HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927-05-16 308 ill I 11 U T E S City Hall May 16th , 1927 Board called to Pursuant to adjournment of May 9th, the Board was called to order order at 7: 30 PM by President Boster. Trustees present: Boster , Wharton, Mitchell , Shank, Harris. President Boster invited. those in the audience having matters _ to bring before the Board to do so at this time. J A Armitage , Sectetary of the Chamber of Connmerce submitted a New Map of City. new map of the City and asked that the City contribute $25,00 to City dontnibutes apply on the purchase of 5,000 for distribution, and on motion by Trustee Harris seconded by Trustee Shank same was allowed. The matter of a night base ball park was again btought up , and Preparations for after some discussion on motion by Trustee Mitchell seconded by night base ball Trustee Wharton the City Engineer gas instructed to begin pre- pgrations- of the gtounds in Block 505 and. the City Clerk directed to advertise for bids for the construction df bleachers , notion put and carried by the following vote: Ayes Trustees Wharton, Mitchell , Shank , Harris , Boster Noes Trustees None. ffillis Warner ... The City Clerk Lead a letter from Willis H Warner thanking thanks Board the Board for the beautiful floral piece presented at the funeral of his father Judge Charles W Warner. On motion by Trustee . Mitchell seconded by Trustee Shank the Stakes street & City Engineer was authorized to stake street and sidewalk lines sidewalk lines along the Fast side of Delaware between Elmira and Frankfort for a 30 foot street. On motion by Trustee Wharton seconded by Trustee Harris the Expense of detour sum of $200 was allocated in payment of the City.Is portion of the paid expense of detour constructed near the East City limits , said amount to be paid the County of Orange. Lease for strip of A motion by Trustee Shank that the President be authorized to land along PER/W sign a lease for a strip of land extending along the Pacific Electric right of way from 5th to 9th street at a .rental of not to exceed $5.00 per annum was seconded by Trustee Harris put and carried by the following vote: ' Ayes Trustees Wharton, Mitchell , Shank , Harris , Boster Noes, Trustees N"ne. Pool hall license On motion by Trustee Shank seconded by Trustee Harris the renewed City Clerk was authorized to renew pool hall license of 17 I Rudd , at 212 Main Street for one year beginning May 23rd, 1927 upon the payment of annual license fee. The Superior Oil Company was granted. permission to cut curb and Cut curb install drsveways , one at Ocean Ave near 12th St and one at Ocean near 13th St onmotion by Trusted Wharton seconded by Trustee Shank, put and carried. The Surety bond of the Southern Counties Gas Company for.$5000 Surety bond in accordance with franchise agreement having been approved by the filed. City Attorney, was on motion by Trustee Harris seconded by Trustee �= Shank approved and ordered filed.. The Clerk read a petition signed by a number of interested Fain St light property owners residing on and along Main Street asking the standards re- Board to replace the present gas standards with ornamental ferred to City electric light standards. On motion by Trustee Shank seconded Engineer by Trustee Wharton the matter was referred to the City Engineer to check and secure an estimate of the cost to make the change and report back to the board at an early date. The matter of installing electric lights on certain east side Lights on East streets and acceptance of deeds to streets was on motion by side referred to Trustee Wharton seconded. by Trustee Shank referred to a committee Committee composed of City Engineer Rosson and Trustee Mitchell with instructions to secure additional deed before action would be taken. r. 309 (Minnuf'es May 16th, 1927) The Clerk gave Ordinance No 302 -granting a franchise to the Ordinance 302 Southern Counties Gas Company its second reading, and on motion passed & adopted by Trustee Vifharton seconded by Trustee Harris Ordinance No 302 was passed and adopted by the following vote; Ayes Trustees Wharton, Mitchell , Shank , Harris-,. Boster Noes Trustees N"ne Ord. 303 & 304 The Clerk gave Ordinance 303 and 304 their first reading first reading at this time. President Boster asked that the Board investigate the feasibility of removoing the small parkway at the west entrance Remove parkway to subway on 17th street. On motion by Trustee Mitchell seconded by Trustee Shank the City Engineer was directed to prepare plans for removing and paving aame and take up with the Huntington Beach Company for permission to do so. Investigate On motion by Trustee Shank seconded by Trustee Harris the Oil sump on beach City Attorney was directed to investigate the matter of oil sump y on the beach near 13th and Ocean Avenue , also the crossing at Wall being built byllth and Ocean relative to wall being built by the Standard Oil Co. Standard Oil On motion by Trustee Harris , seconded by Trustee Sha..zk the City Controller and. City Attorney ,sere authorized to investigate the title and if found good to purchase lots 1 2,3 ,4,5,b,7 and8 Investigate title and Lot B Summit Tract for a consideration of 4,750.00, said of lots amount to be put in escrow at the Security Trust and Savings tank until title brought down and a good and. sufficient deed made to the City of Huntington Beach. Motion put and carried by the following vote: Ayes Trustees Wharton, Mitchell , Shan'_ , Harris , Boster. Noes Trustees Nbne. On motion by Trustee Wharton seconded by Trustee Harris- the City Advertise for bidsClerk was directed to advertise twice in the Huntington Reach News, trash disposal for bids for collection and disposal of Trash in the City. Bids to be opened and examined on June 6th at 8: o' clock PM. On mation by Trustee Harris seconded by Trustee Shank demands Demands paid 7690 to 7736 inclusive taiere approved and ordered paid. Or, motion by Trustee Harris seconded by Trustee -Shank the Board Adjourned adjourned until 7:30 PY Monday May 23rd. City Clerk a,nd ex-officio Clerk of the Board of Trustees. President of tl e Board of rustees ATTEST.; City Clerk.