HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924-05-19 i r• f t City Hall , :Qay 19, 1924. Regular The regula ee Ling was called to order at 8:00 P.M. by. President B T Roll Call Trustees present, Wharton, 1?Iacklin, Boster, Drew, .Ridenour. Trustees absent, None. The report of the Huntington Beach Public Library was read -- � Library report and approved on motion by Trustee Macklin seconded ' by Trustee approved. Wharton. A petition was presented by numerous property owners on Fifteenth Street requesting the Board to have steps installed Petition for steps leading down to the beach at Fifteenth Street. at Fifteenth Street The matter wL.s referred to the City Attorney to determine leading to the beach. whether or not the`City had a right of way at that point. Formal application for Formal application for exemption of taxes on two parcels exemption of taxes on two of property now owned by the Veterans Welfare Bureau of the i parcels ofIproperty now State of California, for the benefit of ex-soldiers purchasing �} qay the Veterans the property on the payment plan, was read and on motion by trustee Boster seconded by Trustee Wharton the matter was •referred ' Welfare Burean of Calif. to the -City Attorney.' Communication from Calif., The communication from the California League of Municipalities I League of Municipalities with reference to the proposed amendment to be placed on the re: proposed amendment ballot giving Cities 25% of the Motor Vehicle Gasoline Tax to be placed on ballot collected, was again brought up and a Resolution of which is giving Cities 251"0 of included 'and made a part of these minutes , was adopted on gasoline tax collected. motion by Trustee Macklin seconded by 'Trustee Drew, and the Clerk was instructed to forward a copy of the same .to the �- California League of IAunicipalities. Engineer Gates gives The matter of paving the alley in Block 304, which was carried t - estimated cost of paving over from the proceeding meeting was brought up and Engineer alley in Block 304. Gates reported on the estimated cost of this work, Laid over until next On motion by 'Trustee Boster seconded by Trustee Wharton the meeting. matter was again laid over until the next meeting. A p Trustee Boster reported for the committee appointed to make Report of committee recommendations in selection of a band for concerts on the beach on band concerts for during the .summer season. He stated that they had conferred ( ,the beach. with both the Santa Ana Land and the Huntington Beach Band and it was their recommendation that- the-.-Huntington Beach Band be engaged to give concerts during the season. After considerable discussion in which representatives of both Letter from Central bands took part, a letter from the Central Labor committee was Labor Committee read urging the selection of the Huntington Beach Band. On motion by Trustee Boster seconded by Trustee Wharton the H. B. Band employed Huntington Beach Municipal Band was employed for single concerts for single concerts no t. to exceed eighteen in number, on the basis of $150.00 each not to exceed 18 in for Sunday afternoon concerts which shall be started the first number. Sunday in June , and in the event that concerts are desired for Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day and one parade on Armistice Day, the compensation for these four engagements shall not u; exceed $643.00, which was carried. j Communication from the A communication from the American Legion was read asking for American Legion asking the use of Ocean Avenue between Third and Second Streets for the for the use of ocean Ave. purpose of holding a community fair from June 28th to July 6th, e between 3rd. & 2nd. Sts. inclusive . - A motion was offered by Trustee Drew that Trustees Wharton Committee appointed to and Boster be appointed a committee to look into the matter. look into the matter. Trustee Boster offered an amendment to the motion, that � Trustee Drew be included in the committee , which was seconded ' �Trus.ee Wharton, the amend ent having been carried?—L./.� ti Chamber of Commerce Secretary Armitage df the Chamber of Commerce came before the Committee soliciting Board, speaking for a committee which had been appointed for the for a contribution of purpose of soliciting a contribution of $1,000.00 from the 01g000.00 from I7 & P Music & Promotion Fund for the carrying on of the work of the rand. Chamber of Commerce. Secretary Armitage gage an outline of the condition under which the Chamber had operated the past year i and ask the Board for favorable consideration of the request. On motion by Trustee Wharton seconded by Trustee Drew the Taken under advisement :request was taken under advisement until the next meeting in until next meeting. order that it might -be determined what other demands would have i to be made from this fund in the immediate future. L4rs. Wiener asks permission A 1Ars. Wiener asked permission to address the Board at to address the Board. this time ar:d stated thftt she felt that she had been treated unfairly in the matter of supplying groceries -to her customers under quarantine . Trustees 'Wharton and Boster gave their version and President iUdenour ruled that the matter had been satisfactorily explained and felt that no further action was necessary. Dal-M- Peters, District Dal i,'I. Peters , District Ivaanager of the Southern California 1,1gr. of So. Calif., Edison ,`Edison-:,Company appeared in behalf of a committee appointed Co. appointed by committee by the Chamber of Commerce , requesting the Ci--,ty_:to take steps of Chamber of Commerce in cleaning up the beech and keeping it in a sanitary con- dition, stressing the importance of this v.,,ork in attracting requesting City to clean visitors to this beach. 1dr. Peters was informed by President up the beach. Ridenour that steps were under way to have this matter taken care of. ,9 Ed IManning appeared before the Board stating that he had been di.scriminated against in interpertation of the Plumbing Ed. Manning appears before Ordinance with especial reference to the work done recently the Board. re: Plumbing on the Cooper Motel . His reason for complaining, he stated Ordinance. was , that he had bid on the job on a basis of complying with Ordinance , and a competitor had been permitted to complete. the job contrary to the provisions of the Ordinance . President Ridenour., to whom this matter had been previously referred , stated that hi.s decision had been prompted solely in the interest of the property ow er but stated that in the future all provisions of the Ordinance :oust be complied with in every respect. 'b On motion by Trustee Macklin seconded by Trustee Drew Bills Allowed. bills approved by the finance committee and signed by the President of • the Board were all,jwed -as follows : George M Souter, $20044.38 George 11 Souter $225.40 George 11A Souter, 211.40 Map of Tract #657 A map of Tract #657 known as Fountain Valley Farms was , presented for approval presented for approval , and on motion by Trustee Macklin and was approved. seconded by Trustee Drew the map wa-,, approved. >ry Building Inspector Gates presented a request of Janet A 'Request of Janet A. Nelson for a permit to erect a four stall gara =.e on Lot 3 Nelson to erect a garage Block 116, which is in Fire District #3. Trustee Macklin e Lot 3 Block 116, Fire seconded by Trustee Boster moved that the request be referred on District 3. back; to the Building Inspector with instruction to secure a sketch of the proposed building. Permission granted'O.C. Permission to cut 'the curb was granted 0. C. feeder and Reeder & Dr.Hardy to' cut Dr. Hardy on Lots 21 and 23 Block 110, on motion by Trustee-- curb on Los 21&23 Block 110.Macklin seconded by Trustee Wharton. Q, City Engineer Gates reported progress on the erection of a Comfort Station in Seventeenth Street Park, and advised City Engineer Gates the Board that the plans and specifications were ready for reports progress the improvement of Walnut Avenue. On motion b Trustee Boster Comfort Station inn 17th St. Park. seconded by Trustee Wharton the matter was laid over until a p later date. City Engineer Gates called attention to the fact that the House on Lot 21 Block 305 house owned by Serena P Christianson on Lot 21 Block 305 pro- prefects over property jected over the property line into the Street six inches. On line into the Street motion by Trustee Macklin seconded by Trustee Drew the City 6 inches. .Attorney was instructed to notify the owtm r to have the pro- jection removed. Estirkgte of the cost of City Engineer Gates submitted an estimate on the cost of sewer installation con- the installation of sewers concerning which petitions were cerning peitions presented presented at the last meeting of the Board. On motion by at last meeting were taken Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Macklin the matter was taken under advisement. under advisement.. 80 O� r- The i°esignation of The resignation of Louis 1'. Gates as City Engineer, Superintendent Louis x-, C6te6• of Streets, Building Inspector, Plumbing Inspector, Electrical In- to be' in effect- spector was read, same to be in effect thirty days from May 19th. ` 30 days from l,iay 19. On motion by Trustee Drew, seconded by 'Trustee Macklin the resignation of Mr. Gates was accepted. � I On motion by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Macklin the Adjournment. Board adjourned. City Clerk. President of the Board of Trustees. t ATTEST: City Clerk anVx -officio Clerk of the Board d . ustees of the City of Huntington Beach. rf i t RESOLUTION i FAVORING A NEW DIVISION OF THE MOTOR .VEHICLE AND GASOLINE TAX FUNDS. WEERLAS , it appears that at a conference .of city officials I held recez=tly at Sacramento , resolution were adopted favoring the initiation of a measure which would give the Cities one-quarter share _ of the motor vehicle and gasoline tax funds ; and WEEREAS , it appears that the present division of these funds under the law is unfair to the mimicipal-itie;, , now therefore it is hereby RESOLVED, that we favor such a proposed initiative measure aftd hereby agree to procure our quota of the signatures necessary to get it on the ballet. i�ESOLVED , that a certified copy of this resolution be sent to the League of California Muni6ipa1ities, ,Chancery Building, San ,Francisco. I , the undersigned , hereby certify that the foregoing itesolution is a full, true and correct copy of the original , which was adopted by the legislative body of the City of Huntington Beach on May �• 19, 1924. City Clerk,/a I I i i