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The regular meeting was called to order at 7 :30 P. M. by
REGULAR President Ridenour.
Trustees Present: Wharton, Macklin, Boster, Ridenour.
ROLL CALL Trustees .-Absent : Drew.
President Ridenour appointed Trustee Wharton to serve on
TRUSTEE Vd'HA RTON AP- the Finance Committee in the absence of Trustee Drew.
ON FINANCE COM11,1ITTEE The minutes of the month of October were read and approved
on motion by Trustee Macklin seconded by Trustee Boster.
Trustee Drew arrived at 8:02 P. M.
Monthly reports of the Treasurer, Recorder, Clerk and
I170NTHLY REPORTS Building Inspector were read and approved.
A communication from the Chamber of Commerce was read
C. OF 0. EXPRESSES expressing appreciation of that body of the Boards action
THANKS FOR ALLOWANCE in appointing J. A. Armitage as Advertising Manager, also for
OF ADV. MGR. AND cooperation in providing funds for Armistice Day Celebration.
ARMISTICE DAY FUNDS Communication was ordered placed on file.
On motion by Trustee Macklin seconded by Trustee Wharton
SURETY BOND OF the Surety Bond of T. R. White' was approved.
ED. The President declared a short recess at this time.
The Board was again called to order and proceeded to can-
vass the returns of the Bond Election held October 28th, 1924.
BOND ELECTION Resolution #471 declaring the result of the special election
RETURNS CANVASSED held on the above date was. read. , A copy of which is on file
in the office of the Clerk and on motion by Trustee Wharton
seconded by- Trustee Macklin was passed and adopted by the
following vote:
Ayes: Wharton, Macklin,. Boster, Drew, Ridenour.
Noes: None.
Absent: None.
Another recess was declared at this time due to the failure r
RECESS of the electric lights.
The Board was again called to order and the Clerk called
CLERK INSTRUCTED the attention of the Board to the need of additional fire
TO ADV. FOR BIDS proof safe and filing equipment in the Clerk' s and Treasurer's
FOR FIRE-PROOF SAFE office and Trustee Macklin seconded by Trustee Boster moved
that the Clerk be instructed to advertise for bids for such
fire proof equipment as is necessary to safe-guard the City
records which was carried.
President Ridenour invited those present who had matters
to bring before the Board to do so at this time. r
Mr. Wm Adair introduced Attorney Varnum, whom he stated
ATTY VARNUM FILES was representing the Tax Payers Protective Association and
PROTEST OF TAX PAY- had a matter to bring before the Board. Mr. Varnum filed a
ERS ON PROPOSED written protest signed by numerous tax payers against re-ceiv-
ORANGE ST. WORK. ing any bids for the proposedwo rk on Orange Avenue between Lake
and Eleventh Streets. ,
Jack McDonaugh called the attention of the Board to the
JACK MCDONAUGH necessity of .cleaning up the beach before .Armistice"Day and.
ASKS THAT BEACH BE was assured that the matter would be taken care of.
A petition was presented at this time recommending to the
Board that they award-contracts, in sa far as possible , to
PETITION PRESENTED local contractors, having particular reference to the lighting
REQUESTING CITY o ix n Eighth t f Sixth and Eig h Streets After considerable discussion
TO AWARD ST. PAV. in which various Members of the Board expressed sympathy with
CONTRACTS TO LOCAL the idea but took the position that full oportunity had been
CONTRACTORS. given for competitive biding and in their judgement it would
be improper to reject the bids now before t1m Board and adver-
tise again.
j r
Continued- NOVEMBER 3, 1924.
A resolution #472 awarding the contract for installation of an
Resolution #472 ornamental lighting system on Sixth Street to the Robertson Electric
AWARDING CONTRACT _ Company was read, a copy of which is on file in the office of the
OF 6TH -ST. TO Clerk, and on motion by Trustee Boster seconded by Trustee Macklin
ROBERTSON ELEC. was passed and adopted by the following vote:,
Ayes: Trustees Wharton, Macklin, Boster, Drew, Ridenour.
Noes: None .
Absent : None.
Resolution #473 awarding the contract for the installation of
an ornamental lighting system on Eighth Street to the Robertson
RESOLUTION #473 Electric Company was read, a' copy of which is on file in the office
AWARDING CONTRACT of the Clerk, and on motion by Trustee Macklin seconded by Trustee
OF 8TH ST. TO Boster was passed and adopted by the following vote:
CO.. Ayes: Trustees Wharton, Macklin, Boster, .Drew, Ridenour.
Noes: None.
Absent: None.
A communication from the Grammar School Board with reference
CO-181UNICATION to the type of paving to be used on Fourteenth Street between Palm
FROM GRAMMAR SCH Avenue and Main Street was read and .on motion by Trustee Drew
BOARD REQUESTING seconded by Trustee Macklin the City Engineer was instructed to
PAVING OF PALM draw plans , profiles and cross-sections for paving this street
' AVE. with a Three and one-half (32) inch asphaltic concrete base and a
One and one-half (12") inch Topeka Type 'Top, open specifications,
which was carried.
M. HIGGINS PRO* Mrs. Minnie Higgins protested the changing of this specification
TESTS CHANGING from Willite , stating that she had circulated the petition for this
This being the time for receiving bids for the work on Orange.
CLERK OPENS•& Avenue between Lake and Eleventh Streets in accordances with
DECLARES BIDS ON notices duly published in the Huntington Beach News, the Clerk
ORANGE ST. opened and declared the following Bids:
Hall-Johnson-- G.R. Daley-- Steele Finley Geo.R. Curtis
Paving per sq. ft. of
pavi (includ. radin •
� g g � 22 � � 262�1 � 223 � � 25
Sidewalk, per sq. ft.
in place. •182 .22 .205 .214
Curb per lineal ft in 0.
place. .65 .70 $71. .73
Culverts per lineal ft
in place 4.75 5.10 4.60 4.90
Headwalls in place , each 5.00 4..90 4.40• 4.80
Ornamental lighting, Sys-
:; .tem complete 5000 ,000 5200.00 5060.00 5400.00
So.West Pay.CorL. A. Pay.Co- G,H.Oswald G.M,Souter
Paving per sq. ft. of
paving(incld.grading .244V .23 ¢ .21 ¢ .19-a V
Sidewalk, per sq. ft.
in'place. • 22 •222 .19. .19
Curb per lineal ft. in
place. .70 .85 .60. .65
Culverts per lineal ft
in place. 5.50 5.60 2.50 4.00
Headwalls in place , each 5.00 4.60 4.00 4.50
Ornamental lighting, Sys-
tem complete. 5385.00 . 5600.00 3520.00 4000.00
BIDS REFERRED TO Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Macklin mo7ed that the bids on
CITY ENGINEER Orange Avenue be referred to- the City Engineer for' analysis. -
On Motion by Trustee Macklin seconded by Trustee Boster bills
BILLS ALLbWED approved by- the Finance Committee and signed by the President of
the Board. were allowed as follows*
Continued- November 39 1924.
L. R. Ridenour 25.00 Ada M. Bisbee 7.00
Richard Drew 25.00 Blake Moffitt & Towne 5.50
J. H. Macklin 25.00 L. W. Blodget 3.30
W. R. Wharton 25.0.0 " , " 50.00
Chas. G. Boster 25.00 Grace M. Brose 28.34
Joseph Vavra 25.00 Brown Leithold Co. 19.50
L. W. Blodget 125.00' V. U. Brown ' 120.00
C: W. Warner 75.00 L. A. Butcher Co. 11.88
W. R. Wright Clerk 125.00 Calif. ' Corrugated Culy. 293.73
" it Controller 100.00 Catching Bros. 1400.00
C. R. Furr 200.00 " " 8.80
Grace M. Brose 140.00 H. B. Gas Dept. 1554.68.
C. D, Hooper 125.00" C. A. Creamer 10.65
Helen Rardin 85.00 H. S. Crocker Co. Inc. 20.40
Margaret Tibbet 33.30 Caroline Donceyson 16.00
Helen M. Newland 125.00 Eclipse Paint & Mfg.Co 92.00
W. R. Wright 175.00' E. A. Elledge 40.00
Clint Creamer 165.00 Arthur 'L. Ferry 4.42
L. E. Hill 150.00 S. H. Finley ' 18.75
Sam Isom 125.00 Anna M. Flaws 7.00
J. Tinsley 165.00 C. R. Furr 28.33
" " 50.00 Gen Gas Light Co 65 .10
IT " 20.00 Gen Sales Corp 97.22
" it 15.00 Grimes Stassforth Sta-Co 73.32
J. L. Stanton 175.00 Chas. R. Hadley Co. 11.62
R. Choat 175.00 J. L. Hager 1.82
Geo. W. Coleman 165.00 Geo. W. Handley 122.76
W. H. Stanton 165.00 S. 'E. Hearn 7 .00
.A. E. Bannister 165.00 Minnie A. Higgins 7.00
Elmer Parker 150.00 Hudson Service Co. 9.21
Ray:::Bradfield 190.00 H. B. Auto Elec. Co. 4.30
J. K. Sargent 175.00 " Hardware Co. 22.00
M. W. Neal 40.00 Service Sta. 45.99
Mrs . E. G. Black 50.00 , " Sheet Metal Wks. 120.00
F. B. Miles 125.00 " Tank Co. 17.50
25.00 " Telephone Co. 1.00
V. U. B rown 60.00 " IT if 58.65
Frank Paral 125.00 " Volunteer Fire Dept 61.00
E. M. Billings 150.00 Water Co. 1.00
rt $1 200.00 " it " 326.31
Jack Colvin 175.00 " " IT.
Lawrence Klentz 150.00 J. H. Hughes 122.76
L. E. Mitchell 150.00 Huston Suter & Huston 166.40
Harry Lee 75.00 Jamison Oil Company 20.00
Maizie Black 16.00 e " it It
C. J. Yost 133.00 Sam Jernigan Sheriff 136.40
J. A. ,Armitage 200.00 Wm Jones 132.88
E. P. Sommers 200.00 C. H. King 7.00
Wm Barker 137 .66 H. Larter 7.00
C. H. Dart 76. 25 L . A. Newport Freight .50
J. W. Elkin 136.41 L. A. Rubber Stamp Co. 39.39
C . H, Ellis 136.41.. Jos. E. Mangan 16.00
Gerald Halterman 136.41 Carrie N. Manning 7 .00
Ben Handley 136.41 Ed Manning 3.90
G. W. Handley 136.41 " If, 1.75
J. C. Handley 136.41 J. W. Mitchell 32.89
E. R. Hensley 138.43 Mitchell Service Sta. 9.24
J. H. Hughes 136.41 W. L. McKinney .28
V. H. Nolin ..] 9.06 Helen N Newland 28.33
Joe Paladino 136.41 Orange County Pipe & Sup 44.97 ,
A. D. Riley 19.06 Firdinand Ott 1.10
Fred Riley 155.47 Pacific Elec. Land Co. 1.00
R. R. St Clair 137.03 Pacific Pipe &' Sup. Co. 10.97
Asa Taylor 137.66 R. J. Prescott 73.97
George Tinsley 136.41 it it 1.80
A. Watkins 136.41 Gerald Pruett 48.00
C. C. Wilton 136.41 Rapid Blue Print Co 9.40
S. A. Smith 125.00 Geo. W. Shaefer 91.00
C. B. Leitch 120.00 it " 1120.00
Wm Adair 5.00 Shell Co. 10.00
S. A. Allen 7.00 J. E. Shelton 5.76
Associated Oil Co. 12.00 Standard Oil Co. 37 .95
Battery Exchange 5.15 Stationery Shop 2.35
Beach Buick Sales Co. 2.45 it " 3.05
Sam Steins .65
Continued- November 3, 1924.
E. P. Sommers 35.00 Mae Walworth 15.00
Geo M. Souter 44.25 Geo. W. Wardwell 8.00
n n 260.00 " " 1.00
60.00 Welsbach Co. 122.07
So. Calif. Drilling Co 19.05 Western Elec. Co. 109.89
So. Calif. Edison Co. 319.51 Orange County Choral Un. 69.50
So. Counties Gas Co. 1761.66 Western Union Tel. Co. 1.30
Truseon Laboratories 45.50 E. K. Wood Lumber Co. 18.08
Turner Plbg. & Heating 1.05 W.. R. Wright �,,,r,,y 70.15
United States Rubber Co. 51.09 " 55.75
W. D. Young 14.25
Trustee Macklin stated that numerous tax payers had expressed
TAX PAYERS ASK a wish that the City collect their taxes in two installments con-
THAT TAXES BE forming to the practice followed by Orange and other counties.
PAID IN TWO IN- The Clerk was instructed to secure information concerning the
STALLNENTS matter and report at a later meeting.
ENGINEER INSTRUCT- Trustee Boster brought up the matter of sewage d ispo sal stating
ED TO SECURE DATA that since the bonds did not carry providing for the incinerator
ON SEWAGE 'DISPOSAL that he believed some other action should be taken. On motion by
Trustee Boster seconded by Macklin the City Engineer was instructed
• to secure data concerning adequate sewage disposal at the earliest
possible date for consideration of the Board, which was carried.
The Engineer resented his analysis of the bid on Orange Avenue
RESOLUTION #474 g p y �
AWARDING W NTRACT at this time showing George M. Souter to be the low bidder. On
ON ORANGE AVE motion by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Wharton Resolution #474
TO GEO M SOUTE R awarding the contract for work on Orange Avenue between Lake and
Eleventh to George M. Souter was read, a copy of vhich is on file
• in the office of the Clerk, was passed and adopted by the following
vote; j
Ayes: Trustee Wharton, Macklin, Drew, Ridenour.
Noes: Trustee Boster.
Absent: None .
ADJOURNAENT On motion by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Boster the Board
adjourned to 7 : 30 P. M. November 17th, 1924.
City Clerk
President of Board of Trus ees
City rk and Ex-0 fi io Clerk
of the Board of Trustees of the
City of Huntington Beach, Calif.