HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924-05-05 is/`+4 t A t City Hall, May 5, 1924. J Regular The regular meeting was called to order at 8:00 P. IL .by President Ridenour. Trustees present; Wharton, Macklin, Boster, Drew, Ridenour-: Roll call Trustees absent: None. Minutes for April The .minutes for the month of April were read and approved on ret.d and approved. motion by Trustee :;Macklin seconded by Trustee Drew. Reports for the preceekding months of the Treasurer, Clerk, Reports for April Dul-.ding Inspector and Recorder were read approved and ordered reed and approved placed on file on motion by Trustee Wharton seconded by Trustee Macklin. Communication from A communication from the automobile club of Southern California -,-' Automobile Club was read, advising the Board that they were now in postion to regarding electric establish electric blinker signs at dangerous intersections in the blinkers City without cost other than maintainence and invited communications with their engineering department. This was ordered accepted and placed on file on motion by Trustee Macklin seconded .by 'Trustee Wharton. llcb oli a 6ija ,l ,AIyT ,.;tJ`. "0i .-_L.. •C,00per was read with reference -� toinstallation "of plumbing 'in his b�zilcir_g..o ;:. i_e1 Street, between _ Orange and dangolia , and on motion by- Trustee Drew seconded by Commtinicaaion f om Trustee Wharton the matter was referred to the President of the Board C. L. Cooper regarding for adjustment with the plumbing inspector. -�l-umb i n0% ,. oornmunieation from A communication signed by W. Westfall , reciting facts concerning :%a Westfall injuries he -received in 1921 in a gas fire while employed by the City, was read. On motion by Trustee Boster seconded by Trustee Drew the matter was taken under advisement. i .Application of E. L. Curtis for renewal of the permit to cor.duct A e, tackle stand on the outer end of the pier for a period of three wasApplication from i years dating from June 5, 1924 was read. . The City Attorney wa, in- E L Curtis for renewal of permit to structed to prepare a permit covering the period in question. conduct tackle stand. A written application of Dr. H. C. Saunders for position of health Application for officer in the event that the Board saw fit to make any change , was position of Health read and taken under advisement, on motion by Trustee Drew seconded Officer. by Trustee Macklin. A petition signed by various property owners was �read requestingk. f. Petition to pave alley•the Board to pave the alley between Main & Fifth Streets running from atween 5 & Main Olive Avenue to Orange Avenue , the cost to be assessed against the , rom Hivee to Orange property benefited. On motion by Trustee Boster seconded byTrustee VVdharton the matter was taken under advisement. _ - A petition was ;jreseiitau sidiied by numerous,:property owners ; etiti.on to �: bC �ia� asking that proceedings be started for the paving grid lighting nd . li .ht California St. construction of sidewalks on California Street between Detroit and Geneva. f,P if On motion by Trustee Macklin seconded by Trustee Wharton the 'y City Engineer was instructed to prepare plans, profiles , cross.- P sections and specifications for the carrying out of this work. A communication signed by George Kesterson and other was real. asking the Board to grade and drain the alley between Detroit, C immunication:--:-regardin alley in Vist Del .9labama, California, and Delaware Streets. Mir section. On motion by Trustee Drew seconded by `Trustee Macklin the { matter was referred to the Engineering Department. E I I Petition for sewers A petition signed by numerous property owners in the Vista Del in Vista Del Mar Mar section was read requestin_• the Board to commence proceedings Section. for the installation of a sewer along Alabama. Avenue , from Joilet Street south to connect with the Main Sewer, to serve Blocks 101 , 201 , 301 , Vista Del Mar Tract, Sec. 2; Blocks 601, 701, and _801 Vista Del Mar Tract, Knoll Section; Block 901 Vista .Del.,Ma.r Tract, Section 1 and Blocks '2 & 3, Redburn Tract and with branches to serve Blocks 102 , 202 & 302 Vista Del liar Tract, Section 2 ; Blocks 602, 702, & 802 Vista Del Mar Tract , Knoll Section; Block 902 Vista Del Mar Tract Section 1 and Blocks 1 & 4 of the Redburn Tract, all to be done by assessment of the District served thereby, each lot in proportion to its frontage on the sewer or branch a thereof serving it. �G Also a petition for a sewer to serve Blocks 504, 604 , i0 4 , 804, 904, 705, & 805, Vista Del Mar Section, City_, of Huntington Beach, All to be done by assessment of the District served thereby. On motion by 'Trustee Macklin seconded by Trustee Wharton the City Engineer was instructed to prepare plans, profiles, ` cro.ss-..:, sections :and .•specifications for the carrying out of this work. Communication The communication read at the preveious meeting with reference regarding gasoline, to the distribution of the Gasoline Tax collected by the State tax brought up. was again taken up and after +digcussiohti on motion by Trustee Macklin seconded ::by Trizs*tee ,Wharton the Clerk was instructed to '+ confer with neighboring cities ,in 'order ' to de•te'r.,nine their position in regard to the matter. Two proposed contracts for .band concerts were offered by the Huntington Be,,ch Municipal Band and given consideration. Also Sand contracts Doctor' Zollingswor'th and Doctb,r.' Chapin being members of the Santa for 'summer concerts Ana }sand presented a proposal for serving the City -during the - discussed sujhmer and after both organiza,ti ons were given full opportunity to be heard Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Macklin offered a motion th�.t Trustees Wharton and Boster be 'appointed a committee to confer with both parties and make recommendations at the next meeting of the Board which was carried . City Engineer Gates presented a, request for permit to cut the Permit to cut curb curb on the property of Clarence Hield , Lot 2 , Block 408 which was carried on motion by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Wharton. Resolution #429 adopting plans and specifications for the im- provement of Orange Avenue from Lake to Twenty-third Street was Resolution #42� read , a copy of which is on file in the office of the Clerk, passed and adopted passed and adopted on motion by Trustee Drew, seconded by Trustee Macklin by the following votes : o Ayes , Trustees : Wharton, ,Macklin, Boster, Drew, Ridenour. Noes , Trustees : None Absent, Trustees : None Resolution #430 declaring the intenti-on of the Board to improve Resolution #430 Orange r.venue from Lake Avenue to Twenty-third Street was read , passed and adopted_ a copy of which is on file in the office of the G'lerk, and on motion by Trustee Macklin seconded by ,Tr,istee Drew was passed and adopted by the following votes: Ayes , Trustees: ' Wharton, Macklin, Bester, Drew, Ridenour Noes , Trustees : None Absent; Trustees: None. •�- Resol:L'tion #431 adopting plans and specifications for .the im- provement of Fourteenth Street ,from Orange to Palm Avenue was read, Resolution #431 a copy of which is on file in the office of the Clerk, passed 'aridc' passed and adopted adopted by the following vote Ayes, Trustees : Wharton, Macklin, Boster, Drew, Ridenour. Noes , Trustees: None Absent, Trustees : None. Resolution #432 declaring the intention of the Board to improve Fourteenth Street, from Ocean,Avenue to Palm Avenue was read , a copy Resolution #432 of which is on file in the--office .of the Clerk, on motion by passed and adopted-Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee G,harton was passed and adopted 76 by the following votes: Ayes , Trustees : Wharton Macklin, Boster, Drew, Ridenour. J Noes, `trustees : None Absent, Trustees: None I City Engineer Gates reported that he had investigated the matter of a boat landing at the outer end of the pier which A had ':been brought-. up by Mr. Potts at a recent meeting and Bost landing at end it was his view that it would be unsafe to construct even a of•.pier discussed.. - small landing beneath the floor of the pier, and after con- siderable discussion it was the •opinion of members of the . Board that the most practial plan was to have wo den piles driven near the outer end of the pier and a smal�oc"o�.Ai-uTct between these piles and in view of this it was decided to lay I the matter - over until the fi,r•st of July. i Trustee Drew brought up the matter of 'the dangerous condition of the driveway leading from Oce.a. Avenue at llth Fence and danger Street down to the beach and recommended that a fence and signal to be erected wigwag signal be erected. After discussion the City Engineer "+ at driveway leading was .instrueted to have a strong fence erected on the ocean to Ocean, on :filth- St. side, of the driveway for the protection of persons driving down to the beech, also to have a. red danger signal erected for night driving at the same place. The above work was ordered on motion_ by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Wharton_. On motion by Trustee Macklin seconded by Trustee Drew bills Bills approved approved by the finance committee and signed by the president of the Board were allowed as follows. I Richard Drew 25. 00 J C Handley 104.00 A Onson 25.00 Chas Harpold 158.90 J H Macklin - 25.00 J H Hughes 211.00 i R L Obarr 25.00 E R Hensley AS 104.00 C J Andrews' '25.00 T - J .Hughes 104. 00 Joseph Vavra 25'.00 S H Isom 92 .00 i L W Blo,dget 125.00 Palladino , Joe -119- 00 C VVIVarner 75 .00 Lawrence ,Phoenix 118. 75 VWR Wright 125.00 T D Porter. 114.50 V E Fixsen 175.00 Asa Taylor 100.00, Louis F Gates 125.00 George Tinsley 104.00 Louis F Gates 125.00 C C Wilton 98.50 Grace 1:4 Brose 140.00 Floyd hume 100.00 C D Hoo"per 115.00 G W Handley. 104. 00 Helen Rardin. 75.00 C W Turpin 8.00 b4arie Vandruff 100.00 SamoIsom 17. 50 Helen N Newland- 115.00 L E Hill 15. 00 W R Wright 175. 00 Adair & Son 111.61 Cal, W Smith 22.00 Adair & Son 20.47 Clint Creamer 165.00 Adair 9 Son 1. 60 L E Hill 135. 00 S A Allen 10.00 Sam Isom 115.00 Archer & Vavra 106.00 Ed Winchell fi2.50 Luther Arthur 10.00 J Tinsley 250.00 Ada 11 Bisbee 10.00 J L Stanton 175.00 S R Bowen 38. 65 x Choat 175.00 Brown-Bevis Company 35.95 George W. Coleman 165.00 Helen M Berney 10400 W H Stanton - 165.00 W J Cameron 10.00 A E Bannister 165.00 Gertrude Catching 10.00 D H Westmoreland 150.00 Catching Bros. & Co 32. 77 Roy Ballard 190.00 Catching Bros 4.47 Ray Bradfiled 182.50 C-ircular Letter Company 28.44 J K Sargent 175.00 K A Chaffee 86.00 td W Neal 40.00 A Creamer 7.60 Mrs. E G Black 50.00 H S Crocker Co 33. 90 F B IMi1es 100.00 Eastside Water Co 18. 115 V U Brown 180.00 Dr. Edgar E Ewing 35.00 k Frank Parcel 125.00 Arthur L Ferry 53. 93 J,IS=.Thatcher 200.00 Anna M Flaws 10.00 C J Yost 17,5.00 Fowler' s 5.32 Jack Colvin 175.00 Louis F Gates 6. 57 C R Furr 150.00 General Sales Corporation 130..80 Lawrence Klentz 125.00 R E Gleave 43.20 William Barker -82.,00 Grimes Stassforth Stationery Co 28.31 W A Blakemore 151:25 Grimes Stassforth Stationery Co 9.85 A H Cochran 104.00 M b4 Hallicy 18. 65 J W Elkin 104.00 11A fill Hall i cy .6.00 C H Ellis 104.00 Ralph E Hawes 48.00 Ben Handley 105.50 S E Hearn 10.00 G W Handley 208.00 Herbs Waffle Inn 13.10 ." l i r f 1 i i Herb' s Waffle Inn 25.00 Orange County Treasurer 95.20 h1innie A Higgins 10.00 Our Store 19.12 Wm S. Hill 10.00 Palace Garage- 7.00 Holly Sugar Copporation 9.10 0 W Palmer 10.00 Howard & Smith Co 39.47 Paramount Enamel Products Co 34.25 H B Auto Top Shop 1.75 V E Pierson 137.00 H. B. Electric Shop 7. 80 Pioneer Rubber gills. 21.00 + H B Hardware 2.15 Mary.;Ann Quinn 10. 00 H B News 319.95 R J Prescott 7.70 H B Service Station 23.52 Reliable Iron Foundry 12.90 H B Service Station 25.20 Robb & Gallienne .85 I H B Sheet Metal Works . 11.15 Shell Company 20.00 H B Telephone Co 68.25 Idayme L Snyder 10.00 H B Water Company 9.07 Southern Calif Edison Company 421.03 H B Volunteer Fire Dept 86.00 Southern Counties Gas Company 12.• 22 Jameson Oil Co . 30.00 Southern Counties Gas Company 2339.09 Sam Jernigan, Sheriff 118.60 Southern Pacific Company 483.16 1, W H Jones , 144.00 Standard vlachine Company 4'. 55 W H Jones 56.00 Standard Oil Company 20.00 Kierulff ac Ravenscroft 28.06 'Sam Steins 3.65 Adah V King 10.00 S E Talbert 102.00 Gert-rude King 10.00 Mary E Tietze 10.00 Pearl Yuhry 10.00 i-0I A Turner Co 3.M, Ella Labadie 10.00 Union Oil Company 110.00 L A Rubber Stamp Co 4.80 Chas H Vernon .4.25 Los Angeles rubber Stamp 1.85 Geo. W Wardwell 10.00 Ed 'Manning 7. 80 C W Warner 6.00 Ed Manning 18.85 Wayside GarE.ge 3.47 Robert Marshall 28. 25 Welsbach Company 92.52 J W Mitchell 10.00 Western Union Telegraph Co 4 .04 Mitbhell Services Station '3.62 C N Whittam 5.00 Ada Moore 10.00 E K Wood Lumber Co 1. 00 J K -1,AcDonald 24.31 W R Wright 24.00 McElfresh Mercantile Co 5. 99 `y n 17right, Trustee 21-:11 Orange County Supply Co 1.25 W D Young .11.-25 Orange County Pipe & Supply Co 7.44 W D Young 3.38 W D Young 1.30 On motion by Trustee Macklin the Clerk was instructed to Clerk to advertise advertise for bids for the dwelling house formerly owned by J H for bids for Law- Lawrence situated on his property described as Lot 22, Block 404, rence house . Huntington Beach Main Street Section. The advertisement to pro- vide for immediate removal from the property in order that the work may be carried forward in improving Fifth Street. Trustee Wharton brought up the matter of tree planting and Improvement of improvement of Block 505 being the City property adjoining the Block 505 refer- City Hall grounds and it was agreed th�it 'Trustee Wharton and red to .lark Drew go into' the matter as part of their work on the Park Committee Committee. and make recommendations ati the next meeting. y On motion by Trustee Boster seconded by Trustee 'Macklin the Board adjourned to May 19th, at 8:00 P. 11. City Clerk President of the Board of Trustees. ATTEST : City Clerk and eak-officio Clerk of Board of Trustee of the City of Huntington Beach, California. Y