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CITY H_91L IURCH 2 , 1925.
REGULAR The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order
at 7 :50 P. 1& by President Ridenour.
'ROLL CALL Trustees Present: Ridenour, Macklin and Boster.
Trustees Absent: Drew and Wharton.
I.M1]UTES APPROVED. The minutes of the meeting for the 1.1onth of February 1925 were read
and approved on motion by Trustee Macklin seconded by Trustee, Boster.
PORTS READ The monthly report,-. of the Treasurer, Clerk, Recorder, Building Ir_-
AND APPIROVED spector and Advertising Agent were read and approved on motion by Trustee
Macklin seconded by Trustee Boster.
INVITATION An invitation_ from the American_ Legion inviting the City Officials.
AI;IEIlICAIT to attend their entertainment on March 9th was read and it was moved by
LEGION Trustee I:Iacklin seconded by Trustee Boster that the Clerk write a letter
of thanks in acceptance.
LEAGUE OF Notice of special meeting of League of :Municipalities of California
1.IUITICIPALITIES was -read ; this meeting to be held at Sacramento March 6th, 1925 to dis-
AT SACIIA1.]ENTO. cuss measures now before the State Legislature effecting Cities of the
1"ilotion by Trustee .:Macklin_ seconded by Trustee Boster that
City Controller be instructed at attend this meeting and report or_ same.
R. A. CHAFFEE On motion by Trustee Boster seconded by Trustee I1acklin the Board
APPOINTED DEP- confirm the appointment of R. A. Chaffee as Deputy Assessor for the
UTY ASSESSOR purpose of collecting and assessing personal property tax; this work to
be done in conjunction_ with the County assessing.
BILLS On motion_ by Trustee I&Lcklin seconded by Trustee Boster bills ap-
ALLOWED proved by the Finance Committee and signed by the President of the Board
were allowed as follows:
L. R. Rider-our %P25.00 llth Street Pharmacy. 5fi�31. 65
Richard Drew 25.00 Eclipse Paint & I;4fg. Co.
J. H. Macklin_ 25.00 C. R. Furr 20. 93
W. R. l`harton_ 25. 00 B. F. Goodrich Rubber Co. 46.30
Chas, G. Boster 25.00 Grimes Stassforth 30.18
Joseph Vavra 25.00 G. W. Handley 108. 00
L. Vt`. Blodget 125.00 Ralph E. Haw`e' s 18.00
H. A. Stewart 75'.00 H. C. Head 250.00
VJ,. R. Wright 125.00 B. .E. Holton Co. 4.00
W. R. Wright 100.00 Joe Hughes 108.00
C. R. Furr 200.00 Huston,--,Suter & Ruston 131.25
Grace 1:I. B r o s e 140.00 H. B. Gas Dep' t 246.05
C. D. Hooper 125.00 H. B. Gas Dept 213.10
Helen Rardin 65.00 H. B.- -Ne-ws 496.39
1.4argaret Tibbet 100.00 H. B. Service Station_ 23.12
Helen Newland 125.00 H. B. Telephone Co. 56. 55
W. 1l. Wright 175.00 H. B. Vol. Fire Dep' t 58.00
Clint Creamer 165.00 H. B. Gas Dep ' t 10.63
L. E. Hill 150. 00 H. B. Water Co. 328.53
Sam Isom' 125.00 W. H. Jones 95.06
S. A. Smith 125.00 Keir_ulff & Ravenkcroff 42.00
J. Tinsley 250.00 L. A. Rubber Stamp Co. 10.15-
J. L. Stanton 175.00 L. A. Engraving Co. 140.00
R. Choat 175.00 L. A. Rubber & Asb. Co. 9.40
Geo. l``. Coleman 165.00 J. 1 . Mitchell 43. 25
W. H. Stanton 165. 00 J. VJ4 1.1itchell 20. 26
A. E. Bannister 165.00 Bessie S. 1Martell 30.00
Elmer Parker 91.05 Helen_ 11. Newland 20. 91
Elmer Parker 68.75 0. B. Drug Co. 9. 60
'day Bradfield 115.35 Orange Co. By-products Co. 70.00
Kittie Sager 100.00 Ferdinand Ott .70
J. K. Sargent 175.00 orange Co. Pipe & Sup. Co. 121.13
i.�I. !'k'. Neal 40.00 R. J. Prescott 11.61
` Mrs. E. G. Black 50.00 , A. E. Prink 186.18
F. B. 1.1iles 125.00 Rapid Blue Print Co. 19.05
V. U: BroiAna 60.00 Sam Steins - 5.00
Frank Parcel 125.00 S. E. S. Company 48.15
-E. I,& Billings 350.00 E. . P. Sommers 35.00
Jack Colvin 175.00 So. Calif. Dis. Co. 34. 25
Lawrence Kler_tz 150.00 So. Calif. Blue Print Co. 7 . 20
L. E. Mitchell 150:00 So. Calif. Edison CO. 515. 66
C. J. Yost 164.50 So. Counties Gas Co. 2823. 53
J. A. Armitage 200.00, Thomas P. Smith Co. 21.75
E. P. Sommers ,200.00 Standard Oil Co. 78. 51
Tali nutes Continued torch 2 , 1925.
1J. A. Turner Co. ;� 2.50 111. S. Beauchamp
Underwood Typewriter Co. 12.50 lqm. Jones
Western Union Tel. Co. 1.85 Archer & Vavra 98.85
E. K. Wood Lumber Co. 12.34 Associated Oil Co. 204.21
14'. R. Wright 47. 06 J. M. Barlow 46.75
101f. D. Young 2.74 Beach Buick Sales Co. 16. 25
Zellerbach Paper Co. 90. 65 Beacon Light Co. 7. 80
V& hi. Barker 99.53- E. iiI. Billings 14. 28
J. 11. Elkins 120.00 L. Vi. Blodget 250.00
C. H. Ellis 120.00 L. 1,V. Blodget 50.00
G. K. Haltermar_ 120.0.0 Boyle Dayton Co_.. 233.55
Ben Handley 120.00 Brostol Service Sta. 20.00
G. W. Handley 120.00 G. I:I. Brose 20. 91
E. R. Hensley 105.00 V. U. Brown 120.00
Joe Hughes 120. 00 Buck & Buck .35
Joe Paladino 120. 00 Butchers ' Pharmacy 1.25
A. D. Riley 127.34 Calif. Brush Co. 28.50•
Fred Riley 139. 22 Calif. Nat'l Supply Co. 2.00
R. R. St. Calir 122.03 Eugene .Deitzger_ Co. 9.16,-
Asa Taylor 105.63 E. A. Elledge C.,
Geo. Tinsley 120.00 j�has. V�. Conrad 30.12
A. Watkins 120.00 Elliott & Horne Co. 364.90
C. C. 17ilton 120.00 Elliott & Horne Co. 389.76
E. P. 1ilitchell 78.00 Fred Henderson_ Co. 271. 50
J. H. Sehorn 46.40 Harbor Boat Bldg, Co. 250.00
C. C. Newland 1. 65 Harbor Boat Bldg. Co. 280.00
C: P. Patton 1. 65 Geo. VV. Viardwell 31.25
E. B. Stevens 1.65 IFV. D. Young 550. 00
C. hl. Kohler 1.65
Thos. Berry 1. 65 J-
Clyde 11usgrave 1. 65
G. A. Rehart 1. 65
L. B. Rimel 1 .65
H. Coltrir_ 1. 65
H. A. Galliensne 1. 65
TI11E FOR This being the time for hearing protests against the work
2ROTESTS AGAINST to be done on Palm Avenue from Main Street to Seventeenth Street
PALH AVENUE in accordance with notices duly published in the Huntington Beach
News as set forth . ir_ Resolution_ 7f4929 , the Clerk advised "that no
protests had been filed.
RESOLUTION #498. Trustee Macklin moved the adoption of Resolution #498 which
provided for the ordering of the work on Palm Avenue ; this motion
was lost for want of a second.
The chair declared a- short recess at this time.
WIDENING OF PAVE- The Board was again_ called to order and the matter of widen_-
I,1ENT FRAI,1KFORT & ir_g the pavement at the corner of Frankfort and Alabama and also
ALABA1,.TD9 AND ALABAMA. at Alabama and Acacia was discussed. On motion by Trustee Boster
AND ACACIA. seconded by Trustee Macklin, City Attorney was instructed to
take steps to acquire the necessary ground at each corner to widen_
the turn and the City Engineer was also instructed to prepare plans
for this work.
RE,SOLUTIOld #499 The Clerk read a letter signed by G. J. and H. ' E. Strodthoff
owners of Lot 15 , Block .105, objecting to being included it the
district assessed for the improvement of Iffaln_ut Avenue. The
City Attorney informed the Board that no protests could be enter-
tained at this time upon the grounds stated. Trustee i,,,Iacklin
seconded by Trustee Boster moved that the letter be placed on
file , which was carried.
TIC FOR PRO- This being the time for the hearing of protests against
TESTS OIv WAL11UT the Approval of assessments on Walnut. Avenue and there being
AVi,Id"UE. no valid protests against the confirmation of the assessment for �
the improvement of VValr_ut Avenue from First Street to Eleventh
Street, the Clerk read Resolution_ #499, confirming the assessment
and authorizing the Street Superintendent to issue his Warrant
in payment for the same , a copy of which is or_ file in the office
of the Clerk and on Trloti:.on by Trustee 1.Iacklin seconded by Trustee
Boster was passed and adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Boster, i;lacklin, Ridenour.
Noes : None
Absent: Trustees VVharton, Drew.
Continued--:.larch 2d, 1925.
TI1.1L FOR PROTESTS This , beir_g the time., for_.the., hearing, of protests against the
SIXTH STZEET approval of Assessments .or, SIX`I',H STIEET, and there being no protests
against the confirmation ,of, the Assessment for the improvement of
Res, �0 U SIXTH STREET from Ocean Avenue to Main Street, the Clerk read
Resolution 7F"500, confirming the assessment and authorizing the
Street Superintendent .to issue his warrant in payment, for same ;
a copy of which is on file in the .office of the Clerk, and or_
motion by Trustee Boster seconded by Trustee ,'a.cklin was passed
and adopted by the following vote :
Ayes: Trustee Boster, Macklin, -Ridenour
Noes : None
Absent: Trustees Wharton, Drew.
TI7-M FOR PROTESTS This being the time for the hearing of protests against the
EIGHT STREET approval of Assessments on EIGHT ST =1E T and there being no protests
1 against the confirmation of the Assessment for the improvement of
EIGHT STREET from Ocean Avenue to Palm Avenue , the , Clerk read
Resolution 7r501 , confirming the Assessment and authorizing the
Street Superintendent to issue his warrant in payment. for same ;
a copy of which is on file in the office of the Clerk and on
motion by Trustee Boster seconded by Trustee T,lacklin was passed
and adopted by the following vote :
Ayes: Trustees Boster, Macklin, Ridenour
Noes : None
Absent: Trustees Wharton, Drew.
STATUS OF S. P. On Notion by Trustee 1.1acklir_ seconded by trustee Boster,
STZ,12ET CROSSING City Attorney and City Engineer ryas. instructed to investigate
the present status of the S. P. Street Crossing at all streets
from Seventeenth (17th) Street to Atlanta Street and report at
an early date.
ADJQUIRT]12,11`1' 11oti or_ by Trustee Llacklir_ seconded by Trustee Boster the
Board adjourn until 2:00 P. 1111. L-larch 4th, 1925.
President of the Board of Trustees.
City C er and Ex-Of 'icio Clerk
of the Board of `i'ruc-tees of the
` City of Huntington Beach, Calif.