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City Hall , May 23.rd, 1927
Pursuant to adjournment of May 16th the Board was called to
order at 7:30 o ° clock Plvi by President Boster.
Roll Call
Trustees present: Wharton, Mitchell , Shank, Harris , Boster.
The Clerk read a letter from W W Stabler of 1010
Proposal to lease Transportation Bldg. Los Angeles relative to leasing the 22
land where septic acres onvhich the septic tank stands for oil. On motion by
tank stands for oil Trustee Mitchell seconded by Trustee Shank the City Clerk was
instructed to write Mr Stabler asking him to submit proposal.
On motion -by Trustee Shank seconded by Trustee Harris the
City pays expense of request of the American Legion for the City to pay the expense
H. B. Band_ May 30th of furnishing the Huntington Beach Band for parade and after—
noon concert on May 30th was granted.
The Clerk read a letter from E A Suter of the Home State Bank
asking the Council to take some action in calling the attention
of the Post Office Department at Washington to the inadequate
Inadequate mail mail service. Mr Suter stated that the local post master was
service unable to better the service without an order from the Government
Post Office Department at Washington. On motion by Trustee
Wharton seconded by, Trustee Harris the City Clerk was directed to
write and telegraph those in authority, calling their attention
to the matter and asking that immediate action by taken.
The Clerk gave Ordinance No 304 directing that stop signals
Otd No 304 passed be installed on certain streets , its second reading, and on
& adopted motion by Trustee Shank, sedonded by Trustee Wharton Ordinance No
304 was passed and adopted by the following vote:.
Ayes: Trustees Wharton, Mitchell , Shank,Harris , Boster.
Noes Trustees None.
Application granted On motion by Trustee Shank , seconded by Trustee Mitchell,
for restaurant the application of Maude E Davis to construct and operate _
restaurant in a residence on lot 1 , Block 213 was granted.
The Clerk read Resolution No 588 authorizing purchase of
Resolution No 588 c.ertain lots for a city yard site , and on motion by Trustee
passed & adopted Wharton seconded by Trustee Harris Resolution No 588 was
passed and adopted by the following vote:
Ayes Trustees Wharton, Mitchell , Shank, Harris , Boster.
Noes Trustees None.
The Clerk read Resolut.ion No 589 accepting certain lots to
Resolution No 589 be used for City yard site and on motion by Trustee Wharton ,
passed & adopted seconded by Trustee Harris Resolution No 589 was passed. and
adopted by The following vote:
Ayes Trustees 11,11rharton, Mitchell , Shank , Harris , Boster.
Noes Trustees None
Demand No 7737 paid Mction by Trustee Wharton seconded by Trustee Shank demand
No. 7737 was approved and ordered paid.
Motion by Trustee Wharton seconded by Trustee Shank the
Warrants for garbage request of G B Thoraas that until further notices all monthly `
disposal to be made warrants for garbage disposal be made in the name of California
to Calif State Bank State Bank of Seal Beach was granted and the City Clerk in—
of Seal Beach strutted to comply with the request.
On motion by Trustee Shank seconded by Trustee ffharton the
Investigate -paints chair appointed a committee composed of Trustees Shank and
Harris and City Engineer Rosson to investigate paints and report
pursuant to painting the City Hall and City Auditorium buildings.
The City Engineer and Street Superintendent were on motion by r
Repair 17th & Main Trustee Wharton seconded by Trustee Harris directed to make such
Streets repairs on streets in the vicinity of 17th and Main- Streets as
in their opinion seemed nesessary.
On motion by Trustee Harris seconded by Trustee Shank the
Paint flag role President of theBoard was authorized to enter into contract with
C A Christensen of Compton to paint flag pole on City Hall
grounds at the` pric.e of $18.00 , the contractor to furnish all
labor and materials.
�iinu es May 23rd, 1927)
The City Engineer was directed to prepare plans for doing the
Install sprink— . work and the City Controller was directed to purchase the required
ling system in pipe and fittings for the installation of a sprinkling system. in
B1 505 Block 505 , on motion by Trustee Harris , seconded by Trustee Shank.
The following motion was made by Trustee Wharton " That the
Salary of City salary of City Recorder be reduced from $200.00 per month to
Recorder reduced $125. 00 per month and that C P Pann be appointed City Recorder,
for the City of Huntington Beach, Judge Pann to take office on
C P Pann appointedJune Ist , 1927 , motion seconded by Trustee Harris , put and..
City Recorder carried by the following vote:
Ayes Trustees Wharton, Yitchell , Shank, Harris , Boster.
Noes Trustees None.
Adjourned. On motion by Trustee Harris seconded by Trustee Shank the
r Board adjourned.
City Cler • and ex—officio Clerk
of the Board of Trustees.
President of the Board of Trustees
City Clerk.