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. City Hall, Tuesday Sept 3rd., 1929•
The regular meeting was called to order by Councilman Conrad.
at 7i30 PM.
Councilmen present:- Conrad., Butcher, Mitchell.
Councilmen absent t Bowen, Harris.
On motion by Butcher , seconded by Mitchell, Councilman Conrad
was appointed Mayor and Chairman of the Council pro-tem.
The Chairman appointed. Councilman Mitchell to act on the finance
Minutes The Clerk read the minutes for the month. of August and on motion
by Butcher seconded by Mitchell same were approved.
Mr Penrose representing the Anaheim Bulletin addressed the Council
relative to advertising in their annual edition of the Bulletin, rates
Advertising $75 for full page or a proportionate amount for half or quarter page..
Circulation to be app to- the
7 ,500. The matter was referred t the
Music and Promotion Committee.
On motion by Mitchell seconded by Butcher the Huntington Beach
Band Band was allowed $189.00 for services Labor Day.
Engineer Rosson reported that he and Engineer Berry were making
Pier progress in investigating condition of the Municipal Pier.
The bond of S E Talbert , house mover was approved as to form by
r S E Talbert Attorney Blod.get, and on motion by Butcher seconded. by Mitchell same
Bond was approved provided, the City Clerk, upon investigation is assured
the the two sureties E M Burris and J H Willeford are each worth 82000
over and above all his just debts and liabilities , exclusive of
property exempt from execution.
The Clerk read Resolution No. 622 fixing the tax rate for the
Rate Res. fiscal year 1929-1930 at 1. 50 per $100 of assessed valuation and on
No. #622 motion by Mitchell seconded by Butcher Resolution No 622 was passed
and adopted by the following vote:
Ayes Councilmen Butcher, Mitchell , Conrad,
Noes None
Absent Bowen, Harris.
Ira C Stout On motion by Mitchell seconded by Butcher the appointment of Ira
patrolman C Stout as patrolman by the Chief of Police was approved.
The Clerk read a request of the Chief of Police for a new motor-
New motor- cycle. The request was granted on motion by Butcher seconded by Mitchell
' cycle and the City Controller authorized to make the purchase , price not
to exceed?$434. 00.
Insurance The City Clerk was directed to look into the matter of _having a,
survey of the city ma,d.e with a view of having fire insurance rates lowered.
Two hour The Clerk read a letter from the Huntington Beach Business Men's
parking Association asking that a. two hour parking limit ordinance be passed
covering c'drtain portions of the business section. This was referred to
the Chief of Police for his recommendation.
The letter of R F Patrick recommending that the City bear the expense
Boy' s Band of an instructor for a Boy' s Band was referred. to .the Music & Promotion
Hotel On motion by Mitchell seconded by Butcher the apnlication of Tars
H H Howard to conduct hotel at 307 Main Street wa,s approved.
The Clerk read monthly reports of the City Engineer, Chief of Police ,
Reports Police Judge, Treasurer and City Clerk and on motion by Mitchell seconded
by Butcher same were accented and ordered filed.
The proposal of the O C Field Gasoline Corp. 609 Board of Trade
Building, Los Angeles , to pay $459. 66 and the City to accept same as
Taxes payment in full of all taxes due to date on lot 11 Block 118, 17th St.
Section, AAs accepted on motion by Mitchell seconded by Butcher. The City
taxes on "same being $1379. 46 , the tax collector was authorized to cancel
all over and above the said g459. 66 , for the reason that accrued taxes
due on personal property in bankruptcy is more than the present value
"� of the lot.
P 2
17th & Main Engineer Rosson reported that plans for resurfacing Main and
St repairs 17th streets were under way.
Butcher leave On motion by Mitchell seconded by Butcher, Councilman Butcher
of absence was granted a, leave of absence from Sept 12th to 27th inclusive.
- On motion by Butccer seconded by Mitchell demands numbered
Demands 1736 to 1874 inclusive were approved and ordered paid.
Engineer Rosson recommended that the present grade of the coast
Coast road boulevard within the city limits in the vicinity of the Hampshire-
grade change Pacific Electric crossing remain as a.t present and. that the State
Road Dept be permitted to straighten curve at that point without
cost to the City. On motion by Mitchell seconded by Butcher the
recommendation was adopted and the City Clerk directed to so notify
the State Road Dept.
Attorney Blodget informed. the Council that the date for
Telephone hearing in the matter of the Huntington Beach Telephone Co. before
exchange the railroad. commission was set for Sept 26th. Place of meeting
in the vicinity of Westminister. Y
The Council directed Attorney Blod.get to appear at the meeting
and. inform the Commission that the City Council prefer that the
telephone service between the City and country districts be _im-
proved without the installation of a separate exchange. The� 0lerk
was directed to solicit the co-operation of the Chamber of Commerce
and. Business Men' s Association, also to advise the R R Commission
of the city' s position in the matter.
League. of On motion by Butcher seconded by Mitchell the Council voted
Municipalities to send two official representatives to the League of PRunicipalities
at Oakland , October 8th to 11th inclusive.
On motion by Butcher seconded by Mitchell the Council adjourned.
City Clerk and Ex-officio �1erk of
the City Council.
President of the Co
City Clerk.
City Hall,Monday October 7th,1929
7:30 P•m-
There being no quorum present, the Clerk adjourned the
meeting until Monday October 1 2 �t 7; 30 p.m.
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City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk
of t ty Counci
Attest President of the Cc tem
City Clerk