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Gity Hall , May 2nd, 1927 ,
The regular meeting was called to order at 8:oo o, clock Pry?
by President Boster.
Trustees present: Boster-Mitchell-Shank- Harris.
Trustees absent : Wharton.
Minutes , read The Clerk read the minutes of the Board for the mohth of April.,
and on motion by Trustee Harris , seconded by Trustee Shank, same
were approved as read.
President Boster invited those in the audience having matters
to bring before the Board to do so a.t . this time. J A Armitage,
secretary of the Chamber of Commerce addressed the Board. relative
to the proposed display for the Valencia. Orange Show and stated
Valencia, Orange that the plan outlined was in harmony with the general plan of the
Show exhibit f air. He estimated the cost at about $400, and on motion b;T Trustee
Harris , seconded by Trustee Shank the President was directed to
appoint a committee to meet with Mr Armitage and those interested
in the exhibit. The President thereupon appointed. Trustees Shank,
Harris and Boster to act and report back at the next meeting
Monday May 9th.
Frank Catching addressed the Board protesting against noise
caused by dances at the Woman' s Club building after the hour of
Protest noise midnight, stating that they were occasionally run until two AM',
Womans Club House and on motion by Trustee Harris seconded by Trustee Shank the
chair appointed a committee to investigate , committee composed
of Trustee Shank, Harris and Boster.
The Clerk read. a letter from the American Legion asking that
the City allow the construction of the necessary eauiptment for
night base ball in Block 505 , and that the_ City take immediate
Night base ball action authorizing the necessary improvements. On motion by
improvements Trustee Shank seconded by Trustee Harris the President appointed:'
a committee to meet with the Legion officers at 6:00 PM Thursday
May- Sth at the City Hall. The President appointed Trustees
Mitchell Harris and City Engineer Rosson to act and report to the
Board Monday the 9th.
The Clerk read monthly reports of the City Clerk, City
Monthly reports Treasurer , City Recorder, City Engineer and Health Departments , '
and on motion by-. Trustee Harris seconded by Trustee Shank same
were accepted and ordered filed.
The Clerk gave Ordinance No 301 establishing the salary of the
City Recorder its second and final reading and on motion by
Ord No 301 Trustee Mitchell , seconded by Trustee Shank Ordinance No 301 was
final reading passed. and adopted by the following vote:
Ayes Trustees Mitchell , Shank, Harris , Boster.
Noes Trustees None
Absent Trustees Wharton
The Clerk read Resolution No 585 dismissing appeal and -affirm-
ing the assessmeht of the Superintendent of Streets for the
improvement of HuYitington Avenue by the installation of an
Resolution #585 ornamental lighting system, and on motion by Trustee Harris sec-
onded by Trustee Shank Resolution No 585 was passed and adopted
by the following vote:
Ayes Trustees Mitchell , Shank, Harris, Boster
Noes Trustees None
Absent Trustees Wharton
The City Engineer submitted to the Board for inspection map
Map approved covering Subdivision Tract No 757 outside the City limits and
Subdivision Tract within three miles of same , and. on motion by Trustee Harris
No 757 seconded by Trustee Shank same was approved and the City Engineer r
and City Clerk directed to sign same.
Communication be- The Clerk read the following communication between City
tween C,-'V Warmer Recorder C IV Warmer and Justice of the Peace Andrew H Wilson of
& A H Wilson Newport Beach:
(Minutes D;lay 12nd, 1927)
"Huntington Beach, r-p:I -' , 1927
Judge Andrew H Wilson
Justice of the Peace
Newport Beach, California.
Dear Judge Wilson:
As per our conversation a few days ago relative to
relieving me as City Redorder I am hereby renewing that request
in writing t6 comply with the lawin such cases.
I desire to have you relieve me during my stay at the
hospital for a period of 30 days or more as circumstances may,
require, beginning on May 2nd, 1927.
Very truly yours ,
C W Warmer , City Recorder of
Huntington Beach, California"
"Judge C W Warner, City Recorder
Huntington Beach, Calif.
My Dear Judge Warner;
This is to acknowledge receipt of your
invitation to relieve you during your stay in the hoppita"1 , I
surely am very glad to do so and will be on hand May 2nd, to
help you out in this matter for 30 days or more as the case may
Sincerely yours
Andrew H Wilson
Justice of the Peace
Newport Beach Township, Orange County
Motion was made by Trustee Shank and seconded by Trustee Harris
put and unanimously carried that the action of City Recorder 'Varner
be ratified, and approved.
The Clerk informed the Board that this was the time set for
opening and examining bids for the sale of ga,s line franchise. The
bid of the Southern Counties Gas Company in the amount of 100 was
Resolution of at.,ard opened and read by the Clerk , same being accompanied-by a $100 ;c
No 586 passed and certified check payable to the City of Huntington Beach. There
adopted being, no other bids , the Clerk read Resolution of award No_ 586 in
favor of the Southern Counties Gas Company, and on motion by
Trustee Shank seconded by Trustee Mitchell Tesolution of award N0586
was passed and adopted by the following vote:
Ayes Trustees Mitchell , Shank , Harris , Boster.
Noes Trustees None
Absent Trustee Wharton
Ord # 302 At this time the Clerk gave Ordinance No 302 its first reading.
The Clerk read application of the Wilshire Oil Company to
Wilshire Oil Co. construct and operate a gasoline and oil sales station on Ocean
gasoline and oil sales Avenue between 18th and 19th streets and on motion by Trustee
station Mitchell seconded by Trustee Harris same was granted under the
supervision of the City Engineer and in accordance with ordinances
now in effect.
Demands paid On motion by Trustee Harris seconded by Trustee Shank demands
numbered 7549 to 7689 were approved and ordered paid.
On motion by Trustee Mitchell seconded- by Trustee Shank the
President was authorized and directed to appoint a committee of
Location of two to confer with representatives of the Huntington Beach
City Yard Company relative to the purchase of a, location of the City Yard.
President Boster thereupon appointed Trustees Mitchell and Shank
to act on this committee.
On motion by Trustee Mitchell seconded by Trustee Shank the
Flag pole donated. offer of Trustee Harris to donate a, flag pole for the Boy Scouts
to Boy Scouts grounds was accepted with thanks and the Street Superintendent
instructed to set up the pole in a place sel"ected by the Boy Scouts.
;{ On motion by Trustee Mitchell seconded by Trustee Shank the
'j Transfer Gas fund City Clerk was directed to transfer U-T.; t5.0 from the Gas fund 6 the
- -Interest and Redemption fund of Gas No 2..
306 �� 3
Adjourned On motion by Trustee Harris seconded by Trustee thank the
Board adjourned until 7: 30 o' clock Pm of 14onday May 9th, 1927.
Cit Clerk and ex—oificio Clerk
of the Board of Trustees.
President of the Board of Trustees