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City Hall ,Monday March 3rd, 1930
The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order
at 7:30 p -m by May6r Bowen=
Councilmen present: Bowen,Butcher,Conrad,Mitchell,Harris.
Councilmen absent : None
On motion by Ha-rris seconded by Conrad the minutes of Council
Minutes meetings for Feb 3rd, loth and 24 were approved:
The Clerk -read Ordinance No 331 for the second and last time,
same being an ordinance providing for the issuance of bonds to
Ord. 331 provide. funds. for the acquisition, construction, repair and com-
pletion of a municipal pier, and on motion by Harris , seconded by
Conrad, Ordinance No. 331 was passed and adopted by the following
Ayes Councilmen: Butcher, Conrad,Mitchell, Harris, Bowen.
Noes Councilmen: None
Absent Councilmen: None
On motion by Butcher, seconded by Mitchell, "the_ City Clerk was
Clerk to authorized And directed to advertise for bids - (publish "Notice of
adv. for bids Sale of Municipal Bonds") in accordance with form-submitted by City
bond sale Attorney, for sale of bonds as follows: Huntington Beach Municipal
Wharf Bonds 1930 and Huntington Beach Municipal Wharf Extension
Bonds 1930.
Copy of Notice of The Clerk was also directed to mail printed copy of said
sale to be mail- notice to the State Board of Control and the State Treasurer
ed State. respectively.
Junk Yard Max Schenfield filed application for permission to operate
Junk Yard on 3rd-.St near Walnut Ave, no action taken.
Action on dangerous oil well cellar in Block -1004 VDM and
Oil sump sump hole in Block 813 waG deferred to next meeting.
The Clerk read a letter from the Huntington Beach Band re-
Mun. Band questing the sum of $6.00 per month to oover traveling expense.
expense Acct. Same referred to the M & P Committee.
A letter from the Huntington Beach Co relative to lease on
Base Ball ground near lst St and Ocean Ave for base ball team use was read
and action deferred to next meeting.
The City Clerk read monthly reports of the Health Dept, Chief
of Police, City Judge, City Engineer, City Clerk and City Treasurer
Reports which on motion by Conrad seconded by. Butcher were accepted and
ordered filed.
The application of C D Whitmer to operate garage at 210-3rd St
Garage was on motion by Conrad seconded by Harris approved.
Coutzty Planning An:: invitation to the Council to attend the Orange County '
Commission planning Commission meeting at Santa- Ana March 6th ,was r.ead.No action.
J K Sargent, fire chief made application for new car for:
Fire Chief new fire department, stating that the oid Chrysler now is use was
car itbout 6 years old and unsafe. On motion by Butcher seconded by
Conrad the Clerk was authorized to advertise for bids for furnishing
A copy of a resolution passed by the Orange County Board of
Re-Long Beach Supervisors opposing any action of the City of Long Beach to secure
buying water water bearing land in Orange County was read. No action by the
bearing land in City Council.
Orange County
On motion by Conrad seconded by Butcher the City Controller
was authorized to sign lamp purchase contract for period Dec lst
Lamp Contract 1929 to Nov 30th 1930. Contract with General Electric Company.
R E Chaffee On motion by Butcher seconded by Mitchell the Assessor was
authorized to employ R E Chaffee as deputy assessor during a portion
Deputy Assessor of March, April, and May 1930.
.4 l4
The Clerk presented and read Resolution No 626 calling
Resolution 626 the General Municipal Election to be held Monday April 14th,
1930, and on motion by Conrad seconded by Harris Resolution
No 626 was passed and adopted by the following vote;
Ayes Councilmen: Butcher, Conrad, Mitchell, Harris , Bowen.
Noes Councilmen;: None —
Demands On motion by Harris seconded by Mitchell., demands approved
by the Finance Committee were ordered paid.
Planning The matter of appointing a City planning Commission was
Commission deferred after ' being referred to the Committee headed by
Councilman Conrad.
Om motion by Conrad seconded by Butcher the Council
adjourned until Monday March 17th, 1930, at 7:30 p .M..
Cit Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of
the City ouncil.
President of the Council.
T S ;
City Clerk
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