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C I TY HALL NOVE-M-BER 2, 19 25.
The Regular 1.1eeting was called to order at 7 :30 P. I.I. by
REGULAR President Ridenour.
Trustees present: Wharton, Boster, Drew, Ridenour.
` ROLL CALL Trustees absent Dunning.
The minuteu for the month of .October were read , and appror ed
1:IINUTES APPROVED on motion_ by Trustee Wharton seconded by Trustee -Boster.
TRUSTEE DUTJNING Trustee tee Dunning arrived at 6: 00 P. 1VI4.
I,Zor_thly reports of- the various officers were read and approved
T.IONTHLY ' rPORTS on motion by Trustee i`Iharton seconded by Trustee_ Dunning.
A letter from the 1:Iayor of Anaheim was read inviting the
City Officials to take part in the Armistice Day Parade to be
I17, ITATION TO held in Anaheim November llth. The Clerk was instructed to advise
AR14ISTICE DAY CELE- the Anaheim Officials that i?ulntirgton Beach would be represented
BRATIOTJ and was instructed to provide appropriate banners for the car to
be used.
A letter from .airs . Fannie Green was read requesting a refund
LETTER FRO14 FANNIE of a portion of her business license i-ssued for conducting the
GREEN Avalon_ Hotel . Or_ motion by .Trustee Dunning seconded by Trustee ,
Boster the Clerk was instructed to notify Iv1rs . Green that the
license Ordinance provides that no refunds shall be made.
PdIORRISON GRANT- An application for approval of the assignment of E. L. Curtis
ED PER14IT FOR TACKLE to C. K. 11orrison for a permit to conduct ,a Bait and Tackle
STAND stand on the outer end of the Municipal Pier was presented and
the application was granted on motion by Trustee Drew seconded
by Trustee Dunning.
SANITARY INSPECTORS Or. motion by Trustee Dunning seconded by Trustee Cttharton
OFFICE DECLARED the office of Sanitary Inspector was declared vacant as of
VACANT September llth. , 1925, this appoint;Muent having been held by
V. U. Brown in, connection with his Gatbage Contract, which expired
on the date first mentioned.
The Clerk brought up the matter of placing earth-quake
QUAKE INS- insurance upon the City buildings and after discussion was in-
structed structed to secure additional ir_formation.
At this time the Chair invited those in the audience having �
things to bring before the Board to do so at this time . There
was no response.
The Clerk announced that this was the time for hearing
appeals from determinations of the Street Superintendent in
RESOLUTION NO 534 assessing the cost of the improvement of 1,7alnut Avenue from
APPROV. WARRATjT Seventeenth Street to Eleventh Street and informed the Board that
FOR WALNUT AVENUE no appeals had been filed, therefore, Resolution No . 534 ordering
> the warrant in favor of the contractor in payment for the work
was read-;. a copy of which is on .file in the office of the Clerk,
and on motion by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Durh.ing was
passed and adopted by the followinicr vote ;
Ayes : Trustees 14`4harton., Dunning,. Boster, Drew, Ridenour.
Noes: gone.
Absent: None.
The Clerk announced that this was the time for hearing
appeals from determinations of the Street Superintendent in
RESOLUTION NO 535 assessing the cost of the improvement of Twelfth Street from
A�PROV. �'f'ARRAI T Ocean Avenue to orange Avenue and informed the Board that no
FOR 12TH STREET appeals had been filed , therefore, Resolution 1,To. 535, ordering
the warrant in favor of the cor_tractor in payment for' the work
17jas -read , a copy of which is on file in the office of the Clerk,
' and on motion by Trustee Wharton seconded by Trustee Dunning
was passed and adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Trustees ei7hartor_, Dunning, Boster, Drew, Ridenour.
Noes : None.
Absent; None.
This being the time for hearing protests against the work proposed
in Resolution. of Intention No. 533, providing for the improvement
IMPROVEI:II;NT OF of a portion of Frankfort Street, Alabama Avenue and Acacia Avenue
FRANKFORT STREET in accordance with notices published in the Huntington Beach News DISCOTd'1'II�UED. the Clerk advised the Board that a written protest signed by owners
r ,
Irinutes Continued I1ovembar 2nd, 1925.
of more than fifty per cent of the area to be assessed
had been filed and was presented to the Board at this time.
After examination of the protesting petition_ and receiving
a report from Engineer Billings as to the area of the district
and the, area owned by those protesting ,Trustee Boster seconded n
by Trustee Wharton_ moved that no further proceedings shall be
taken for carrying out ' the work provided for in Resolution
of Intention No. 533, v ich was carried.
The Clerk presen__ted a petition signd by owners of ,
PETITION PROTESTING property along Thirteenth Street protestin` against the im-
IM2ROVEII.]:DT OF 1.3tn prove;aent of that Street. On motion by Trustee Drew seconded
STREET PLACED ON FILE by Trustee Wl;harton the petition was placed or_ file.
_ Resolution providing for- the closing of a portion_ of '
'�/ S 3G Union Avenue and the area in block 1904, tract 51 for the
PORTION OF UNION AVE benefit of the Huntington Beach Union: High School was read,
AND BLK 1904 CLOSED a copy of which is on file in the office of the Clerk and on
FOR SCHOOL PURPOSEB motion by Trustee Duna.-ing seconded by Trustee t°dharton was
passed and adopted by the following w te ;
Ayes: Trustees Irharton, Dtu2ning, Koster, Drew, Ridenour. T
Noes: bone.
Absent: None .
Engineer Billings presented plans, profiles and cross-
PLANS ADOPTED FOR sections 4#33, new series in 1 sheet and specifications m62
18TH STREET providing for the improvement of Eighteenth Street from Ocean
Avenue to Palm Avenue by paving and lighting which were adopted
on motion by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Dunning.
The Clerk announced that a license agreement had beer_
LICENSE AGREE 1EidT filed co-vering the light standards to be used. {
ARDS On motion by Tr:_stee Ytharton seconded by Trustee Boster
Demands No. 4994 to IJo. ;5102 as set forth in the Clerks
DETvZAIMS APPROVED Cash Journal having been approved by the Finance Cormiittee
and signed by the President of the Board were .allowed.
Resolution_ of Intention No. 537 providinc, for the im-
provement>r 537 provement of Eighteenth Street from Ocean Avenue to Palm
FOR Ii:IPROVEI-MITT OF 181 H Avenue was read, a copy of which is on file in the office
STREET of the Clerk and or_ motion by Trustee lAlharton_ seconded by
Trustee Dunning was passed and adopted ;by the following vote :
Ayes : Trustees Wharton, Dunning, Boster, Drew, Ridenour ,
Noes: I1on_e.
Absent: None.
On motion by Trustee Drew seconded by Tr,,stee Bos.ter
ADJOURNI�IENT the Board adjourned to 7 : 30 P. I'l, Nover_noer 23rd , 1925.
e �
City Clerk
President of Board of Trustees
City Cler and Ex-o;iicio Clerk
of the Board of Trustees of the
City of Huntington Beach., Calif,