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CITY HALL , March 1, 1926.
The regular meeting was called to order at 7 : 30 P. M. by
President Ridenour.
Roll Call Trustees present : Wharton; Drew, Boster, Dunning, Ridenour,
Trustees absent : None.
Minutes Minutes for the month of February were read and approved on
approved motion by Trustee Wharton, seconded by Trustee:. Drew.
Monthly reports of the Treasurer, Clerk, Building Inspector
Reports, and Recorder were read and approved on Motion by Trustee Drew,
seconded by Trustee Wharton.
0> V. Dart The surety bond of 0. V. Dart, house mover, was presented
surety bearing the approval of City Attorney as to form and was approved
bond, on motion by Trustee Dunning seconded by Trustee Boster.
A letter from Judge E,J. Marks, Judge of Juvenile Court, was
Traffic read with reference to proper placing of traffic signs and on motion
signs by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Wharton was referred to the Chief
of Pol ice fox attention.
The Clerk asked for confirmation of the appointment of R. A. ,
Chaffee Chaffee as deputy city assessor for the tax collecting period of
deputy 1926-27, for the purpose of assessing and collecting unsecured personal
assessor property taxes, Mr. Chaffee being employed also by Orange County. On
motion by Trustee Boster seconded by Trustee Dunning the appointment of
R. A. Chaffee, as deputy assessor, was confirmed.
Transfer On motion by Trustee Dunning seconded by Trustee Boster the
of funds. - treasurer was instructed to transfer $7500.00 from t he Gas Fund to the
General Fund.
The Chair declared a short recess.
Demands The Board was again called to order and on motion by Trustee Drew
approved, seconded by Trustee Dunning demands numbered 5506 to 5614, as shown on the
Clerk:',s Cash Journal , having been approved by the Finance Committee and
signed by the President of the Board, were allowed,
13th Street On motion by Trustee Boster seconded by Trustee Drew, a diagram
assessment submitted by the' City Engineer, showing the district to be assessed
district for the cost of laying the storm drain along Thirteenth Street:; also
the district to be assessed for the cost of paving and lighting
Thirteenth Street from Ocean Avenue to Palm Avenue, was approved
Entrance The City Engineer reported on cost and design of electric signs
signs, to be placed at the entrances of the City, and after discussion it
was referred back to the engineer for further investigation, on motion
by Trustee Boster seconded by Trustee Drew.
W. Taylor Building Inspector presented the application of Wallace Taylor
application for permission to .erect a real estate office on the corner of Fourteenth
for bldg. Street and Ocean Ave, On motion by Trustee Boster seconded by Trustee
Drew the application was laid on the table.
High School Building Inspector asked the Board for instructions as to charges
permits for building permits for the new high school. On motion by Trustee
free Dunning seconded by Trustee Drew, he was instructed to issue permits
on the high school, without charge.
At this time the Chair invited those in the audience having
matters to bring before the Board to do so at this time. Mr. C, 0.
O'C_onnor addressed the Board asking if they contemplated taking any
action at this meeting relative to alteration of the oil drilling
O'Connor restrictions in the City, stating that he had a petition, signed by a
petition large number of citizens; that he was prepared to file but as a courtesy
re oil to the Board, he would withhold filing the petition if they expected do
drilling, act at this time. Trustee Drew expressed the opinion that the petition
was held by Mr. O'Connor in trust for the various signers and that he
should have no opt ion to withhold it, and stated that he preferred to
see the petition filed. President Ridenour stated that the Board did
not contemplate any action on the matter at this meeting. After some
further discussion, Mr, O' Connor stated tiiat he would file the petition
with the Clerk of the Board and offered to do so on condition that the
Clerk give him a receipt for the petition, showing the number-of
papers and the number of names contained therein. The Clerk informed him
Minutes continued - March 1, 1926.
that this was an unusual request and declined to give a '
Petition receipt showing the number of narlies. Mr. O'Connor then
withheld. informed him that he would withhold filing until the
following morning when there would be ample time for handling
the matter properly.
Resolution No. 549 designating polling places and
Reso. 549 election officers for the general municipal election to be
Election, held April 12th, 1926, was read, a cony of which is included
and made a part of these minutes and on motion by Trustee Drew
seconded by Trustee Wharton was passed and adopted by the
following vote:
Ayes, Trustees: Wharton, Dunning, Boster, Ridenour, Drew.
Noes, Trustees: None
Absent, Trustees: None.
Adjourned. On motion by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Wharton,
the Board adjourned until 7: j0 P. M. , March 15th, 1926.
City Clerk.
President of the Board of Trustees.
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City Clerk and Ex-off is ion- C1 exk ,
of the Board of Trustees of the
City of Huntington Leach, California.