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City Hall , Sat.- Nov. l2th, 1927
� TIMNS CHAS. G. BOSTER, Presldent ird
r A� DR. G. A. SHANK
Cityof Huntington Beach W JAOVIILW.RR. HARRISL the
rF� r63 CtFCCc Q OFFICIALS all
f� F «�� Q CHAS. R. FURR, Clerk-Controller and
California JOSEPH VAVRA, Treasurer
CUUNTY CPS November 12 1�27. A. J. THEDIECK, Attorney re
C. W. WARNER, Recorder
J. TINSLEY, Marshal
CLINT CREAMER, Supt. Gas Dept.
C. J. YOST, Supt. of Streets
MERWIN ROSSON, City Engineer ame
I ed
We , the undersigned, members of the
City Council of the City of Huntington Beach,
do hereby, severally and collectively, waive
notice of a special meeting of the City Council
to be held at 10 o ' clock A. M. on November 12 ,
1927, at the Council Chambers in said City, for
the purposes herein specified, and do hereby con-
sent , severally and collectively , that this meet-
ing be had at sAid time and place for the follow-
I. ing purposes, to-wit : _ f -
First , to determine whether the office
of Chief of Police of the City of Huntington Beach j
shall be declared vacant , or vacated by resigna-. ation
tion or otherwise , and if it be determined that � d
the same shall be vacated as aforesaid, to deter- J n be
mine likewise the time when the order of this Board
declaring the same vacant shall become effective. vote:
i Second, to choose and cause to be quali-
fied and installed in office such person as the
.t Council may at this meeting determine, in case said
office is declared vacant or vacated be resignation
or act of this Board. it
Third, to transact such other business tee
and determine such other matters relatin • t j
vacation of and filling of said office as may be-
come before the City Council. A
Witness out signatures in voluntary
sion assembled, all of the members of the City Council rk of
being present .
pursuant to Special Call of the Mlayor, the original of i;,lich
is attached hereto and made a. part of these minutes , the Board
was called. to order at 10:00 o ' clock AM by Mayor Roster.
Resignation of On motion by Trustee Shank , seconded. by Trustee Andrel-�s , the
Chief of Police, police commission consisting of Mayor Boster , Trustees Mitchell
Pound Master , and Harris were appointed to call on Chief of Police Tinsley and
b Fire Chief and ask for his resignation as Chief of Police , Pound Master , Fire
ex-officio tax & chief and ex-officio Tax and License collector.
license Coll._
The Clerk read. the resignation of Chief of Police Tinsley,
and on motion by . Trustee Harris , seconded by Trustee Shank same
° was accepted and the office of Chief of Police , Fire Chief , ?pound
Resignation master, and Ex-officio Tax and license collector were declared
accepted vacant to take effect immediately with salary to November 30th
by the following vote:
Ayes Trustees Andrews , -Mitchell , Shank , Harris , Boster.
Noes Trustees None.
R Choat appointed On motion by Trustee Andretnrs , . seconded by Trustee Mitchell ,
Chief of Police R Choat was appointed Chief of Police , Fire Chief and Pound
master by the following vote :
Ayes Trustees Andrews , Mitchell , Shank, Harris , Boster.
Noes Trustees None
I '
` thereupon the Clerk administered the oath of office and Chief
Choat assumed charge of the various offices.
The following .motion by Trustee Andrews: " that the resignation
Resignation of of J L Stanton, W H Stanton, and A E Bannister , policemen and
other police Elmer Parker Traffic officer and Kittle E Sager Police matron be
officers accepted and to receive salary to Nov 30th, r-yhich motion was
seconded by Trustee Shank , put and. carried by the following vote:
�-- Ayes Trustees Andrews , miitchell , Shank , Harris , Boster.
Noes Trustees None.
e ;^ - business + +
Adjourned. There beln� no further �o come before ��ne ooa.rd it
was adjourned on motion by Trustee Mitchell seconded by Trustee
d �1
City Clerk an ex-officio Clerk of
the Board of Trustees .
President of the Board of Trustees
Q �
_ City Clerk.
I �