HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925-11-23 CITY HALT: I70VEIMER 231 ' 1925.
to adiourrrment November• 2nd, 1925 , the regular meeting
was called to order at 7 :30 o' clock P. ifl. -by president Ridenour.
ROLL CALL -Trustees present: 1AIharton, Dunning, Drer�, Ridenour.
x Trustees absent Boster..-
CITY CLER}� PRO `1'EI��1 The President appointed Trustee Dunning. Clerk pro-tem in the
absence .of W. R. 'Alright, City Clerk.
. The Clerk read a letter from I:1a.yor .Cryer of Los Angeles calling
' attention- to certain_ irregularities as practiced by the Long
COi'.2:1UNICA`1'ION FR011 Distance and .local Telephone companies in rate making and service
iAYOR CRYER CON- and especially to the procedure of. the State Railroad Commission in
CERNING TELEPHONE arriving at decisions in matters pertaining to rate making. Mayor
Cryor asked for the cooperation of this and other Southern California
RATES cities in an effort to secure and maintain equitable telephone rates:
On motion by Trustee Drew, seconded by Trustee Dunning the Clerk
was instructed to reply to 1.1ayor Cryer' s letter signifying the
r -Board's willingness to cooperate in any way possible.
In the matter of earthquake insi rar_ce , it was decided by
EARTHQUAKE INS. motion and unanimous) _
.-carr,ied not, to add this extra expense at the
present time.
At this time 1Mrs. White , President of the Parent Teachers Assoc-
P. T. A. ASKS ciation asked to be heard. She made an appeal to the Board for
FOR SUPERVISOR assistance in secim ing a competent supervisor for the childrer_s
play ground during the months of June., July and August. After some r
FOR CGROUNDS ,discussion ITrs.. �Nhite was asked to secure further information on
PLAY GROUNDS the probable salary to be paid. The President of the Board assured
';Irs. 17hi.te that the Board would be glad to cooperate.
� . SURETY BOND APPROVe On motion by Trustee Drew, seconded by Trustee 'Irharton and
carried, the Surety Bond, of R. J. Prescott to operate a plumbing
�D shop and engage in a general plumbing business was approved.
CLERK INSTRUCTED In the matter of the proposed building ordinance presented by
TO SEND BUILDING Allison and Allison of Los Angeles, on motion_ by Trustee Drety,
seconded by Trustee Dunning and carried the Clerk was instructed
OI DIPIANCE FOR AP to return a copy oftile= proposed ordinance together with a copy of
PROVAL OF ARCHI- the present City Building ordinanceto Allison and Allison with a
TECT. request that they at their -own expense secure the endorsement of
eith Idark C. Cohn_, San Francisco Architect or of J. J. Backus,
Chief Inspector of Buildings, City of Los Angeles, submitting same
to the Board for further consideration.
The Clerk announced that, . this was the_, time for .hearing appeals
from the determination_ of the Street. Super-ir_tendent in assessing
RESOLUTION 538 the cost of the improvement of Olive Avenue from .First Street to
PASSED AND ADOPTED Twenty-third Street and the improvement of the alley running through
ORDERING WARRAA!T Block 304, an d 'in_formed the Board .that no appeals. had been filed .
FOR ILTROVETvMNT OF Thereupon_ resolution No.. 538 ordering the warrant, in favor of the
OLIVE AVE. Contractor in payment for the work was read, a copy of which is
on file in the ,office of _ the City Clerk., and on motion by Trustee
Drew, seconded by Trustee Dunning, was passed and adopted by the
following vote:.
'Ayes: Trustees Uwharton,, Dunning, Drew,, Ridenour.
Noes : None.
Absent: Trustee Boster.
The City Engineer presented plans, profiles and cross-sections
' numbered 34, New Series in 3 sheets , copies of .which are on file
PLANS & SPECIFICA- in the office of the City Engineer., and. specifications numbered 63,
TION'S ADOPTED FOR a copy. of -v ich is on file in the office of the City Clerk, providing
II0RQVEI41ENT OF for the improvement of 13th Street from .Ocean Avenue to Palm Avenue
13TH STREET by paving, lighting and the construction of a storm drain, also
the construction of storm drains in certain designated areas between
Palm Avenue and I;Zain Street and the same were on motion by Trustee'
Drew, seconded by Trustee. -Wharton unanimously adopted and approved
by the Board.
PROTEST FILED This being the time for hearing protests against the improvement
AGAINST IItiIPROVE— of Ei hteenth Street from Ocean Avenue to Palm Avenue , the Clerk
b]ENT OF 18'TH ST. informed the Board that petitions had been filed protesting the
proposed improvement.
,President Ridenour asked the Clerk to read the petitions and
LESS THAN 50 the names of the property owners protesting which was done. An
PROTEST IMPROVENI T analysis of the petitions sholFrned that less than 50 per cent of the
property to be affected was represented by protests.
IViinutes continued Nov r 23, 1925.
At this time the Chair ask
if there t�ras anyone in the
audience vwho -wished -.to discuss the matter. A number of
DISCUSSION OF IMPROVE- citizens responded, both for and against the proposed im-
MENT OF 18TH STREET provement of Eighteenth Street, those against claiming that
the .improvement was unnecessary -at the., present time and those
for conter_ding . t'ra t such an improvement would benefit the
` district greatly and that in as. much as the protests covered
less than 50 per cent of the property to be assessed the work
should proceed.
RESOLU`.C'ION #539 On motion by Trustee . `1harton_, seconded by Trus tee Drew
OVER*RU`LING PROTESTS Resolution_ No. 539 overruling all .protests was passed and
PASSED AND ADOPTED adopted by the fo llowin_g vote.
Ayes : Trustees Wharton, Dunning, Drew, Ridenour.
Noes: None.
Absent: Trustee Bost�ere
? At this time R. F. Patrick presented a petition signed by
interested property oviners asking .that the Board start proceed-
ings calling for I,Tarbelite lamp posts and that the improvement ""'c" ,
be made tinder the improvement Act of 1911, rdhich was read , and
PETITION PRESENTED after discussion_ the President of the Board advised I:Zr. Patrick'
ASKING FOR MARBELITE and those present that the more feasible plan would be to present
LA14P POSTS a new petition at the next Board I:Ieeting, 7 :30 o 'clock P. I:7. '
Monday,,_ December 7th, calling for 1INarbelite lamp posts , and
that if such petition was presented at 'that time carrying the
signatures' of owners of more than 51 per cent of the proper ty
to be affected by the improvement of 18th Street the Board
might be in position to make such charges in, the . specifications.
FURTHER PROCEEDINGS On motion_ by Trustee G'uharton seconded by Trustee Drew
ON 18TH ST. CA.RRIED and carried the further proceedin_gs,.ror_ the improvement of
OVER Eighteenth Street, were_ .ordered .carried over to the next regular-
meeting for. further action.
The City, Engineer submitted a, diagram of the district to ;
RESOLUTION #517 AP- , be assessed for `the construction of sanitary _seiTJer lines in
PROVING ASSESSMENT the Vista Del Liar Section., discribed in Resolution of Intention_
OF SEIVER LINES No. 517 and on motion_ by. Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee
Wharton same was approved.
Resolution_ No. 540; declaring the intention of the Board
RESOLUTION #540 PASSED to improve Thirteenth Street from Ocean. Avenue to Palm Avenue
& ADOPTED DECLARING by paving and lighting and the construction of storm drains
INTENTION TO IMPROVE was read , a copy of which is on file in the office of the City
13M ST. Clerk, and on motion by Trustee Wharton_ seconded by Trustee
Dunnning was passed and adopted by the following vote :
Ayes: 'Trustees 1"1,hartor_, Duriaing, Dreg, Ridenour.
P?oes: None .
Absent: Trustee Boster
REQUEST GRANTED TO On motion by Trustee Drew, -seconded by Trustee Dunsninp�
CUT CURB and carried the request of E. Jones to cat the curb at 122
Thirteenth Street for garage Entrance was granted.
On motion by Trustee Dunning, seconded by Trustee 11harton
REQUEST GRANTED TO and carried the request of E. C. Robinson to cut the curb for
CUT CURB garage entrance at lot 28, block 612, was grunted.
ENGINEER TO PURCHASE On motion_ by Trustee Dunning, seconded by Trustee IIharton_
STEALi BOILER and carried City Engineer Billings tNa.s given. permission_ to
purchase at Sheriff' s sale in. Huntington_ Beach oil field a
steam boiler at a price not to exceed $100.00.
ADJOURN1,4ENT There being no further business. the Board adjourned#
2Ci z7 Cler h pro tem
President of Board of Trustees
. Vv
ty Clerk pro em nd Ex-officio
Clerk of the Board of Trustees of the
e City of_ Huntington Beach, California.