harper, .President of the Board of Trustees
at Coronado , inviting all the City Officials to be present,
was read.
On motion regularly put and carried , these were ordered
, placed on file.
Communicc A letter signed by A . L . Dechene , public auditor, was read,
ti of ,
:. -7 Dechene offering his services to the City in the capacity of an
motion' Trustee On o lon b 1 z�,tee Onson, seconded b Trustee y y s e Andrews
the communication was placed on file .
The application of James Ballcgrd for a license to con-
Ipplicatior, duct the Palace Pool Hall at 117 h1ain Street , was presented
James ballord and on motion by Trustee Andrews , seconded by trustee Onson,
¢ the application was referred to the Chief of Police , for
report at the next meeting.
An application accompanied by 05.00 was presented, re-
Boxing questing that permission be granted C. H. O 'Connor and T.
Exhibition C. F�aulkr_er "t,o conduct a boxing exhibition at 214 5th Street
on the evening, 11mgust i7th. On motion by,Trustee Onson,
w seconded by -Trustee 1dlacklin, it was granted. -
hrdi��nce rA263 me�e Cond reeding of Ordinance 263 was laid over till next
eld over.
Surety bond of F. F. Thorp, housemover was presented and j
Surety Bond on motion by Trustee Andreas seconded by Onson, the same was
approved. accepted and. placed on file .
On motion by Trustee Onson, seconded by Trustee Lndrews
the Clerk was authorized to transfer from the General
i'r,cnsfer of. . Fur_d , to the Salary Fund �5315. 95. Also from tl�e General
Funds. Fund to the Street fund �A116. 80. This being the defib.it �
shown at the end of the fiscal year', after deducting de-
linquent ,taxes collected during the month of July and ap-
plied to these funds.
-President Drew declared a fifteen (15) minute recess at
recess this time .
Or motion by ,Trustee 1dacklin seconded by 'Trustee Onson
T250.00 -:.as, set aside from. the Idusic and Promotion Fund
and Concerts to be paid to the Huntington Leach Band, this• being the
balance required to complete the seasons concerts as pre-
viously agreed upon.
On motion by Trustee Idacklin, seconded by Onson, the
Leave of City Clerk was gran+.,ed a leave of absence for the week of
-lbsence August 20th to 27th.
executive On motion by Trustee Idack;_in, " seconded by Trustee Onson,
Session the Board went into executive session.
The Board was again called to order and the request of
request 1'. L. Candee , for permission to cut the curb on lots 16 and.
F. C and ee 18, Block 214 was granted on motion by Trustee Onson, seconded
by Trustee Andrews .
Building Inspector Gates advised the Board that he had
Building a request from E. Sarabere for permission to erect a fr,�r.�e I _
He quest garage on his property on lot 2 Block 105 , which is Fire �
E. Sarrabere District #1. The Board ruled that no exception corild be
made , and that L'Ir. Sarrabere could not be granted permission
to erect a frame building.
The City Engineer reported that the road work on Clay
report from Street is ready for the Southern Pacific to install the
work on Clay crossing and wig-wag signal . ,-
On motion by ;Trustee ldacklin, seconded by `Trustee Onson,
bills approved by the finance committee were allowed as A
Bills follows :
Approved State Compensation Ins. Fund �400.00
A. L. Prink 96. 00
Clarence Wilson 277 . 80
J. E. O'Donriell 58.00 Y
T' " 245. 00
The matter of laying.. service Mains for supplying sewage ;
Service I.Tains water and gas accommodations along the beach at various
for accommoda- places' as discussed, it being urged that installation of cas-
tions , clong ing to carry these 1-ines should. be installed across Ocean
beach approved Avenue , prior to paving.
On motion by Trustee Onson, seconded by Trustee i:Iacklin j
the City Engineer was instructed to install tv,,,elve (12) inch i
casing across Ocean Avenue at 8th,' 13th, 17th, and 23rd Streets .
On motion by `;Trustee Onson, seconded by Trustee Andrews
the Board adjourned till I;ionday 6:00 P. 1.11. August 20 , 1923.
City Cle
i+ President of Board Trustees �
City Clerk
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