HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924-11-17 126 CITY HALL NOVEMBERY, 1924. REGULAR Pursuant to adjournment November 3, 1924, the regular meeting was called to order at 7 : 30 P. Td. by President Ridenour. ROLL CALL Trustees Present: Wharton, Macklin, Boster, Ridenour. Trustees Absent : Drew. uuHARTON APPOINTED President Ridenour appointed Trustee Wharton -to act on the FRO*TETJ1 ON FINA 3CE Finance Committee in the absence of Trustee Drew. CO1>EAIITTEE BLE VINS & VANNIER A written application for renewal of a pool hall license of POOL HALL LICE11SE Blevins and Varnier bearing the approval of Chief of Police, J. RENEWED Tinsley was approved on motion by Trustee Macklin and seconded by Trustee Wharton. The Surety Bond of the Robertson Electrical Company was SURETY BOND APPROVED presented and approved on motion by Trustee Macklin seconded by Trustee Boster. NO PROTESTS FILED This being the time for hearing protests on the improvement ON WALNUT AVENUE of Walnut Avenue from First to Eleventh Street in accordance with notices duly published in the Huntington Beach News. The Clerk informed the Board that no protests had been filed. Trustee Boster suggested that the petition presented by PETITION PROTESTING Mr. Varnum on November .3, via th reference to bids on Orange Ave- WORK ON ORANGE AVE. nue could be termed a protest against the work on Walnut Avenue DOES NOT PRETAIN TO but upon examination of this document it was found that it . did WALNUT AVE. not mention Walnut Avenue , therefor the City Attorney ruled that it did not apply. There being no valid protest, Resolution # 475 ordering the , work on Walnut Avenue was read, a copy of v¢hich is on file in RESOLUTION # 475 the office of the Clerk and on motion by Trustee Wharton seconded ADOPTED by Trustee Macklin -was passed and adopted by the following vote: . Ayes: Trustees Wharton, Macklin, Boster, Ridenour. Noes: None. Absent: Trustee Drew. This being the time for receiving bids for a safe to be BIDS REC 'D. FOR used in the City Treasurer' s Office in accordance vvlth notices TREASUIF-KR'S SAFE duly published in the Huntington Beach News, the Clerk opened and declared the following bids: Inside Measurements Price Name Width Depth Height DeliV. Not Deliv. Safe Cabinet Co. 20" 24" 52" $424.20 Sweetzer & Baldwin Safe Co. 35-1/8" 19" 50" $424.00 1 Trustee Drew arrived at 8:08 P. PJt. Consideration of the bids on the safe was continued and in + SAFE CABINET CO. view of the fact that the specifications for safe as advertised AWARDED CONTRACT were not met by the Sweetzer and Baldwin Safe Company, Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Macklin moved that the bid of the Safe Cabinet Company be accepted and all others be rejected which was carried. Resolution #476 adopting plans for an ornamental lighting system on Huntington Avenue was read and Trustee Drew asked what type of posts was specified. Engineer Billings informed him that Clerk PEQUESTED Marbelite posts were specified and after discussion Trustee Drew TO WRITE VARIOUS FIRMS seconded by Trustee Macklin moved that the Resolution be taken FOR PRICES ON ORNAIJEN- under advisement until next meeting which was carried and the TAL LIGHTING STANDARDS Clerk was instructed to write to the various concerns handling ornamental lighting standards inviting them to file net price quotations on the various size standards covering complete equip- ment other than the conduit and wiring.on motion by Trustee Macklin seconded by Trustee Wharton BILLS ALLOWED bills approved by the Finance Committee and signed by the Presi- dent of the Board were allowed as follows: 127 Continued NOVEIvMER/7, 1924. Eliz. Andrews 152.00 Los Angeles Fire kfas. 800.00 Sam Bergey 5.00 Los Angeles Pac. Elec.Band175.00 Crown Stage 17.42 Los it Scot. Fife " 120.00 Daley' s Store 4.70 L. E. Mitchell 3.00 Downie Bros. Inc. 26.50 Mitchell Serv. Sta. 20.63 1st Christian Church 82.00 Fred Moberly 10.00 J.L. Hager 40.00 J. A. Morris 3.50 L. E. Hendrickson 223.69 " " 95.00 . Huntington Beach Co. 51.17 Clyde Musgrave 12.00 H. B . Electric Shop 10.20 ivicElfresh Merc. Co. 13.75 H. B. Municipal Band 50.00 Pac. Adv. & Dec. Co. 30.00 ►► n ►► 95.00 if it it " 445.00 r" H. B . News 209.80 Palace Garage 10.00 H. B . Transfer Co. 5.00 N. 0. Pechsteir_ 25.00 L . F , . Keller 40.00 .PlacE tia Courier 10.00 C. F. Kerr 10.00 R. J. Prescott 6.15 it ►► 15.00 Geo. Stinson 20.00 r► �► 10.00 Tolson Transp. Co. 1.50 » ►► 5.00 W. J. Vanaken 109.76 La Habra Star 12.00 Geo. Wardwell 4.00 Long Beach Drum Corp. 20.00 E. K. good Lumb. Co. 14.54 Yorba Linda Star 7 .50 President Ridenour invited those present having matters to bring before the Board to do so at this time. Mrs. dinnie Higgins asked what was going to be done about M. HIGGINS , A. M. paving Palm Avenue. President Ridenour informed her that the HUSTON, & H. T. matter was still under consideration. Mr. A. M. Houston then DUNNING ADDRESS addressed the Chair stating that he desired to read a written THE BOARD. statement. After he had finished Mr. H. T. Dunning discussed the matter offering the opinion that Mr. Houston's communication -was not for the best interest of the City. ADJOU2,NIVENT. On motion by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Macklin the Board adjourned. City Clerk President of Board of Trustees ATTEST City Clerk and Ex-qfficio Clerk of the Board of T stees of the City of Huntington Beach, Calif.