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Regular Pursuant to adjourned meeting of July 14, the regular meeting was
called to order at 8:00 P.M. by President Ridenour.
Trustees Present : Trustees Wharton, Boster, Ridenour.
Roll Call Trustees absent : Trustees Macklin, Drew.
A petition A petition signed by property owners on Indianapolis Street bwtween '
for grading & Delaware Avenue and Hampshire Avenue was read requesting the Board to
oiling of grade and oil this street . On motion by Trustee Buster seconded by
Indianapolis Trustee Wharton the matter was- refered to the City Engineer for report
St. August 4th.
Wharton appointed' Trustee Wharton was .appointed to act on the Finance Committee in the
to act on absence of Trustee Drew.
Finance Committee.
W.K.L,litchel Communication from V1. K. Mitchel, certified public accountaT tt, of
public account- Los Angeles offering his services in auditing the City's books, wTMich
ant of-fers was ordered placed on file. T
Communication from the Christian Science Society was read request-
Communication ing permission to place boxes for their literature in the 17th Street
from .uhristian Park and near the tables under the municipal pier,
Science Society-
S. A. Allen& Application of S. A. Allen and 111. G. Boyle for the position of custodian
IN G. Boyle ' s of the auto camp were read and laid over. .for future action.
Communication from the committee of the Chamber of Commerce addressed
Chamber of to the Gas Department was read, requesting One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars
Commerce requestfor advertising to be distributed through the Chamber of Commerce . The
ing $100. expenditure was recommended by the superintendent and was authorized
on motion by Trustee Wharton seconded by Trustee Boster.
Library annual The annual report of the Public' Library was read, and on motion by
report approved Trustee Boster seconded by Trustee Wharton was approved and ordered
placed on file .
Recommendation A communication bearing the names of three Trustees of the Public
of Library Library was read making recommendation of Trustees to succeed
Trustees J. H. Eader and Mrs . Ed. manning. The matter was laid over until the
next meeting and until the return of Trustees Drew and Macklin.
Application made Application of the Huntington Beach Athletic Club for permission to
for amateur conduct an amateur boxing exhibit at 214-5th Street Friday night,
boxing exhibit. August First, was granted on motion by Trustee Wharton seconded by
Trustee Boster.
2etition signed A petition signed by property owners on 8th Street and vicinity
to .prevent the thereof, was presented having reference to a store . building on Lot 2, {
erection of Block 307 asking the Board to prevent the erection of this store if
store on Lot 2 possible . On motion by Trustee Boster seconded by Trustee Wharton
Blk. 307. the matter was refered to the City Attorney and President Ridenour
with authority to act .
Ordinance 7 272 Ordinance Y#272 was given first reading providing for revision of
approved. the gas rates .
Engineers ' The bonds of E. M. Billings for Street Superintendent and City
bonds approved. Engineer were .approved on motion by Trustee Boster: seconded by Trustee
On motion by Trustee Wharton seconded by Trustee Boster bills
approved by the Finance Committee and signed by the President of the
Bills allowed. Board were allowed as follows :
Howard & Smith-------$139.26
On motion by Trustee Boster seconded by Trustee Wharton the plans
"Lay-out" of "lay-out" for the auto camp submitted by Engineer Billings were
x plans approved approved. . On motion by Trustee Boster seconded by Trustee Wharton
for auto camp. -the President was instructed to appoint a committee of two, ' to confer
with the City Engineer with reference to the type of fence to be
erected around the auto camp. Trustee Boster and Trustee Ridenour
were appointed on the committee .
Letter from A letter from the Chamber of Commerce was read conveying the
Chamber of appreciation of the VJ. W. Knighton family for the use of the" 17th
Commerce . Street Park July 4th.
Ordinance to In response to a letter from the Huntington Beach Company a motion
be made regulat-vas offered by Trustee Boster seconded by Trustee Wharton instructing
ing closed ter_tsthe City Attorney to draft an ordinance regulating the erection of
etc. closed tents, parking of autos and camping on the beach. �,
John Hinkle President Ridenour invited anyone present having matters to
addresses bring before the Board to do so at this time. John Hinkle t "
Board re : addressed the Board with reference to the execution of a lease
lease between between the Huntington Beach Company and the City covering a
H.B. Co. & City pq rtivla the beach west of the bath house to be used for the
covering space childrens' play ground. On motion by Trustee Boster seconded
for childrens' by Trustee Wharton the President was instructed to appoint a
play ground. --- committee of two to meet with Mr. Lawshe, Manager of the
Committee Huntington Beach Company, in reference to the lease of space
appointed for the childrenst • play ground.
Ordinance to be Trustee Wharton seconded by Trustee Boster offered a motion
drawn_ prohibitinginstructing the City Attorney to draft an ordinance prohibiting
minors playing minors under 18 years playing slot machines .
slot machines.
A map of the district benefited by the improvements of 15th
!,,lap of disc. Street upon which assessments are to be levied for the cost of
benefited by the improvement, was submitted by the City Engineer. and approved
15th St. Imp. on motion by Trustee Boster seconded by Trustee Wharton.
A map of the district benefited by the improvements of 16th
iaTa.p of disc. Street upon which assessments are- to .be levied for the cost of
benefited by the improvement, was submitted by the City Engineer and approved
16th St. Imp. on motion by Trustee Boster seconded by Trustee Wharton.
.Permission to Permission was granted T. T . Rasmussen to cut curb on Lot 12
cut curb granted- Block #611.
Resolution #441 Resolution #441 adopting plans, specifications, profiles, and
passed and cross-sections for the improvement of Walnut Avenue from First
adopted. Street to Twenty-Third Street was read, a copy of which is on
file in the office of the Clerk, and on motion by Trustee Wharton
seconded by Trustee Boster was passed and adopted by the follow-
ing vote :
Ayes : Trustees Vlharton, Boster, Ridenour.
Noes : None .
Absent : Trustees Macklin, Drew.
Resolution #442 declaring the Intention of the Board to improve
Resolution_ 11442 Walnut Avenue from First Street to Twenty-Third Street by paving
passed and and installing ornamental electric lights was read, a copy of
adopted. which is on file in the office of the Clerk and on motion by
Trustee Boster seconded by Trustee Wharton was passed and adopted
by the following vote:
Ayes : Trustees Wharton, Boster, Ridenour.
Noes : None .
Absent : Trustees Macklin, Drew.
Trustee Boster submitted samples of flags and holders for
City Engineer street decorations and on motion by Trustee Boster and seconded
instructed to by Trustee Wharton the City Engineer was instructed to purchase
decorate City. suitable material for decorating the streets . On motion by
Trustee Wharton seconded by Trustee Boster the Engineer was
instructed to have 12 or more tables erected for use on the beach
during the celebration to be held through the month of August .
Engineer to On motion by Trustee Vffiarton seconded by Trustee Boster the
cooperate with City Engineer was instructed to cooperate with the Celebration
Celebration Committee providing suitable equipment necessary for the
Committee in accommodation of the visitors .
On motion by Trustee Wharton seconded by Trustee Boster the
Signs to be City Engineer was instructed to have suitable signs made for
posted inform- posting along the beach informing bathers that the life guard
ing bathers were is on duty near the bath house .
Life Guard is.
On motion by Trustee Wharton seconded by Trustee Boster the
Adjournment Board adjourned.
Cl y Clerk
rest eri o the Boar- o rustees
City Clerk and ex-of - cio C erk
of the Board of Trustees of the
City of Huntington Beach, Calif .