HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924-01-07 i 44 I I r. City Hall, January 7 , 1924. ,I RegularThe regular meeting was :called to order at 7 :30 P. 1d. by President Drew. Roll Call Trustees present, Onson, 1:iacklin, Andrews , Drew. ' Trustees absent, Obarro lilacklin on President Drew appointed 'Trustee Macklin to act on the j finance committee finance committee in the absence of Trustee Obarr. _ The Clerk read the minutes of the meeting for December Ainutes read which were approved on motion by Trustee Macklin seconded by � and approved Trustee Onson. Monthly reports of the recorder, Treasurer, Clerk and laonthly reports Building Inspector were read accepted and ordered placed approved and on file on motion by Trustee ' Onson, seconded by Trustee placed on file Macklin. A petition signed by various property owners along Orange Avenue was presented , requesting the Board to take the necessary steps to have Orange Avenue paved and lighted Petition presentedfrom First to 23rd Streets. On motion by Trustee Onson to pave Orange seconded by Trustee Macklin the petition was accepted and rvenue the City Engineer instructed to prepare plans , specifications , Engineer to cross-sections and profiles for the improvement of Orange prepare plans . Avenue from First to 23rd Streets. r' I ''ecess President Drew declared a short recess.f.at this time. Called to order The Board was again called to order. This being the time to receive bids for supplying the Bids for Fire Department with Foamite Equipment in accordance with Foamite notices duly published in the Huntington Beach News the Clerk opened and declared the following bids. Shields I'arper Shields Harper ck Company, ! Company , .. I 2 - 40- gal. Foamite Model "F" Engines, without wheels, each net complete with charges - - - - - $318.75 2- 2-1/2 gal Foamite Extinguishers, fire department n type , price 30.00 Associated Supply Associated supply Company Company 2 - 40 gal. "Foamite" fire Engines complete Model F -40 4236.00 Model D 40 383.00 Extra Recharges for above 11.25 2- 22 gal "Foamite" Fire Extinguishers complete 16.50 Extra Recharges for above 1.40 i 2 40 gal "Phomene" Fire Engines complete 385.00 Extra recharges for above 11.50 41 2 22 gal. "Phomene" Fire Extinguishers complete 15. 75 Extra recharges for above 1 .15 1warding of bids laid over tem or- p Awarding of the bids was laid over temporarily until the a.rily arrival of Fire Chief Tinsley. i Mr. Patrick representing Elliot (1 Horne , Bond Brokers, was present , and President Drew invited him to give the Board Opinion of his opinion as to the merits of the "1915 Bond Act" over the merits of 1915 111911 Bond Act". After hearing Mr. 2atrick' s views on the j Bond i-Ict over _ i 1911 `Ict. , I Y j i i i ,d subject and in view of the fact that proceedings had been started on Fifth"-and Fifteenth Streets , under the"1911- Act, a.motion by Trustee Macklin: seconded `by. Trustee . Onson;,.that ,j the hearings of protests against certain improvements started on Fifth and Fifteenth Streets, which were to be heard at this tide in accordance with published notices be laid over until January" 21st, at 7 :250 P. -I. was carried. T. Mr. Fernandez of the Tiernan Typewriter Company addressedI�: . Fernandez : . yp p y 6E : IiE-3uilt lidding the Board with referiiece to the purchase of a re-built Burroughs Machine . Adding Machine. No action was taken. H. V. Anderson of the Huntington Beach Company requested the Board to give his Company a written acknowledgement of ownership I Playground equipment of the Playground equipment which had been ,placed upon the x beach by the City. Upon motion by Trustee Mabklin seconded by r 'trustee Onson the clerk wars instructed to so advise the Hunting- ton Beach Company>by letter. This being the time for receiving bids on curtain and other Stage E4uipment stage equipment for the Auditorium in accordance with notices ff Bid received regularly published in the Huntington Beach News the- Clerk opened and declared the. only bid received , that of Edwin H Flagg dwin. H. Flagg Scenic Company for the sum of $1090.00. Scenic Company ' s On motion by Trustee ialacklin seconded by Trustee Onson the bid accepted. bid was accepted on condition th&,t the quipment be installed complete on or before February 8th, payment to be made upon acceptance of the work. Shields Harper & On motion by Trustee Macklin seconded by Trustee Onson the Companyu-s bid bid of Shields Harper & Company for Foamite equipment was accepted for Foamite equipment and all other bids rejected. accepted. i Mr. Brinker of John I'dansville Company addressed the Board Acoustical co.rrect- with reference to Acoustical correction of the Auditorium and ion on motion of Trustee Onson seconded by Trustee Andrews the Clerk to advertise Clerk was . nstructed to advertise for bids in the Huntington for bids. Beach News for acoustical correction treatment of the Audit- s, orium. ;Ir. Frostlin of 302 16th Street, addressed the Board with -reference to the use of fertelore for use on the lawns to be , Engineer to purchase planted on the City Hall grounds. Fertelore On motion by Trustee Macklin seconded by Trustee Onson the City Engineer was :instructed to order one and one half f =fir; tons of this material. • •e Advertise for bids On motion by Trustee Onson seconded by Trustee Ma.bklin the on Dodge Touring car Clerk was instructed to advertise in the Huntington Beach News for one Dodge Pouring car or its equivalent. On motion by Trustee ,lacklin seconded by Trustee Andrews the Ra.idator removed to Clerk was instructed to have a radiator removed from the main fire room office and placed in the rear of the Fire aparatus room. A request for a permit to conduct a .boxing exhibition at Boxing exhibition 214 5th Street 'January 11 , 1924 was ' granted on motion by Trustee permit granted Macklin seconded by 'Trustee Andrews. On motion by Trustee Macklin seconded by 'Trustee Andrews Estimate of cost for the City Engineer was instructed to secure estimate on the comfort station cost of installation of a comfort station in the 17th Street park. Communication from Chief of Police Tinsley with reference Salaries of motor- to salaries of motorcycle police was presented , a copy of which cycle police is on file in the office of the Clerk. The same was approved on motion by Trustee Onson seconded by Trustee Andrews. On motion by Trustee �4a.cklin seconded by 'Trustee Onson the Secure informationClerk was instructed to communicate with bond houses in Los regarding 1915 and. Angeles and secure their views regarding the loll and 1915 1911 Bond Act. Bond Acts. for Street improvement. III - I I �'i 46 Request for permit to build a garage on Lots 1 , 2, 3 and 4 Request to built Block 111 , by R. Knizl was held over for the reason that no sketch Garage , held i`o-• the proposed building at this location was submitted. _ over On motion by 'Trustee Macklin seconded by Trrstee Andrews bills approved by the finance committee and President of the Beard were Bill allowed allowed as follows : Richard Drew 25.00 Wm Barker 20.00 A Ons on 25.00 Wm Barker 60.00 J H I1lacklin 25.00 Sar? Bergey 197. 00 R L Obarr , 25.00 W A Blakemore 107.00 C J Andrews 25.00 L W Cady 98.50 Joseph Vavra 26.00 0 S Campbell 101.50 L. W Blodget 125.00 E F Carney 75.00 C W Warner 75.00 E n Carney 101. 25 W H Wright 125.00 E ICI Driver 100.00 V,_=E FixsOn'i, 175.00 G K Duffey 91 .50 Louis F Gates 125.00 J W Elkin 98.00 Louis F Gates 125.00 Chas Harpold 128. 81_ Grace 1,1 Brose 140.00 J C Handley 100.00 C D Hooper 115.00 Ben Handley 102.00 .Marie Vandruff 100.00 G W Handley 200.00 Helen N Newland 1115.00 EiR Hensley 102.00 W R Wright 175.00 Joe Hughes 200.00 Cal W Smith. 110.00 Sherman Isom 103.00C Helen Rardin 75.00 Millard Loftis 44 `00 Clint Creamer 165.00 Joe Pallidino. 114.50 L E Hill 135.00 Glen Sherwood 102.00 Sam Isom 115.00 1.2 L Simms 158. 75 Ed Winchell 125.00 Asa Taylor 100.00 J Tinsley 250.00 E Thornton 25.00 J L Stanton 176.00 E Thornton 71 .00 R Choat 165.00 C C Wilton 102. 50 W H Stanton 150.00 T D Porter 72.00 A E Bannister 150.00 Floyd F Hume 100.00 Geo W Coleman 150.00 W k Corcoran 50.00 D H Westmoreland 150.00 W A Corcoran 78.00 Roy Ballard 175.00 H A Knight 90.00 Ray Bradfiled 165.00 B F Windham 82.00 J K Sargent 175.00 C IM Whitfiled 36.00 L E Hill 40.00 Sam Isom 10.00 Mrs. E G Black 50.00� Acacia Garage 9.15 �{ f F. B. 1diles 100.00 Arrow_-i Garage L2. 65 V U Brown 180.00 Austin Western Road 5.30 Frank Parcel 125.00 S R Bowen Co 9;18- J S Thatcher 200.00 S R Bowen Co 13.50 ' C J Yost 175.00 Brea Boiler Works 294. 2& Jack Colvin 175.00 H B Service Sta 3.50 J C lda`Truder 150.00H E Service Sta 100.45 Lawrence Klentz 125.00 H B Telephone 42. 80 } Brea Boiler_.Wd)rks 113 72.'H B Volunteer Fire 171 .00 h Brown-Bevis Co 50.50 H B Water Co 260. 20 Buck & Buck 1. 90 Ralph E Hawes 30.00 r Butchers Pharmacy 2.00 Herb 's Waffle Inn 3.3. 95 California Law Book Co S.UO Huston Suter & Huston 137.50 Catching Bros Co 6.40 W H Jones 100.00 California Nat'l Supply 2.89 Keplinger Printing Co 5. 25 T C DeLapp 10.06 Kierulff & Ravenscroft 39.36 Eastside Water Co 18. 75 L A Rubber Co 8.53 y Arthur L Ferry 108.50 Main Street Garage 2. 75, Fidelity Pencil Co 18;.50_ Ed Manning 230. 50 f Gladys Follansbee 323. 54 Ed Manning 230. 50 Fuller & Creamer 44.30 Robert 11,2arshall 9.75 Gas Age Record 3.00 Fredrick J I'Aartin 2.56 �. General Gas Light Co 13.65 Ivlitchell Service Sta 9.86 General Gas Light Co 13.65 Ed 1.1anning 213. 70 ' General Sales Corp 109.25 A W Morehouse 9. 20 H F Gramlich 3.00 14utual hefining Co 16.00 Grimes St€:.ssforth Stat. 35.24 G C Neibuhr 36.80 H B Auto Elect Shop 4. 35 Ed Manning 191.16 H B Auto Elect. Shop 38.05 Ed Manning 22'7.45 H E Elect Shop 21.02 J E O'Donnell 248.00 H B Gravel Co 281. 2b J E O'Donnell 290.00 H B Hdwe 5.76 Orange County Pipe 43. 26 H B Service Stat 187.18 -i177.23 d- 47 J E O'Donnell 232.00 Ed Manning 147.55 Ed Manning 230.50 `southern Co Gas Co 3014.08 Ed Manning 119.85 Standard 1dachin Co 29.19 J E O'Donnell 124.00 Stendard Oil Company 20.00 J E O'Donnell 232.00 J Tinsley 3.80 Orange County Treasurer 67 .88 Ed Manning 134.60 I Pacific Elec Land Co 1.00 Ed Manning 162.00 11 Ed Manning 178 .00 R A Tiernan Typewriter Co 72.50 V E Pierson 200.00 C_ty Treasurer 496.25 R J Prescott 9.18 Union Oil Co 95.31 Ed Manning - 185.10 John E Wagner 30.25 A E Prink 25.50 M A Wello 5.61 Re;�ublic. Supply Co 5. 28 W,D Young- San Pedro Lumber Co 29.27 Ed manning 167.55 Ben Schwartz 150.00 VVeslbach Company 54.04 Ed Manning 134.15 VVeslbach Co 6.52 Ed Manning "201.40 Western Union 5.67 -� Shell Co 33.17 C rJ VVhittam 250.00 Sherwood Refining 91. 20 Ed Manning 129. 55 Southern Calif Ed. 594.86Whites H B Laundry 8.95 Ed Manning 243.85 E H Woods Lumber .Co 45. 34 Ed 'Manning 224.85 E C Wright 23.75 W Z Young 49.50 4 It Wright ''irustee 39.68 Sprague Meter Co 247 .50 Ed Manning 148.25 Sam Steins 11.35 W D Young 6.49 ' Seal Beach Auto Dispatch 1 .00 r d , r� On IuMoiton by Trustee Macklin seconded by Trustee Andrews the Board adjourned to January 21 , 1924. City Clerk President of the Boa. a of Trustees r ATTEST : C'V City Clerk andex-oXficio Clerk of the Board of Trustees , City of Huntington Beach, California. I