HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925-03-04 CITY HALL MARCH 4th, 1925.
rZEGULAR Pursuant to adjournment Uarch 2nd, the regular meeting
was called to order at, 2: 25 P. M. by President
ROLL C-ALD Trustees -Present: Iylackl in_, Boster, Drew, Ridenour
-Trustees Absent: 1,1,harton
SOLUTION r� 498 Resolution �498 ordering the work or- Palm Avenue
between_ lain and 17t 7 Streets was again_ pre-
sented. and read , a copy of which is on file in
the office of the Clerk, and or motion by Trustee .
i;,Iacklin, seconded by Trustee Drew was passed and
adopted by the following vote:: '
AYES: Dlacklin, Boster , Drew , I=idenour.
NOES: 1�1on_e
Absent: Trustee kAlharton
OPEI?ING OP 12 th 'The question of opex,iiig 12th Street through the
STPLEEi' AND IIAGTJOLIA AVE. _:Methodist Camp Graund , and also 'JIagnolia Avenue
N.-C'THODIST CA:,1P GROUr'D ) was discussed and on motion by 'Trustee Drew,
seconded by Trustee .iacl:lin_, the City Attorney was
instructed to start action_ in the Superior Court
to have the streets running between_ blocks fi411 ,
412, 511 and 512, Hruitington Beach 17.th Street
Section , being a portion of ;lagnolia Avenue and
Twelfth Street., ar the Circle Drive surrounding
the building in the center of the street, in this
City declared public highways , which was carried.
PO1,'JER I,At'1111 1.101`11ER On motion by Trustee Drew , seconded by Trustee
Boster , the Controller was instructed to secure
price; on a power lawn mower.
r WAR1 I11G A`i' IIdTERSEC'i'IO11 On mo lion by Trustee 1,1acklin, seconded by Trustee
OF HILL A `%J F !A1,11_IFO=RT Boster , the Engineer was in_strit.cted to safeguard
STS. the intersection of Hill and Frankfort Streets ,
i n . the Vista Del Mar Section by a i:rarning sign
or some other proper means.
ADJJOU:.'`di:E1-T On motion by Trustee Drew, seconded by Trustee
_Macklin, the Board adjourned to 2 P. MI. I:Iarch lGth `
City. Clenk
President of Board of Trustees
h 1�1�u�1 .
City C e 1- and Ex_- ffici.o Clerk
of Board of `Trustees of City of
Hur_tir_gton Beach, California.