HomeMy WebLinkAbout1923-11-22 Huntington Beach, Cal . Nov. 15, 1920. Regular. Pursuant to adjournment of Nov Oth the Board met in regular session and was called to order at 7.30 P. NI. Trustees present f0lanni.ng,Onson, Andrews,Drew. Roll call . -Absent Obarr. Engineer Berkley presented a petition from the Pao. _ rl Rprkley. Pipe and Supply Co. for an advance of 10-a on their contract � price for treating pipe; Mr. Berkley advised that request be refused and suggested that he write to them and it was moved by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Andrews that Mr. Berkley be authorized to so write. Mr. Berkley also recommended in view of the Natural Gas Bolder Gas situation that the City purchase a holder, that the "ecoirms-rdpd. maximum price would be $25,000. and the minimum $23.000. and it was moved by Trustee Andrews seconded by Trustee Onson' that Mr. Berkley be authorized to proceed to get information as to cost of Holder and Site, etc. Carried. Frarchi-se 'Referring to the petition of the Standard Oil Co. for Spur'' Track permission to cross Ocean Ave . with a spur track it was moved k Ocp.an .A,v,:,!. by Trustee Onson seconded by Trustee Andrews that President of the Board be authorized to sign agreement. Carried. Ayes Trustee4 On son.Ane9rews9DrpwJiIanni_rg. Abse"t Obarro �I Gag Ltrp Irloved by Trustee Onson seconded by Trustee Andrews that u"der S.P. the President of the Board be authorized to sign agreement Hartford St. with the Southern Pacific Company for the Gas Lire under the Southern Pacific Right-of.---Way at Hartford Street. IOW Ayes, Trustees Onson, Andrews, Drew, Manning, j Noes, None. Absent Obarr. Application of John Waterfield and Mayes Canfield to Pool room. conduct a Pool Hall was laid over on recornnendation of City Attorney as not being made according to provisions of Ordin- ance. Dema-ds. Moved by .Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Onson that the Demands, R. F. Tare, . $765.88 and D. W. Ruston $152.00 be allowed, . Carried. d Moved and carried to adjourn to Monday, Nov. 22, 1920 . dd j . ll-/22`20. 7.30 P. INJ. 1 Clerk. Appr®1TE'd o WhoRoBo0arWof* 000 0pl•p�-ident T6v°ustAp. 1 of the City of Hurt- -gton Bpa 19 Cal- for-is.- a.. G Attest o o _e a o . 0 0 0 0 0 . City Clerk and en-diffi ci o G:1P. k of th^ Roa"d of @rustpps of e. City of Huntington Reahh, C if , I Huntington Be c , Cal. Nov 22, 1920 . f Regular. Pursuant to adjournment of Nov. 15, 1920 the Board of Trustees met and WAH� called to order at 7,30 P. M. ? Moll call. Trustees present Obarr, Onson, Drew T,Ianning. Absent Andrews . Obarr- �m- Flr-.Con, Trustee Obarr appointed to serve on Finance Cott.. temporarily account absence Trustee Andrews. Dema-nd. Demand of R. F. Ware, $69-r.34 was allowed on motion of allowed. Trustee Drew seconded byvTrustee Obarr. Adj 11/29. No further business Board ad1'ourned to Nov. 29, 1920. 7 .30 P. M. on motion by Trustee Obarr seconded by 'Trustee Drew. F d I r