HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925-06-01 163 CITY HALL JUNE 1, 1925. REGULAR The regular meeting was called to order at 8:10 P. M. by President Ridenour. 1 ROLL CALL Trustees present: Wharton, Boster, Drew, Ridenour. Trustees absent : MAcklin. MINUi'ES APPROVED The. minutes for the month of May were read and approved on motion by Trustee Drew seconded by. Trustee Wharton. rMONTHLY DEPORTS Monthly. re orts of the Treasurer, Buildi�. Ins ectar , Recorder APPROVED and Advertising Agent were read and approved on motion by Trustee Boster seconded by Trustee Wharton. TRUSTEE MACKLIN Trustee Macklin arrived at this time. ARRIVED A written_ application of Rudd Brothers for renewal of their APPLICATION FOR pool hall license at 212 Mai.n 'Street was read and referred to the POOL HALL LICENSE Chief of Police on motion by Trustee Macklin seconded by `.Trustee Wharton. TRANSFER OF FUNDS The Clerk asked authority to transfer $962.50 from the Gas Fund to Gas Interest and Redemption Fund 42 which was approved on motion by Trustee Wharton seconded by Trustee Drew. RECESS The Chair declared a. short recess at this time . The meeting was again_ called to order and on motion by Trustee BILLS ALLOWED Wharton seconded by Trustee Macklin bills approved by the Finance Committee and signed by the President of the Board were allowed as follows.: L. R. Ridenour 25.00 G. .Halterman 109.21 Richard Drew 25.00 Ben Handley 123.12 & H. Macklin 25.00 J. H. Hughes 122.81 We R. Wharton 25.00 E. Re Hensley 122.66 Chas G. Boster 25.00 Joe Paladin_o. 125.47 Joseph Vavra, Treas. 25.00 A. Di Riley 124.06 L. < q Blodget, Atty. 125.00 Fred Riley 126. 90 H. A. Stewart, Recorder 75.00 T. J. Sehorno 484:68 W. R. Wright, Clerk 125.00 Adam Sliger . 5409 We R. Wright, Controller 100.00 R. Re St Clair ` 122.81 C. R. Furr 200.00 Asa Taylor 126.87 Grace Me Brose 140.00 Geo Tinsley 125.47 C. D. Hooper 125. 00 A. Watkins 122. 81 Helen Rardin 85400 C. be Wilton 119.37 Margaret Tibbet 100.00 Fred Riley 42.00 Helen_ Newland 125. 00 E. C. Wilson 68.40 W. R. Wright, Supt Gas 175.00 Floyd McLain 30.00 Clint Creamer 165.00 Wm T MdMahon 29.36 L. E. Hill 150.00 Archer 6 Vavra 32.35 Sam Isom 125.00 Arrow Garage 20.00 S. A. Smith 125.00 Associated Oil Co. 6.75 J. Tinsley, Chief of Police 250.00 E. MN Billings 40.00 J. L . Stanton 175.00 L. We Blodget 50.00 R. Choat 175.00 Bristol ' s Serv, Station 72. 20 Geo. Coleman_ 175.00 Grace Me Brose 12.00 We H. Stanton 175.00 V. U. Brown 120.00 A. E. Bannister 175.00 Calif . Corrugated Culv. Co. 2.33 Elmer Parker 175.00 Calif. St. Lighting Sales Co. 26.10 Kittie E. Sager 100.00 C. & Conrad, P. M. 50.15 J. Y. .Sargent 175.00 H. S. Crocker Co. 8.10 ,. I e W. Neal 40.00 We S. Darley & Co. 83.30 Mrs . E. G. Black 50.00. Be A. Elledge 55.00 F. Be Miles 125.00 L. A. Engraving Co. 315.00 V. U. Brown 60.00 Fowler's 34.18 Frank Parcel 125.00 C. D. Fuller- 5.75 E. Me Billings 350.00 C. R. Furr 12.00 Jack Colvin 175.00 Grimes-Stassforth Sta. Co. 6.98 Lawrence Elentz 150.00 Harbor.Boat Bldg. Co. 160.00 L. E. Mitchell. 150.00 .75 Home Oil Co. J. A. Armitage 200.00 J. H. Hughes 13 388.75 1053 Fred Ott 155.00 H. Be Electric forks 14.30 Henry Wirth 200.00 City of H. Be Gas Dept. 63.75 C. J. Yost 191.50 Dept 410.50 H. C. Foster 112.00, Dept. 697 .64 Wm Barker 129.53 275.00 �r H. Be News. J. W. Elkin 125.31 H. Be Saevice Station 40,80 C. H. Ellis 122.81 H. Be Sheet Metal gorks 40.60 164 Minutes Continued June 1, 1925. y. H. B. Telephone Co. 56.70 Rapid Blue Print Co. 24.05 H. B. Volunteer Fire Dept. 53. 00 Robertson' Electric Co. 18.50 H. B . ITat6r Co. 62.14 L. A. Rubber Stamp Co. 7.73 H. B. FYater Co 381.14 Shell Oil Co. 20.00 `H. B.. Water Co. . 3.80 So. California Edison Co. 504.52 Industrial Testing 'Lab. 52.5G So. Counties Gas Co. 2149.70 1.11. H. Jones 116.44 Standard Oil Co. 40.01 Ed Idamiing 105.05 Chas. D. Swanner 50.00 R. E. McIntosh 37.75 J. Tinsley 31 .30 Helen N. Newland 12.00 Union_ Oil Co . 33.28 Orange Co. Pipe &. Supply Co 16. 90 irielsbach Company 116.77 F. Ott , 1.05 Whites H. B. Laundry 8.74 Pacific Pipe & Supply Co. 12. 94 C. N. Whittam, Agent 10.00 Pacific States Electric Co. 5.62 Heary V--irth .Auto Allowance 36.00 Ben S. Patton 132.80 E. K. Wood Lumber Co. 88.31 R. J. Prescott 30.75 1M. R. Wright, Trustee 39.13 , Prescott' s Sport Shop .50 W. D. Young 7.04 , A. E. Prink 76.00 ' This beir_5 the time for hearing protests against the approval of the assessment for the improvement of Fourteenth T Street from Palm Avenue to Main Street in accordance with notices RESOLUTION #514 published in the Huntington Beach News the Clerk informed PASSED AIM ADOPTED the Board that no pzvitests had been filed, therefore Resolu- tion #514 authorizing the issuance of the warrant to the contractor was read, a copy of which is on file in the office of the Clerk and on motion_ by Trustee I,1.cklin seconded by , Trustee tAhaarton_ was passed and adopted by the following vote : Ayes: Trustees Wharton, ilZacklin, Bos ter; Drew, Ridenour. Noes: None Absent: None Or_ motion by Trustee 1,1acklin seconded by Trustee Wharton the Clerk was instructed to advertise for bids for the re- CLERK TO ADVERTISE moval of the curbing around two small' parcels of parking on FOR BIDS FOR REIVIOVAL I4an Street at the intersection of Fourteenth Street also at OF CURBING, GRADING Seventeenth Street including also the grading and paving of AND PAVING same, all to be in accordance with specifications on file in "the office of the City Engineer. This being the time for hearing protests against the proposed work of impi vement of Walnut Avenue from Eleventh to Seventeenth Streets in accordance with notices published RESOLUTION #515 in the Huntington Beach News, the Clerk informed the Board PASSED AND ADOPT�E'D that no protests had been filed therefore Remlution 7#'515 ordering this work was read,a copy of which is on file .in the office of the Clerk and on motion by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee 1.1acklin was passed and adopted by the fallowing vote: Ayes: Trustees Wharton,. Macklin, Boster, Drew, Ridenour. Noes: None Absent: None . This", being the time. for hearing protests against the proposed work of "improvement of Twelfth Street from Ocean RESOLU`i'ION #516 Avenue. to Orange Avenue in accordance with 'notice.s published PASSED AND ADOI?I'ED in the Huntington Beach News, "the Clerk informed the Board that na protests had been filed, therefore Resolution #516 -ordering this tai rk was read, a copy of which is on file in the office of the Clerk and on motion by Trustee Llack- lin seconded by Tr Is tee Wharton was passed and adopted by the following vote : Ayes: Trustees Wharton, I:4acklin, Boster, Drew, '.Ridenour. Noes : None . Absent: None. This being the time for hearing protests against the proposed wo,rl; of installing sanitary sewer, lines in the Vista Del Ilar section in accordance with notices published in the RESOLUTION #%7 Huntington_ Beach News the Clerk informed the Board that no PASSED AND ADOPTED protests had been filed, therefore Resolution #517 , ordering the mo rk was read, a copy of which is on file in the office, of the Clerk and on motion_ by Trustee Macklin seconded by Trustee Wharton was passed and adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Wharton, Macklin-, Boster, Drew, Ridenoi-x . Noes: Noife. Absent: Nona. 16 I:2inutes Continued June 10 1925. The matter of Street Lights for Huntington Avenue was again brought up and a petition presented bearing a considerable number HUNTINGTON AVENUE of signatures of interested property owners asking the Board to LIGHTING POSTIMED refrain from proceeding vd th the work. It being evident that a. large portion of the owners . did not desire the work. Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Boster moved that the lighting for Hunt- ington Avenue be laid ,o_n the table for further consideration which was carried. The City Engineer presented the assessment diagram of the ENGINEER PRESEI'yTS district to be assessed for the_ improvement of Palm Avenue from ASSESSIr�NIT DIAGRAI, Ind n Street to Seva1 teer_th Street which was approved on motion OF PALL AVENUE by Trustee 12acklin seconded by Trustee Drew. The City Engineer presented the assessment diagram for the: ENGINEER PRESENTS district to be assessed for the improvement of Orange Avenue ASSESSICNT DIAGRAI':I from Eleventh Street to Twenty-third Street which was approved OF ORANGE AVENUE on motion by Trustee Boster seconded by Trustee Macklin. A petition asking for the improvement by paving and lighting of Olive Avenue from First Street to Twenty-third Street and asking that the name be changed to Broadway, was presented to the ENGINEER TO PREPARE Board. . The Clerk also presented a petition_ which had been filed PLANS FOR LIGHTING May 6th anticipating the filing of a petition ori. Olive Avenue . AND PAVING OLIVE protesting against it. A check was made as to the ovrr_ers of those AVENUE for and against the work which resulted in approximately 131 lots for the work as against some 90 against itq therefore Trustee Wharton seconded by Trustee Macklin moved that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plans, specifications, cross-sections and profiles for the improvement of Olive Avenue from First Street to Twenty-third Street by paving and lighting which was carried. On motion by Trustee Drew seconded by, Trustee Boster the CHIEF TO HAVE FIRE Fire Chief was instructed to have the fire hydrant now located HYDRANT MOVED on Third Street at the alley between Walnut and Ocean Avenue moved approximately 25 feet toward Ocean Avenue and placed at the curb. Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Macklin moved that the CLERK TO ADV. FOR Clerk be instructed to advertise for bids for the collection of BIDS FOR COLLECTION household trash for a period of one year, the bidder to accept OF TRASH responsibility for care of the dump grounds. Collection to be made under such regulations as ' specified by the Street Superin- tendent. Trustee Drew stated that the matter of erection of closed tents on the Beach had been called to his attention and thought r�ome action should be taken in the matter and s: ggested that CLOSED TENTS ON ''r. Lawshe being present might have something to say in this BEACH DISCUSSED regard. Mr. Lawshe stated that his company had no desire to deprive visitors of the priviledge of erecting sunshades or NEIN ORDINY CE TO wind breaks, therefore requested such action by the Board as BE DRA110 BY ATTY. would prevent the maintainance of closed tents on the Beach. On motion by Trustee Macklin seconded by Trustee Boster the City Attorney was instructed to draw an ordinance prohibiting the erection and maintain_ance of closed tents on the Beach within the City Limits. On motion by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Macklin the Chief of Police was instructed to place signs along the Beach CHIEF TO PLACE informing the public that closed tents are prohibited, this to SIGNS ON BEACH be done at once . z. The matter of peddlers licenses was brought .up and during the discussion it was pointed out that numerous interested persons CHA :IBER OF C0.11VE:RCE felt that the present business license ordinance did not fully TO PREPARE IdEW cover the reeds of the city, therefore Trustee Drew seconded by LICENSE ORDI1L,iANCE Trustee Boster moved that the Chamber of Commerce be requested to prepare and submit an acceptable license ordinance for the consideration of the Boa.rd which was carried. The subject of signs placed rear the City Limits informing the traveling public that we have an Auto Camp for their con- venience was discussed and Mr. Billings advised the Board that the Auto Club had promised to provide such signs. It was also SIGNS TO BE ERECTED suggested that the Clerk communicate with the United States AT ENTRANCE OF Rubber Company endeavoring to secure the location of one or more CITYTO ADVISE PUB- of their large signs with the idea of devoting a part of it to LIC OF AUTO PARK this purpose. 16 Minutes Continued June �, 1925 The City Attorney in accordance with instructions given. him on May 6th. presented an ordinance drawn up in blank providing for the calling of a recall election against Trustees Drew and M-acklin. This was accompanied. by a written opinion_ advising the'Bo and that the Clerk had not certified RECALL PETITION AFFIDA- to the sufficiency of the petition_ for the reason_ that the VIT IS RETURNED TO CLERK certificate had been made on information and belief, FOR PROPER CER`.i'IFICA-TE stating -that it is a well established fact that an affidavit made on ,info rmatio.n and .belief i,s unavailing for- any purpose what ;oever and recommended that the Board, order' the petition returned to the Clerk. for a proper certificate :as_'tozit:s edffi- ciency or insufficiency. On motion by Trustee Mack-lin seconded by Trustee Wharton the petition was returned to the Clerk for a proper certificate as to its sufficiency or insufficiency. The Clerk read a communication_ from J. H. Macklin tend- J. H. IMACYLLIN TENDERS ering his resignation as City Trustee same to be effective at RESIGNATION° AS TRUSTEE once. On motion by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Wharton Mr. Iiacklin' s resignation was accepted. On motion by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Wharton VOTE OF THANKS the Board extended 1-Jr. Macklin a vote of thinks for his faithful and efficient service during the time that he had served on the Board which was passed by a unanimous vote. ADJOURMZNT - On motion by Trustee Drev; seconded by Trustee 'Wharton tYe Board adjourned. City Clerk Presiden of Board�_ofTrus Lees AT T ST / City Clerk and Ex of icio Clerk of Board of Trus ees of City of Huntington Beach, California. a