HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926-08-30 CITY HALL. August 30, 1926
• Pursuant to adjournment of August 23rd the meeting was
called to order at 7 :30. o'clock P M by .l'resider_t Boater.
Trustees present: Mitchell Harris, Boater
ROLL CALL Trustees absent Wharton, Ridenour
ORDINANCES & . The following letters -and applications were read by the
RESOLUTIONS Clerk and on motion by Trustee Harris, seconded by Trustee
Mitchell same were referred to the City Engineer with authority to
grant. in accordarce. with ordinances and Resolutions in eflect:
Letter signed by, the. Huntington B.each .Chamber of Commerce calling
LETTER SIGNED BY attention to the damage being done py heavy. trucks entering and
Ho Bo CHA14BER OF moving witOnthe City and asking that some action by taken to
COTWRCE protect the streets.
Application_ of the Superior Oil Company, National City Bank
SUPERIOR 0%L COMPANY Building of Los Angeles, ,.for permission to fence in Block
811 , including the alley runnigg through same and providing
for open::g4,tes on lith and 12th streets leading. to and from
said .alle " between the hours of 8:00 o 'clock AM and 6:00 o'clockpR
Application of Roy E Neftzger to move _nouse from NW corner of
ROY E NEFTZGER 22nd and olive into restricted residential district on loth street,
said permit if issued to be temporary subject- to removal of house
within a reasonable time after notice so to do.
Application of Clyde _Kirman of 2001 Ocean Ave Huntington Beach to
' CLYDE KINMAN erect a reai estate office 6ft by tuft. on lot 1 block 114,
Corner 14th and Ocean.
Application_ og, the Superior Oil Company.,,ot National City Bank,
SUPERIOR OIL COAldg,, Los ,Angeles , California to out curb for roadway .l8 feet in
idth onllth street, Block till , and 12th Street same Block.
Application of Superior Oil Company to cut and remove 15 ft curb
SUPERIOR OIL and sidewalk Block 119, Ocean Avenue.
COMPANY The Clerk read Resolution No 556 providing for the collection
L cents per 1,000 eu it of gas sold within the City Limfuts of
Huntington Beach, ano on motion by. Trustee Harris,. seconded by Trustee
Mitchell same was passed and adopted by . the following vote:
Ayes Trustees Mitchell, Harris , Boater.
Noes Trustees None
Absent Trustees Wharton, Ridenour.
At this time the Clerk gave Ordinance No 286 providing a
license fee of $125.00 per annum for the. business of operating a
ORDINANCE gasoline absorpteion or manufacturing. plant its second and last
reading, and. .on motion by .Trustee Harris, - seconded by. Tru.etee Mitchell
was passed and adopted by..the following vote:
Ayes . Trustees Mitchell , Harris, Boater
Noes Trustees None
Absent Trustees Wharton, Ridenour.
This being the time set for the opening, and examination of
bids or proposals n a.or trniehing the City of Huntington Beach with
BIDS OR PROPOSALS Fordson Tractor, Grader and Scarifier the Clerk opened and read the
following bids:
SHEPHERDXCROOK? Inc of 514-b20 West 12th St, Los Angeles §2210.00
W. D YOUNG? ,Huntington Beach, §2235.60
C F P&eison_ Company, 459 E. 3rd St Los Angeles _ $1734.60
LEIGH M RAILSBACCK, 115 S. Los Angeles St Los Angeles
Galion_ Standard 1 man, motor grader §1866.50
Fordson Grader, add $75. 00
Scarifier 14U.U0
H 0 Melone Co, Anaheim & American ,Ave, Long Beach $2031.95
Accopmanied with Bidders deposit check in
the amount of $205.OU
FRANK T HICKEY., 2528 Santa Fe Ave, Los Angeles .$2277.60
Accompanied by. bidders deposit check
in the amount of $29U.00
On- mo.tion._by Trus.tee:.Mitchell, seconded. by_TrusteeHarris
BONDS the..following..bonds., were. .approved, accgpted._and ordered placed
on file:
United Oil Company bgnd in the amoun.t. of. §500, Fidelity Deposit
UNITED OIL COMPANY and._Guarantee Company of Maryland, Baltimore Maryland for the
purpose of engaging. ir_ .the. Electrical Pontract Business:
,Petr.oleum Securities Company PAnd in the amount of. �500, National
Surety Company for the purpose- of engaging _ in the Electrical
PETROLEUM SECURITIES worx. .in the City of Huntington Beach:
Pan; American Petroleum Wompany. .in the amount of §500, Sureties
PAN AMERICAN PETROLE C 'Anderson and J W Harasta for the applicants in -lien of
CO1APANY cash deposit for excavating ,in. certain streets in City of
Huntington Beach.
The. Clerk read an. application of the Wilshire Oil Company
to erect a Gasoline Absorption Plant on Lots 10 and 12, or lots
WILSHIRE OIL 698,14, 16,1,3,5,7,15,17 ,25 and 27 B.loek 218, 17th Street
COMPANY extension Huntington Beach which was accompanied by a check
in the amount of 05:50, and on motion 'by Brustee Harris,
seconded uy Trustee 1.1itchell the City Engineer was authorized,
to issue permit in yith Reeeeo'lutions and Ordinances
now in�ff e c t. %a�.�- ���.s �, a.....� �%*�`.+�
An applic of the PACIFIC . GASOLINE CO_,IYAIdY of 700
California Bldg, Los Angeles to erect a Gasoline Absorption `
PACIFIC GASOLINE ...and Compression Plant in Blocks 721 and 72;� Wesley Park Tract
CC(DMPANY was read by the Clerk and on motion by. Trustee Harris seconded
by Trustee Mitchell the City .En_gine,er was authorized to issue
permit. in accoraance with Ordinances and Resolutions now
in effect. No money accompanied the application.
The Clerk read an application_ of Pacific National Gasoline
Company .of..Pacific Mutual B1dg,. Los Angeles in which they, requested
PACIFIC NATIONAL GAS%LV61tmit to erect an Absorption Gasoline Plant in Block 217
Seventeenth. S-treet• Section which application was accompanied 1
by a..check .for $125.Ou annual license fee , also an applicatiun
accompanied by a check. for ,$250 to lay. a wet and dry gas line
along certain streets as per map attached - to the application,
and on, motion by Trustee Harris seconded by Trustee Mitchell
the City engineer was given authority to issue permits in accordance
witn Re.so"lutions and Ordinances- now in effect.
On motion. by, Trustee Mitchell seconded by Trustee Harris all
bids for furnishing the City with Fordson Tractor, . grader and
BIDS scarifier , were referred, to the City Engineer for analysis and
report at the next regular meeting.
This being the time set for opening and examining bids. for
furnishing...all labor and material for the construction of a
SANITARY SEVIER Sanitary sewer in and along Main Street and other Streets in the
City o.f. Huntington. Beach, The Clerk opened and read the following
Alternate, Man holes
Name.:-and_ address 2060' .6" Vit. 20601 8" Vit. Per each
Clay i e Clay Pipe
Per foot Per foot
BIDS Stroud Bros..& 'Seabrook,
407 j S Spadra;
., Fullerton_, Calif $1.07• $1.15 $75.00
Skvi•calo & Chikato, .
970 Everett St,
Los Angeles 1.45 1.52 90.00
Markovich & Nikcevich
1205 Stanley Ave
Long.Beach 1.13 1.27 65.Ou
N Artukovich & F Chutuk
933 S Clela Ave,
Zos' Angeles .95 1.00 75.00
G M Wucetich,
3711 Brooklyn Ave
Los Angeles 1.30 1.40 75.u0
P P Janich
410 Pac South W''est Bldg,
Long Beach 1.05 1.25 62.50
BIDS CONTINUED John_ Brkich2102. S Bronsich St. -
Los Angeles 1.70 1.60 80.00
Warren-A Elsterman
1514 Golder_ Ave
Hermosa Beach 1.17* 1.28 60.00
CulJak & Zelko
2125 Sunset Drive
Los Angeles 1.30 - 1.38 64.00
T R Sturdy
840 St. Louis Aver
Long Beach- 1.14 1.28; 75.00
RECESS A Short recess was declared by the chair at this time
to allow the City Engineer to analyze the bids.
Meeting again called to order whereupon. Resolution No 557
Providing that all bids Tor the furnishing of labor and material
RESOLUTION for the construction of ,a sanitary sewer line in and along Main
and other .streets be rejected except that of Stroud Bros
Seabrook and that that they. be awarded the Contract for this work
was read, a copy of which is on Tile in the office of theCity
Clerk, and on motion by Trustee Harris, .seconded by Trustee
Mitchell said Resolution No 557 -was passed ana adopted by the
following Vote:
Ayes Trustees Mitchell , Harris, Boster
Noes Trustees None
Ab.sentTrustees Wharton, Ridenour.
C P Patton appe8red. before the board representing the
Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce in the interest of the
C P PATTON Orange county Fair to be ,held Sept 6th to llth and stated that
the City had . been called upon to take space in the exhibit
tent in the ,amount of $40.00 to help defray expense of- the fair.
No action was taken.
SEWER LINE Trustee -Mitchell advised the Board that requests had
come to him for a _sewer line along the alley between Dp laware
_ - Avenue and England A.ve and runxning .from Indianapolis to
Lincoln Street whereupon the chair referred the matter to
the ,City Engineer for ir_vestigati.on and report at next meeting.
There being no further business to come before the Board,
ADJOURT�1ENTo on motion by_ Trustee Mitchell -seconded by_ Trustee Harris and
carried the Board adjourned,
Ci. y er .
President of the Board of TrusTees
Ci y Clerk Ed ex-officio
Clerk of the Board of Trustees
of the City o.:, Huntington Beach..