HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928-10-01 395 M I N U T E S. Cit3z Hall, Oct. 1st, 1928. The Council was called to order at 7:50 PM by Mayor Bowen. Councilmen present: Butcher,Conrad,Mitchell,Harris,Boiven. � The Clerk read the minutes of meetings held Sept 4th and 17th, Minutes and on motion by Harris, seconded by Conrad same were approved as read. New traffic Attorney Blodget informed the Council that he was not ready to ordinance submit new traffic ordinance, but that it was in process of preparation. Engineer Ronson submitted a written report on proposed lighting Lighting at for intersection of Main Street with Ocean Avenue. No action was intersection taken other 'than to continue investigation. Main & Ocean �. The Clerk was, by the Chair , directed to set up a file covering Beach front all beach frontage matters. Engineer Rosson informed the Council that he had not yet succeeded in making a definite appointment to meet with the Los Repairs Mun- Angeles Harbor engineers for the purpose of inspecting the municipal icipal pier . pier of Huntington Beach , and that he tipped to do so in the near future: In the meantime, Mr Rosson said, there was no immediate danger of the pier collapsing. Councilman Conrad made a verbal report to the effect that he Draining had taken up the matter of draining the, Deraware Avenue lake and ' Delaware Ave others with the Orange County Health department and had been informed lake-tabled' that that department could not assist the City in abating the nuisance because it was not considered a menace to health. After some discussion the matter was tabled. O. C. Coast ' Ass' n. On motion by Conrad, seconded by Harris an appropriation of given $250'. $250 was made to the Orange County Coast Association provided all other coast municipalities padd their quota. The Clerk read a petition signed by interested property owners Petition against protesting the passage of Ordinance number 320. After some discussion Ord. 320 between the members of the Council and various oil operators it was t decided to table the matter until a conference could be had with the petitioners and interested oil operators. The Clerk was directed to Hearing 7:30PM notify signers of the petition that such a meeting would be held at Oct. 5th. 7 :30 PM, Friday Oct . 5th in the Council Chamber of the City Hall. The Clerk read a letter from Engineer Rosson relative to offer Re-offer to sell of C H Ellis to sell to the City water bearing land. Mr Rosson City land-tom advised no action in the matter without further investigation. The water develop- Clerk was directed to advise Mr Ellis that the City was not a present ment interested in operating a water supply . system. Upon recommendation of Councilman- Co.nrad .chairman of the Music Appointment of and Promotion Committee, the Clerk was directed to advise the Lee tabled. Business bien' s Association that the Council did not see fit to spend more money in the employment of Mr .Lee. Citcular dis- The matter of prohibiting the distribution of circulars and tribution ord- shopping news as recommended by the Business liens Association in irance referred - a. recent letter to the Council was referred to the City Attorney for to City Atty. an opinion. Lighting Main Mr Rosson submitted to the Council a recommendation that St . inf.ront of electric lights be installed in front of the high, -school in the Main High School Street parking. The matter was referred to the committee on Streets and Parks composed of Conrad, Bowen and Harris. The matter of donating a portion of the City' s property at Paladino lots 1st and Olive for street purposes and selling the remainder was referred to Conrad, .Bowen and Harris, the street and parks committee. YJoman' s Club The Clerk read a letter fr6m the Woman' s Club in which if was recommend the recormriended that the Council take whatever action necessary and purchase of advisable to acquire a portion of the Beach frontage. The Clerk was beach front. directed to reply and state that negotiations were in process for acquisition of parbl.;of the property; 6 96 A letter from the Huntington Beach Elementary sbhool was H B Elementary presented and read. Also, a peport of the attendance during the School thank days and the play ground was in use. The School Board, through Council for sup- C B Baldwin, superintendent , thanked the City Council for their Pori of play support in paying for the services of a play ground supervisor groungs. during the summer vacation period. Engineer' s Engineer Rosson submitted a report of balances due the City weed report. for weed cleaning and recommended that same be added to the tax against the property affected. Report filed. Engineer Rosson, in a letter addressed to the Council s-gggested that , on account of oil drilling activity, it would be Engineerls_ re- unwise to spend any great amount for the improvement of dirt commendation for_ streets, therefore the purchase of expensive street improvement reduced expend- machinery was not at present necessary or advibable-. iture ,for_ dirt St Imp. On motion by Harris seconded by Mitchell the appointment of E G Belshe & A J E G Belshe and A J Parker,patrolman by the Chief of Police was Parker-Patrolmen approved. On motion by Conrad seconded by Butcher the following applications for license were approved and the Clerk directed to Licenses issue license:, Joe Sanford, dance hall , Beach front J E Hughes, Tango parlor , Beach front Wm K Hughes, Restaurant 17th & Olive Xpplica.ticn by T.h� Clerk read' a letter from the Railroad Commission in which P E toaba.ndon the Council was asked to review the situation of the Pacific sevice to LaBolsa Electric Railway in the matter of their application to abandon service to La Bolsa. This was by the Chair referred to a committee of the whole to investigate and report at ' next meeting. Reports of Police . The Clerk read the monthly reports of the Police Judge, Judge , Chief , Eng- Chief of Police, Engineer, Clerk and Treasurer , and on motion by a)neer ;Clerk ,Treas. Conrad seconded by Harris same we 're accepCed and ordered filed. On motion by Conrad seconded by Harris, demands numbered Demands approved 405 to 495 inclusive were approved and ordered paid. The Clerk read a communication from Chief of Police 0 D Steward Resignation of dated October lst , in which the Council was asked to approve the R Choat asked by Chiefs action in asking for the resignation of Assistant Chief of Police Chief. Police , R. Choat . On motion by Harris seconded by Mitchell the request was granted by the following vote: See --motion to re- Ayes Councilmen Mitchell , Harris, Bowen, consider same date Noes Councilman Butdher, Conrad. On motion by Harris seconded by Mitchell , the City Clerk, League of Mun- City Attorney, City Engineer and City Councilmen were authorized icipalities del- to attend the convention of the League of Municipalities October ega.tes appointed. 8th to 12th inclusive at San Bernardino , traveling expenses to be born by the City. Photo view of Mr Jack Colvin submitted a photographic view of the City of City submitted Huntington Beach which he proposed to havecolored and framed and delivered for the surn of $35. 00. This was referred to the Music & Promotion committee for report at next meeting. *Oil drainage into Councilman Mitchell called the Councils attention to the 0 . C. by Santa Fe action of certain oil companies who were constructing a drainage ' Springs oil line throught0range County from the Santa Fe Springs oil field for dompanies. the p-arpose of dumping waste water from oil wells along the Orange. County -coast and asked that the Council go on record as opposed to such action. On .motion by Conrad, seconded by Butcher the matter was referred to a committee of the whole by the follow- ' ing vote: Ayes Councilmen Butcher , Conrad, Harris , Bowen. Noes Councilman Mitchell. Recess for At this time 9: 50 PM1 Mayor Bowen declared a recess to go into executive session. executive session. Meeting again called to order at 10:00 PM, by Councilman Conrad. ' & ��l The following motion by Councilman Bowen: that the Council Motion to reconsider request ,of Chief Steward for the resignation of reconsider Assistant Chief R Ohoat . Motion seconded by Butcher put and carried by the .following vote: 4y, es Councilman Bowen, Butcher, Conrad, Noes Councilmen Mitchell, Harris. The original motion was then read by the Clerk and carried by Vote on original the following vote. motion Ayes Councilmen Bowen, Butcher , Mitchell, Harris , Conrad. Noes Councilmen Nine. Adjourned On motion by Harris seconded by BPtbher the Council adjourned until 7:30 PM Monday October 15th, 1928. • i2�1�'7N City Clerk & ex-officio Clerk of the City Council. President of the City Coundil. ATE-S T City Clerk. i