HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927-11-28 344 M I N UT . E S City Hall, Nov 28th, 1927 Pursuant to adjournment of mov loth, the Council was called to order at 7 PM by Mayor Boster. Roll Call Councilmen present: Boster, Andrews, Mitchell, Shank, Harris. Absent : None • Dr Chandler of the Orange County Health Department Dr Chandler add.ressesaddressed the Board relative to stagnant water in lakes on the Board RE: stagnatt east side, stating that a number of complaints had been registered water o4 east side. in his department. No action was taken by the Board. The Clerk read application of the 0 C Field Gasoline Cc 0 C Field applicationto convert wet gas lines to dry gas lines on certain streets and granted alleys East of 17th Street , and on. motion by Councilman Shank, seconded by Mitchell the request was granted and-the Superintendent of streets authorized to issue permit in accordance with the ordinances in effect. On motion by Mitchell seconded by Andrews the Street Issue permit to Superintendent was authorized to issue permit to Petrolemm Pet. Secutities Co. Securities Cc to construct electrical power lines as per map ( electrical powwer on file. lines) On motion by Harris seconded by Shank, Mrs C E Lotz was Permission to ope.raiegiven permission to operate lunch room on Orange Ave, between lunch stand. 15th and 16th Streets, and Charles N West lunch stand 110 Main Street. On motion by Shank seconded by Harris, Mrs M Brant was given permission to conduct lunch room at 506 - 15th St. On motion by Mitchell seconded by Shank, put and carried Appointment of by unanimous vote the appointment of the following police Police officers officers was approved by the Board: C M WOOD, Patrolman; approved G W COX, Patrolman; C L MITCHELL, Motor patrolman, G E KESTERSON, $atrolman, HANNAH L HORWITZ, I?oli\e Matron. The Chair instructed the Clerk to notify the Street Supt Red lights at 'to fasten the bases of all red lanterns to cement blocks streets under approximately 8 x 8 inches by 2 inches deep, and to see that all construction etc work in process on the streets and alleys is protected by red lights, at night and barricades by day. Mayor Boster appointed Councilman Mitchell and Harris as Appoint committees a committee on arrangements for preparing dinner for the Orange for Or. County Peace County Beace Officers meeting on Dec 7th, .6:30 PM, and Councilmen officer meetinrr. Andrews and Shank on table decorations, same date. On motion by Harris; - seconded by ,Shank the controller was To purchase new authorized to purchase a new"Ideal Power Lawn Movoe r" price MoweT lawin mower $415.00, less -,$100--credit to be allowed on the used 22inchAnow in,iuse. City Hall closed The City Clerk ,was %directed to close the City Hall Tuesday Nov 29th Nov 29th on account of aviation meet. On motion by Harris seconded by Andrews the City Controller Numbers painted on was directed to have numbers painted on all City cars except City cars , account ofPolice department, and to notify all heads of departt—en.ts that repairs etc to be beginning December 1st a strict account of all repairs, gasoline kept and all should be kept. Statements to be turned in to the city controller weekly and the City Controller to render a monthly , 0 statement in detail to the Council covering all automobile expense. Ord No. 3trt',first The Clerk- gave Ordinance No. 306 its first reading. reading This being the time set for hearing objections to the City Engineer 's assessment for the work of installing a sanitary sewer in alleys of Blocks 810, 811 and 812, Wesley Park Tract, Res. # 604- passed the Clerk informed the Board that no written objections had and adopted been filed. Thereupon Resolution of the Board No 604 was read by the Clerk, and on motion by Shank seconded by Andrews Res- olution No 604 was passed and adolbted by the following vote: Ayes Councilmen Andrewp,Mitchell , Shank, Harris, Boster Noes None a 4 (Minutes .Continued Nov 28th, 1927) On motion by Harris seconded by Shank the Controller was purchase seiner authorized to purchase 300 feet of sewer sticks for the Street stinks Department. ' adjourned There being no further business to come before the Council on motion by Harris seconded by Shank it adjourned. City Clerk d ex—officio Clerk, of the Board of Trustees. President of the Board of Trustees AT S City Clerk.