HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925-03-16 CITY HALL March 16th, 1925.
REGULAR Pursuant to adjournment March 4th, the regular meeting
was called to order at 2:09 P. L1. by President Ridenour.
ROLL CALL Trustees Present: Wharton, Boster, Ridenour
Trustees Absent: L1ackl in, Drew.
TRUSTEE I.ZACELIN Trustee i:lacklin telephoned that he would arrive in
ARRIVED a short time and the chair declared a short recess.
Trustee Macklin arrived at 2:20 P. M. and the Board was
again called to order.
TRUSIFE WHARTON ACTS ON The President appointed 'Trustee Wharton to act on the
FINANCE CO=11i:ITTEE Finance Committee in the absence of Trustee Drew.
SIGNS- EN'TRADCE ON Trustee Liacklin reported on signs proposed to be placed
HIGHt'pAYS on the highway entrances . to the City., stating that he
had arranged with the Standard Oil Company to furnish
6" drill pipe for posts, and that the Edison_ Company
had agreed to furnish their apparatus for erecting said
BAND'S SERVICES ON HIGM'?AY A letter from the Chamber of Commerce was read asking
OPENING DAY that the Board furnish the Huntington. Beach band for
the celebration to be held %larch 21st, in, honor of the
opening, of the Coast Highway. It was agreed to furnish
the bard with the. understanding that the price for the
services should be in accordance with the price to be
set later on for the seasons concerts.
REPORT BY CONTROLLER The controller gave a report on the Special meeting of
Ord i]EETING OF LEAGUE OF League of California "Idunicipalities held at Sacramento
CALIF. i;1UrdICIPALITIES Idarch 6th, calling attention to various measures be-
fore the Legislature that were approved or disapproved
by the League. The report was approved , on motion by
Trustee 1'iacklin, seconded by Trustee Wharton.
FUTURE GAS SUPPLY FOR CITY Superintendent of the Gas Department reported to the
DISCUSSED Board that he had been endeavoring since last August
to secure an expression_ from the Southern Counties Gas
Company in the matter of a new contract for supplying
this City, in view of the fact that our present contract
expires May 17th, 1925, and up to this time had not
been able to get anything definite. The matter was
discussed at length, the Superintendent stating that
he was in communication_ iL th several probable sources
of supply in the local field, and expecting to have a
definite answer from some of them vwithin a few days.
The matter of providing a holder with sufficient
capacity for a days run_ was discussed and the Super-
intendent was instructed , on motion by Trustee Boster,
seconded by Trustee Wharton to get figures on the cost
of a holder, sufficient in capacity for the future
needs of this City.
BIDS FOR FORD 'i'ItLC;rT This being the time for receiving. bids for a Ford
Truck in accordance with the notice duly published ,
the Clerk opened and declared the only bid received,
that oi' IN. L.. Young:, the bid being $670.00 for a Ford
ton truck with steel cab, equipped with little giant
hoist, allowing $120.00 for a used Ford car to be in
exchange. The bid of `.7. D. Young was accepted.
PROTESTS ON IMP_,OVEI.IENT OF This being the time for hearing protests against the
ELEVENTH ST=T issuance of bonds covering the unpaid assessments for
the improvement of Eleventh Street from Ocean Avenue
Resolution 502 to 1.1ain Street by ir_stallation of ornamental lights,
the Clerk informed the Board that no protests had been
filed, therefore Resolution No. 502, providing for the
issuance of Street Improvement Bonds covering the un-
paid assessments on Eleventh Street was read , a copy
("yiinutes of `1ch.16- con_t'd. )
of which is. on file in the' office' of. the Clerk and
on motion by Trustee Boster seconded. by. Trustee Wharton
was passed and adopted by the following vote :
AYES: Trustees Wharton, 14acklil-i Boster, Ridenour
NO:S: . Trustees none .
Absent; Trustee Drew.
RESOLUTION #503 This being the time for hearing protests against the
issuance of bonds covering the unpaid assessments
for the improvement of Orange Avenue from Lake Avenue
to Eleventh Street by paving and lighting, the Clerk
informed ' the Board- that no protests had been filed,
therefore liesolutior_ No. 503 providing for the issuance
of Street Improvement Bonds was read, a copy of which
is on file in the. o fic.e of the C1_erk, and on motion_
of Trustee Wharton., seconded by `irustee Macklin_ was
passed and adopted by...the following vote :
AYES: Trustees Wharton, i;acldin, Boster, Ridenour
NOES: Trustees , None
Absent: Trustee Drew
ORANGE AVENUE This being the time for hearing protests against the
PROTESTS improvement of Orange Aver_ ue from llth Street to 23rd
Street, the written_ protests of 1drs. Eva S. Zabriskie
--- and A. G. Herring -were read, an_d. theverbal "protests of
h1r.s. Bernice Purcell and Mrs. Austin_, and 1-Irs. Packer
Resolution_ 7j,--504 ,_.were heard. The property owned by those protesting
amounted to nine lots and being less than 51 0 of the
district to ,be improved , was over-ruled by Resolution
r504, which was _adopted, on motion by Trustee Wharton
seconded by Trustee Macklin, by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Wharton, Macklin, Boster, Ridenour
Noes: Trustees None
Absent, Trustee Drew.
RESOLUTION 7 505 Resolution #505, ordering the work on Orange Avenue
from llth Street to 23rd Street was read, a copy of
which is on file in. the office of the Clerk-, and on
motion by Trustee Wharton, seconded by Trustee Boster
.was passed and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Trustees .Wharton, 11acklin, Boster, Ridenour
NOES: Trustees 111on_e,
ABSENT; Trustee Drew.
BILLS ALLOWED On niotion b�yy Trustee Iffharton_, seconded by Trustee
Boster, bi4s approved by the Finance Committee and
signed ,by the President of the Board were allov.,ed as
Chas. W. Conrad,P.i1._. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.12 '
Elliott & Harne 364.90
Elliott & Harne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389.76
Fred Henderson_ -Co. 271.50
Harbor Boat B1dg:Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250.00
Harbor Boat B1dg.Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280.00
Geo. 7. Wardwell 31.25
11. D. Young 550.00
BIDS ON PALM AVE. This being the time for receiving bids for the improve-
I11PROM-AEN T ment of Palm Avenue- between !:lain. and 17 th Streets , the
Clerk opened and declared the following bids:
Geo.111.Souter L.A.Pay.Co. Dunkle & Phillips Geo.R Curtis Pav Co
Paving, per sq.fto of paving
. (Including grad in_g) .19 .202 .21 .198
Sidewalk .per sq.f t. .in place .20 .20 .19 .20 4
Curb, per lineal ft. " ", .70 .80 .70 .72
Culverts per lineal ft. in place 4.50 5.50 4.80 4.95
Headwalls in place , per each 4.50 6.00 5.60 5.40
Ornamental -Lighting System, $5450.00 $5555.00 $5400.00 $5800oOO
complete. . . .
On motion by Trustee Boster, seconded by Trustee
Wharton, the bids were referred to- the City Engineer
for analysis.
POWER LA4 Td :,TOWER The Clerk submitted prices on a power lawn mower.
$285.00 for an Ideal 2211, and $360.00 for a Coldwell
On motion by Trustee 1,dlacklin, seconded by Trustee
Boster, the controller was instructed to purchase the
Ideal Junior power lawn_ mower for $285.00.
RT_ nutes of I ch. 16th, cont'd. )
ADVERTISING iiATTEii- - On motion. by Trustee I:iacklin, seconded by Trustee
• PARKS FOR PICIIIC Boster, the Clerk was instructed to write J. A.
.PARTIES Armitage ; Advertising Agent, requesting that he
prepare circular letters to be sent to societies
and organizations that might be interested in
holding picnics in Huntington_ Beach this summer,
setting forth the advantages we have to offer.
RESOLUTION '#506 ..The Engineer reported that Geo. iri. Souter was the
low bidder on -Palm Avenue and resolution #506
awarding the contract to Geo. I;I: Souter was read,
a copy of which is on file in the office of the
City Clerk, and on motion by Trustee Macklin_
seconded by Trustee Boster was''passed and adopted
by the following vote:
Ayes : Trustees Wharton, I.Iacklin, Boster, Ridenour
Noes: Trustees 'Bone,
Absent: Trustee Drewr
I_1121?ROVEnTEN`F OF WALIJUT On motion by. Trustee Wharton, seconded by Tri:.stee
AVE. . FROIAT llth Sto to laiacklir_, the City Engineer was instructed to pre-
23rd ST. - -pare plans , specifications , cross-sections and
profiles for the improvement of Walnut Avenue,
from ll th to 23rd Street by paving and lighting.
BLOCK 416,17th Sto On =mo-tion by 'Trustee Macklin, seconded by Trustee
and - 811 Wesley Park VVharto'n, the Clerk was instructed to confer with
Tract, PARK PURPOSES the owners of Block 416, 17th St. Section, and
also• 811 Wesley.- Park Tract, as well as high ground
betwreen the Pacific Electric and the Beach, be-
yond 23rd Street, in an endeavor to acquire this
property for park purposes.
BLOCK 505•• On motion by Trustee I.3acklin, seconded by Trustee
TO BE GRASSED Wharton, the City Engineer was instructed to have
Block 505 seeded to grass.
PROPOSED PAVING OF The matter of paving Lake Avenue was again_ brought
LAKE 11VENUE up and the Clerk was ir_stracted to take the matter
up with the Huntington Beach Company to determine
if they- were still opposed to paving the full
width to the Edison -Company and 20 feet width from
that point to 17th Street.
wUESTIOIaITAIREoS FOR The matter of appointing a keeper for the I:iunicipal
KEEPER OY AUTO PARK Auto Park "was brought up and after discussion the
Clerk was instructed to prepare a set of questions
to be submitted to various applicants; same to be
ready. for examination_ at the next meeting.
PERMISSION TO CUT CURB Permission_ was granted Amy Worthy to cut curb on
LOT 22, BLOCK 105 lot 22, Block 105.
ADJOURNI.ENT On motion_ by. Trustee Irlacklin, seconded by Trustee
Boster, the meeting adjourned.
ATM T: PresidenAo � r��Toard. of rus ees
City. Clerk and Ex- ffieio Clerk
of Board. of Trust es of City of
Huntington. Beach, California'.