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CI`i'Y H.GLL , Apri 1 21 , 1924.
Re�ulr r Pursuant to ad jouri�rnent April 7th the regult!.-r meeting eras
�' called to order at 6:00 P.111. by President Drew.
Trustees Present Onson liTachlin Obarr , ndreir;s Drew.
' moll Call Trustees Absci?t , done .
Aco!,=unication from the League of California 1,Tunicipalities
w, read with t1. re -ereilce t.o distribution of the gasoline tax
Gasoline ttAx ' State r ~�
z�o_w, f 1_E�os�d b� ne ,,,tag-�, for the motor vehicle dey��u,rtlent.
On motion? by Trustee Obarr seconded by Trustee 1ndrewc the
' matter was taken under advisement.
Communication A communication from 1,ajor E. D. Ardery of the T.: ar Department
I al—ig of 1�ew-oort EngineeringCorp was read az�?nouncing a hearing with reference to
Harbor. the 1lewport Harbor to be held in S5,nta Ana City H�11 I,Tay 5th
1924 , at 10: 00 L . i�T.
i:ibrury report The report of the Public Library for the month of i:Iarch was
.� read acid orCiered placed on file,:
Ordinance #271 Ordinance 7r271 canceling the fral?chise for pipe lii:es within
pu.ssed and adopted. the City limits gra.r_ted to 'Thomas 1,7- Simmons over Ordinance
#263 was given second -reeding, and on motion by Trustee Obarr
seconded by 11rustee irlacklir_ was passed and adopted by the
following votes :
Ayes , Trustees , Onson, 1.1acklin, Obarr , Andrews , Drew.
11.)es , 'Trustees , 11one
Absent., Trustees , 1Jone .
This being the time for receiving bids for the construction of
Bids for Comfort a Public Comfort Station in Seventee,._th Street Park, in accordance
Station with notices dilly ,published in the Huntington Beach 11evrs , the
Clerk opened and declared the following bids .
Jules '-l. i.Ta,rkel & Son $965. 00
George A Greer 1163.00
It was moved by Trustee 11b.cklin seconded by Trustee Andrews
Bid of Jules Y4 that the bid of Jules tv'. 1.1,_:rkel & Son be accepted , on the cor_-
�' T.1-rkel &,_Son accepted dition that he signs a. contract providing that he vrill complete
on condition he sign a Public Comfort Station in Seventeenth Street Park for the
contract according price named in accordance with the plans and specifications
to pl<.,.ns on file previously adopted by the Board , and that call other bids be
rejected , which was carried .
A petition -signed by numerous property owners on Ninth Street
Petition to prevent was read urgingthe Board to pE.ss an Ordinance to prevent heavy
heavy trucking on trucking on 11 nth Street. It being the opinion of members of
`A� 1dinth Street. the Board. that a number of other street should have the same
k!l protection the :.latter was laid over temporarily until the sub-
ject could-lbe fully gone into.
This being the time for receiving bias for the paving .nd
Bids for Sixteenth lighting of Sixteenth StreetTorin Ocean Avenue to Palm K-,�enue , in
Street. accordance with notices duly published in the Hunt ingt,)ri :�cGch
1levis , the Clerk opened ,:,,d declared the following bids.
y Bids :.for , Sixteenth St. E G Feraud Hall Johnson George 1d
Company Souter
Excavating, per cu. yd . 1 .10 1 .25 . 90
Finished sub-grade , per sq. ft. . 02 .019 . 02
Paving, 3" asphaltic concrete
b,.se and 2" i illite wearing sur-
face , per square foot. . 26 . 257 . 25
Ornar�enta.l Lighting SI stem, 6000.00 6500.00 5800. 00
Culvert headwalls in place ,ea. 5.50 5.00 4.50
Street culvert in place , per
lin. foot 4. 50 4. 25 3.40
Sidewalk culvert in place ,per
' lineal foot 6.00 5. 50 5.00
George I:I Souter' s bid It beir_g evidentt that the bid off e rge i:i ;.;outer ova e Ok .
accepted . lowest bid , esolution ,'428 was read , a cony of which is on
file in the offic-e of the Clerh, passed and adopted oil -notion
by Trustee La.cklin seconded by 'Trustee Onson, by the following I
votes . {{
Ayes , 'Trustees , Jnsoil, i,1,9-c Alin, Ob&rr, 4ndrews , Drew.
Noes , Trustees , Clone
Absent, Trustees , 1Jone. `
On motion by Trustee �Iac-_lin seconded by Trustee Onson bills ;
Bills allowed. approved by the Finance Committee and signed by the President of
the Board were all ;wed as follows.
E. F. Carney 122.'50 Ge,6rge DI Souter 250.00 ` 4
Gerald Halterman 62.00 George Id, Souter 181 . 85
C IJI McCa.rthey 68.00 Ge orge IvI Souter 106. 75
Fred 1P.iley 29. 50 George :1 Souter 168.99 a
Glen Sherwood 66.00 George I.I Souter 131.00
M L Simms 103.12 Geo ge Id Souter 250. 00
Arrow Gara:re Ceti !Aachine George ld Souter 250. 00
Shop 157. 40
On motion by `Trustee Idaci_lin seconded by :�rustee Onson the
Perr.Yit for Boxing application of the HuntiYigtoYY Beach Athletic Club for a permit to
Exhibition gr�.nted conduct an Amateur Boxing Exhbition at 214 Fifth:: Street on the r
nii2, ht of April 25, 1924 was appr_)ved , the request being accompanied
rti4 by the P'5.' 00 license fee .
Electric signs for Trustee Obarr having been appointed a committee of one to + �'
OA. ..n =venue Paid over investigate a. matter of Electric' Signs for Ocean hvenue , reported •.�
for attention of new that he had f. and that the IIuY1t fiigton Bench electricians could
Board. supply satisfac%ory signs for considerable ie ss than the prices
quoted previ otzsly to the Board by,..a. Los .Angeles;-firm, and rec- _
ommended thc:.t the matter be 1=. id ove for the a.t.tentiorT of the
new Board .
This being the ti_-qqe specified by the statutes for canvassing
the returns of the General 1,I11nicipa.l 'Election held on the 14th day
Canvt.ss of the re tit rns . of April 1924, in cities of the sixth class , the Board proceeded
of Election. to canvas the returns of the Ele ction held "in this city or ,r`. id �
day. Thereupon the following Resolution 1427 was presented, a copy _
of ,rv'Hich is included and _rks.c:e a part of these minutes , and on
motion by Trustee Obarr seconded by i'r<<stee Andrei-vs as passed and
adopted by the votes shown oil the copy of the resolution. S€ti- d
Resolution correctly t ets forth the resultt:of the said election �
as found by said Board of Trustees upon canvassing same .
Announcement of President Brew announced the elect-on of Vim. R. 1,,7harton, Chas.
officers. G. Boster and ZLawrerYce i?. -Ridenour as .lrizstees for four year
terms , Joseph Vavra , as treasurer for fo :z year �errn, and Ve'. R.
Vtfright ,�:_as Clerk for a. four year terra. '
06th of officers . President Drew then ,udriir:iste.rend the oath to ",(right as '
C(erk, who iY1 turn administered the oath to Joseph Vvra asTreasurer, f
and JTn. 1 ,. rc'.rton, Chas G. Bostei;, a.nd Lawrence iRideno::r as �J
Trustees .
This completing the business of the Old Board it *vvas moved by
Ld jou.r e2Gt sine die Trustee Obarr secoT-L ed by Trustee;-:-Andrews that the Board ad jolzrn
sine die .
T :e new members of' the Board took the seats on the withdrawal
of the three retiring members and President Drew announced that
f xomina.ti ons for this was a. special meeting for the purpose of organizing the new
President. Board and called, for nominations for Presid ent of the Board of .
Trustee T,I8.eklin nominated I:awrence Riden_7ur for President ,
once - . Ridenozzr of the Board to serve for two years which was seconded by `Trustee J I
elected. Afhartbn .nd the Clerk was instructed to cast the unanimous ballot
of the Board for I:ir. F idenour.
Retiring President Drew then addressed President Ridenour,
pledging his hearty support and tendered his thanks to. •the. old
Board for their loyal support during his terra as President and there-
upon presented the ar-vel to i?resident :tiden our who took the
President ' s chair.
Congratulations and pledges of support were exchansed between.
the- retiring members and the i7ncoming members , and ''resident
-. -_2
d '
Ridenour announced the election of the following committees.
Finance Trizs Lees , Boster and Drew
-17 Streets and Parks , Trustees , Drew Grid Y harton
Cotmmittees. Gas and Sewers , Trustees, 11acirlin and Boster
Police and .Fire , Trustees , !vharton and Boater
Health and Sanitation, Trustees , 14harton_ and Ilacklin.
On motion_ by 'rustee Drew seconded by Trizstee :Aaeklin the Board
City Clerk
President of the Boc,rd of Trustees
hTTI1ST:: -
Ci ty Cle rk and ex-r--o '.- Lo Clerk of
the Board .of- T.-, t' es �.he' City of
Hnntirr,ton'Be c' , Ca' nia..,,
77. ' � 4� �'l�'/�............. .. ...._. ._,ram.. ..�.__ ' _� .- �� � a.us...._ .... - �,•
a -
P f
Resolution of the Board of Trustees
Of the City. of Huntti ton Beech,
I; Mate or California, Declaring Reenit
of Election.. .
WIM8, a Rene-ral municipal election was held and conducted '
i�? the Cater of uinti�-. ton Beach, can Monday.. the 1:4th i,&y, of April ,. 1 9 4,
as required by law,
f A INyi.c; .3 x .�, it appears that notice of €_;a1d ele6tion c s daly
scl 1c «l3 ivcn the E, �if3s-1ng eci��e s: were properly xl:� et lashed } .
" t 4 e.e 1'
election officese ,<ere appointed and election supplies furnished, €nd
ghat in- v ll respeot as held and cond-ueted. ap.4 the votee
c"u�•.�:'st there' : t rebe iv€t nd. clan Las'see d�.� , iai , e rc,trix ' thereof- �.�ac�&? Ea�C#
declared in time, form and A�,a mer as required by the ge3�eral ,l.s.�s of the {
state �Toverning clecti-•--ns in- cities of the fifth or sixth clefs,
AND T��*EREAS, the: Board of Truatees of said City riet at the
chariber 61 the. Doard. on Llonda , "th-c: 21st cj, y of April, 1924 to
c nvays the returr'is of sai- 'ol.ection and instal the newly elected officers,
as a result of which the �aard �inc�s that the number of rotes ca s�� the
V .nratnes of the ne-soz'�s voted tor., sect other matters re-gni.red her lart, to be
V s herein t x� �t�y� t, now t°rerdfore \
' ,:.M IT RLIWIN11D as follo-ars i
That said regT.:.I r municipal elect-ion Foss he-16 and condti-eted. 1h.,
the City of Huntington j3each, on. Monday the 14th 0f.:4pril,,1` 19.P4, ;n ti-ne,
ao w. and mainier Pe required by
`i'hat there mere four voting precinctf� ester€dished for the pur-
pose of holding said election, consieting, of a consolidation of the .reg--
zlar election ova preci.nc'�o est-;blished' for. liblding general state and county
elections as follows:
"Consolidated Vo-tiL Precinct "All', comprising state aiid cri�nt�
preci:nc`ts nuE itjers 1, w' and 3.;
"Gonsoli,dated Voting precinct ° ", coyxiprisi'ng state and county
precincts numbers 4, 5, and 6, ; ,
r "Consolida'tod 'doting Precinct 10: 11s comprising suite an6 counter
aincte- numh6r : 7, and 8;
"Coneolidated VotIng Precinct 9D111,, comprising st .te rand county
preci.ncte numbers 9, end 10;
rMat the whole number of-votes case i.n• sa id. City waz Thi.rtren
That the names .:of the lac _�ons voted for, the, offices for which
tlhez tielte. voted., t'he nimber olf votes :given in,;encb ,precinct to each of
said peAons, together i'vfth. the whole number of votes which they received.
/ i.a 'the .e _tare City, Lire as - fellows:.
• 1
Tx kZ 6 to a al.-,Sul l
term. .
o Charles J Andrews tt tt 63 55 42 1s 173
E Cherlc,e, 0 Boe-ter 210 218 180 1.23 731
J Willia,b CoOk' tt 12 -98 53 57 337
B -N nni .._,:. tE tF _1.1�8 . 94 51 45 B06
R. L.. .,Obarr ,, ►• '� 108 94 60 20 282
Albert _eon Tt n 4 302 54 25 275
Viso 11« `tf i'tom ta' tr 18.9 2 1 184 122 742
Clerk 1 1•2 93S. G. ino 6402
W. P, v4d,-:iA +r tE 275 261 177 105 818
} J K c1na l d 's It .. 2 2
Joe `z?h �,av, Tr��=azu7-rer t; w 8 ` 78 19C 116 852
i X 14cDo ld tt �' 1!4 16 21 2 63
8 E Hear'3: t4 . to 1 .6 2 4 z3
1 , Clerk reed
That there were no propositions Voted upon at sold election
J�tip I
MESoLUD therefore that at said general mmicipal e l-Oction
}=11II. s .. ^. e2'ected. to the- of f ice of THUSIM,'of the city of
Huntington 13e bh -f or tl* FULL VILM ,of f onr year'.71 o
AL a„ that Cleo-E -C C3iz�-R, vmv elected to tho ' o c£ice of ,
TII :'T ::B of sa-I'd C1ty, leer the FULL- �NIM of- -bur ,year.a; j
' ?� .th&,t AVUE— ff-12 Re I�IIE-110 �<� vas elected to- the of�ice of
TIRWSTFE Of iiaid., (11ty for the full ' term of lour years'.;
.t .'.. R. a�RIGIff wms- el.ectecl to 'tbe office of -d ERK
of sr�zd ,C. Y/` 1qr U#e; term of four- years;
ff that jOS PH 17 VRA was elected to, the 6ffice of S"Oa�°a�
Q ..0 .id C ' `. ork.the ter: i�if foiir 'years;
The Clerk still enter on the records of .t)z Bo&rd a statement
of the result of the, election', sharing (1) The W'thole .number of votes
,,. cast
�l in said
City; (-Zl . xhe*. names
am scf 'the persoris vo t:edfor, andas ta'te en
l i hV were idi y3naW# voted 74ip (t ) { jd' V ec -v3A a 'Cia4'j per tin was v€i.ted for;, the number of voes given at s ch pmicindt
I each )f s,.:oh pe� ions,, aend for and -a7 inett each oJE s"Ch prop"ositio.no.; and
(5) . babe w, ber of rotes giv n . gin said City to each of such persont. and
° for and' e,.,ch of such ,Propo.s•itioils voted gpdna
4 '� 3 deliver
5 T 1 f Ouch
The Clerk shall ic.d.i �el� ��.���e end e.e,�_ver to a�.c�_ o� �;��.€.h
per lone . elcoted to certii kcs.te of elect an, si:gne'd by . him and duly authen-
ti.c ted; he shall 61so izmpose , the conveti:tutional oath o office end. hive
theme 'subs-,cribs to creto, *whereu-pon 'thee t4all' be i nd�tcte* into �Iib r -s.-
q pecti*,e officer, to Which they have been e1e,eted,.a
1. .the underei ned., hereby certify
that the fdxe oiiag Resolution uas duly .yid,
regularly introduced- &:aid adopted by Vh.(a Board
of `srnstoes of the City off. Iiiintington Beach
at a reguleir mea ting held. A- r:111 et' 1924, by
the following vote: to-vita
r �lam'^t�`'�:�/.i./.i / �L'f� 4il/f�✓Y �l�iv►''
110 EP S
IR s 'i'i CNY :�_ 1 have hug rcf to- ,
bet my h nd, wyid affixed. the € ixildial seal € f
1 said Ci.ty.0• thie ,21st ea,-y of April lj24a-
l C i y l.er
'The o1 mast meet " 1: 23, l c� to canvass
theme s o Thereupon � � : the igrErea97 xi.s Rew � 'can
€end adopt a. ���c newly' elected 'mil should t. e
their seate,