HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924-12-15 CITY HALL DECEI,MER 15, 1924.
Pursuant to adjournment December 1st, the regular meeting was
REGULAR Pursuant
to order at 1: 30 P. 1.1. by President Ridenourg
ROLL CALL Trustees Present: 1'harton, 1,lacklin, Boster, Ridenour.
Trustees Absent : Drew.
TRUSTEE 1,7111ARTON _` The Chair appointed Trustee Wharton to act on the FinEn ce
FINANCE 001M. Committee.
The matter of donation from the 1,1usic and Promotion Fund for the
FUND FOR WINTER support of winter baseball was again brought up and on motion by
BASE-BALL AP- Trustee 1.1acklin seconded by Trustee Boster the Clerk was instructed
PROVED to draw .a warrant on the City Treasurer for. $450.-00 payable from
the 11usi e and Promotion Fund.
�.1liX SCHENFIEKLD Communication from Max Schenfield was read requesting permission
ASXS PERIJIT FOR to conduct a junk business at 626 Idain Street. `.I'he request was taken
JUNK BUSINESS under advisement until the next meeting.
CLERK INSTRUCTED A letter from the Talbert Drainage District was read c:allir_g
TO NOTIFY TAL- attention_ to the fact that sewage water- was escaping into their drain-
BERT DR. DIST. age ditch. The Clerk was instructed to notify them that the condition
OF CORRECTION had been corrected also, to write them as well as the Newbert Protec-
ALSO GIVE NO'TIC {' tion District calling attention to the blocking of the Santa Ana River
TO NEWBERT PROT. Charnel by a dam built by the paving contractors while working on
DIST. the Siate Highway, urging it' s removal before flood time .
BILLS ALLOWED On motion by Trustee Boster seconded by Trustee Wharton bills
approved by the Finance Committee and signed by the President were
allowed as follows : _
C. S. Clark $ 6 .87 O: ::.N. _-Whittdm, Treas. 4' 450.00
Geo . 111. Souter 260.48 S. L. Hearn _ 244.00
Geo. M. Souter 54. 25
A demand signed by Leonard C . Rowe as attorney for IVIrs. Hortense
CLf1Ii.2 OF 1 ,000 ,;.T e ch Vernon being in the amount of $1 ,000.00 claimed as damages
by IDS VERNON was referred to the City Attorney for report on motion by Trustee
REFER-'-ZED TO 1rlacklir_ seconded by Trustee Boster.-
This being the time for opening bids for the improvement of
CLERK OPENS & Walnut Avenue from First to Eleventh Street in accordance with notices
DECLAI�p BIDS duly published in the- Huntington. Beach News , the Clerk open e.d Ind
ON S,ALNUT AVE declared the following bids:
Geo.TJl.Souter S .VJ.Paving Co Griffith-CO G. R. Curtis
Paving per sq.ft. of
pay. (ir_clud-grading) .17 .225 yy .18� $ .24
Sidewalk per sq ft
in place .19 .21 .18 . 22
Curb , per lineal ft
in place . 65 . 90 .65 1.00
Culverts ,per lineal ft
In place 4.00 4.80 3.60 5. 80
Headwalls -in place
per each 4.50 6.00 3.00 7 .00
Ornamental lighting
system complete 4,000.00 4,250.00 4,000.00 3900.00
L. A. Paving Co Sully-T.liller Hall-Johnson Co .
` Paving per sq. ft. of Ii
pay. (includ.grading) . 23 fi .22-2/10 .20!
Sidewalk per sq.ft
in place .20 . 20-9/10 .20
Curb , per lineal ft
in place .85 .80 .65
Culverts ,per lineal ft
in place 5.10 5.50 4.50
Headwalls in place
per each 5.60 14.80 5.00
Ornamental lighting 4,200.00 4, 900.00 4,500.00
system complete
On motion by Trustee Boster seconded by Trustee Macklin the bids
were referred to the City Engineer for analysis. A short recess was
GEO 1A SOU'ITER declared at this time while the Engineer was making &.t analysi's.•.. The
Board was again called to order and the Clerk anour_ced that Georg 1:1.
Souter was the low bidder.
Resolution #479 awardir_,a the contract to George 1,,1.
RESOLUTION 7#479 Souter was read , a copy of which .is, on file in the office of the
PASSED AND ADOPT- Clerk and on motion by Trustee Wharton seconded by Trustee
ED IvZacklin was :passed and adopted by the following vote.
Ayes: Trustee Wharton, 11acklin, Boster, Ridenour
Noes: None
.Absent: Drew
The matter of caring for the waste oil in Lake Park was
discussed and on motion by Trustee i'llacklin seconded by Trustee
ENGINEER INST Wharton the City Engineer was instructed to notify 11r . Pearson_.
TO NOTIFY I'VR. who has been gathering oil in the Park, to vacate the prbmj'eeel .
PEARSON TO VACATE and the Engineer also was instructed to secure proper equip-
LAIa PARK* OIL ment for taking care of waste oil accumulating in Lake Park.
ENGINEER INST. On motion_ by Trustee tAlharton seconded by Trustee I:Iacklin.
TO SET UP PLAY the Engineer was instructed to have play-ground equipment set
GROUND EQUIP,•.IENT up on the beach.
On motion by Trustee 1.1acklin seconded by Trustee Boster
ENGINEER TO CON- the Engineer was instructed to confer, with I:,Ir. Vavra in regard
FER WITH VAVRA : to the planting of vines in the Auto Park.
The City Engineer presented the assessment diagram cover-
DIAGRAM .DIST. ir_g the district to be assessed for the improvement of llth
TO BE ASSESSED Street by' installation of an ornamental lighting system which
ON llth ST was ar)proved on motion_ by Trustee Macklin seconded by Trustee
On motion by Trustee V7harton seconded by Trustee Boster
ADJOURNIP101`i' the meeting was adjourned to 1: 30 P. 1A. December 22n_d , 1924,
City Clerk
President of Board of Trustees
Ci y Clerk and E -officio C erk
of Board of T.ru tees of the
City of Huntington Beach, Calif.