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471 1 M I N U T E S City Hall Feb 24th, 1930 Pursuant to adjournment of Feb loth, the Council was called to order at 7:30 p m by Mayor Bowen. Councilmen present: Bowen,Butcher,Conrad,Mitchell,Harris. Councilmen absent: None Reg Special This being the time for canvassing the vote of the Special Election on Municipal Election held on the -18th day of February, 1930, on a Pier Bonds proposition to issue bonds in the amount of $60,000.00 for the acquisition, construction of a certain Municipal improvement, to-wit: and completion Reconstruction of Wharf , said proposition being designated on the ballot . as Proposition No. L. Also on a proposition to issue bonds in the amount of $62,000.00 for the acquisition, construction and completion of a certain Municipal- improvement, to-wit: Extension of. Wharf; said proposition being designated on the ballot: as "Proposition. No. 2. The canvass of the votes show that in Huntington Beach Con- solidated Election Precinct No. A there were 456 voters voting, 452 legal ballots cast of which 379 were cast in 'f avor of Pro- position No . 1 and 50 against said Proposition No. 1; and 384 ballots cast in favor of Proposition No. 2 and p 55 against said proposition No. 2. That in Huntington Beach Consolidated Election Precinct No.B there were 242 voters voting, 240 legal ballots cast of which 162 were cast in favor of proposition No. 1 and 69 against said Pro- position No. 1; and 171 ballots in favor of Proposition No 2 and 67 against said Proposition No. 2 That in Huntington Beach Consolidated Election Precinct No.0 there were 266 voters voting, 265 legal ballots cast of which 208 were in favor of Proposition No. 1 and 47 against said Proposition No. 1; and 202 ballots in favor of Proposition No 2 and 54 against said Proposition No. 2. Resolution Resolution No 625 was read declaring the result of said No. 625 election, a copy of . which is included and made a part of these minutes. On motion by Councilman Conrad seconded by Councilman Butcher Resolution No. 625 was passed and adopted by the following vote: Ayes Councilmen: Butcher, Conrad, Mitchell, Harris, Bowen, Noes Councilmen: None Absent Councilmen: None RESOLUTION NO. .' 625 (See page 472) Bond Ord 31 The Clerk gave ordinance No 331 providing for the issuance of 3 The as authorized at the special election held:.on thet.18thtday. • of Februrary, 1930, its first reading at this time. Councilman Conrad reported conditions favorable for securing a Ball Grounds lease on Huntington Beach Company grounds for use of night and day base ball and moved that the City Clerk be directed to make written application for a five year lease on a suitable plat near the intersection of 1st St and Ocean Ave. St Re-paving Engineer Rosson advised the Council that the improvement of Main St and others would probably be started by Monday March 3rd. Palladino Attorney Blodget advised that description of portion of lots 10 and 5 Block 301 not yet ready. Attorney . Blodget returned Electric light bulb contract dated � Electric light Dec 1st, 1929 and advised that it seemed to be in proper form. contract The Clerk was directed to confer with County purchasing agent for the purpose of ascertaining his practice in purchasing light globes. On motion by Conrad seconded by Mitchell the City Attorney and Sump at lath & Engineer were directed to take steps to abate a nuisance, namely Main Sts an oil sump in unsafe condition and located on lots 12,13,14,15, Block 813 Wesley Park Tract. Engineer Rosson filed the complaint. On motion by Conrad seconded by Mitchell the City Attorney was directed to draft a resolution to abate the above named nuisance, . f 476 2 same to be put into effect after all known interested parties have been notified that ' the nuisance exists: The application of Chief of police Steward for a new car for Police Car the police Dept was on motion by Conrad seconded by Harris approved and the City Clerk directed to advertise for bids for furnishing the City with a four door sedan type car, same to be Ford Sedan or its equivalent. The Clerk read a letter from the Automobile Club of Southern Auto Club California outlining future procedure in placing signs in .cities letter and along highways. The Clerk was directed to acknowledge receipt of the, letter and to inform the Club that this City would endeavor to cooperate, and be governed by the rules and regulations of the Club. y Spanish War On motion by Conrad seconded by Mitchell a resolution No. 624 Veterans was endorsed. This resolution by the Council unanimously approves Resolution # 624 of increased pension for the Spanish American War Veterans , as proposed in Senate Bill No 476. Demands On motion by Harris seconded by Mitchell demands approved by the Finance Committee were approved and ordered paid. Mr A J Gries representing the owner of lots 7 and 8 B1 911 addressed the Council and objected to the Council ' s attitude in Junk yard holding up the issuance of a license to Max Schenfield to operate junk yard on the property. No action taken by the Council other-.,.. than to advise the owner to communicate their objections in writing. Engineer. Rosson was directed to examine and make safe open well located in Vista Del Mar Tract known as Vista Del Mar well. `r Motion by Conrad seconded by Butcher Council adjourned. CityClerk and x—officio Clerk of the City Council.. ,1 President of the Council. T• City Clerk. L. 'L los No. . RESOLUTION INVQLVIBG SPECIAL ELECTION HELD ON FEBRUAR 18, 1930, IN' THI EL CITI OF HUNT'_ INGTON BEACH, STATE OF CALIFOR14IA WHEREAS, at a Special Municipal Election held in the City of Huntington Beach, County of Orange, State of ualifornia,. on Tuesday., the 18th day of Febrary, 1930, pursuant to Ordinance No. 330 of said City, the whole number of voters voting at said Special Election was 957, and the whole number of voters voting on Proposition Ito, 1 submitted at said. Special Election was 915, and that thereof '166 legal votes were against and 749 legal votes were in favor of the adoption of the following proposition referred to as Proposition No. 1, to--wits ""hall the City of Huntington Beach, California, incur a banded debt in the sure of Sixtj Thousand Dollars ( °:60,000:00) for the object and purpose of the acquisition, construction and completion of a certain municipal improvement, to-wit: RECONSTRUCTIOII OF 11HARF: The acquisition, construct-ion and completion of a municipal wharf, together with such equipment and appurtenances as may be necessary or convenient to the use thereof; said wharf to be so constructed and completed as to include such portions ,as may be suitable there- for of the present wharf now extending into the Pacific ocean :from the termination of Main Street in said City at the coast line of said ocean."- And the whole number of voters voting on Proposition. No. S sbmitted at said Special. Election was 933, and that thereof 176 legal votes were against and 757 legal votes were in favor of the adoption of the follow- ing proposition, referred to as Proposition No. 2, to-wit. Shall the City of Huntington .Beach, California, incur a bonded debt in the sum of Sixty-two Thousand Dollars ( 61121,OOO.00) for the object and purpose of the acquisition, construction and completion of a certain municipal improve- ment_, to-wit; "EXTENSION OF W- ARF4 The acquisition,, construct- ion and completion of a municipal wharf, together with such equipment and appurtenances as may be necessary or convenient to the use thereof; said wharf to extend into the Pacific ocean a distance of five hundred (500) feet from the outer end of the municipal wharf now extending into the Pacific ocean from the termination of Main Street in said City at the coast line of said ocean.f AND WHEREAS, due notice of said Special Municipal Election was given, and said Special. Election was held at the time and in the tanner in all respects as required by said Ordinance No. 330 of said City and in all particulars not recited in said Ordinance said Special Municipal Election was held as provided by- law- for holding municipal elections in cities of the sixth class*- AND VVHBP S, said election was legally and fairly conducted and the returns thereof were duly and regularly made and certified to by this City Council, and said returns have been duly and legally canvassed by this City Council- AND WHEREAS, said Proposition No. 1 a.bove mentioned, submitted to the qualified voters of the said. City of Huntington Beach at said Special Municipal Election was carried by the affirmative legal vote of mote than twos-thirds of all the voters voting upon said proposition at said Special. Municipal Election, to-wit: there were 749 legal votes cast in favor ©f said Proposition No. 1 out of a total of 915 votes upon said proposition,• A3 1 , _EAS, said Proposition No. 2 above mentioned, submitted. to the qualified voters of the said City of HOnt:i_ngton Beach at said Special Municipal Election was carried by the, affirmative legal vote of more than tiro- thirds of all the voters voting upon said proposition at said Special Municipal Election, to '-wit: there were 757 legal votes cast in favor of said Proposition No. 2 out of a total of 933 votes upon said proposition- ; NOW, THLREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hunt- ington Beach that said: propositions submitted at said .Special Municipal Election were and each of them.was carried and adopted by' the votes of more than two-thirds of all the 'voters _voting at said Special. Municipal Election voting upon each of said propositions, and that the said prop- ositions and each of them be and the see are hereby declared to be carried. Passed, adapted and approved this 24th day of February, 1930. Mayor of the City of Huntington Beach., California ATTESTS City. Clerk and ex c:c ficio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACHI I, C. . ;�U t, City Clerknd ex-of':"ici�l Clem of ti�� City Council of the City of Huntington Beach., Californie., tiff hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted. by the City Counc l -of the City of Huntington each, State of Califgrnia, . and signed by the Mayor at a reg- ula�.meeti thereof held on the 24th day of February, 1 3C,an.d that the same was passed and adapted by the follovi ,nQ vote. A7VhS Trustees L&Irl 4z�!�_ ___Af�� NOES: Trustees ABSENT: Trustees City C and ex-officio Clem of the City Council of the, City of Huzatington Beach, California