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City Hall, Monday April 7th, 1930
The regular meeting of the City Council was called to arder at.
7: 30 p m by Mayor Bowen.
Councilmen present: Bowen, Butcher, Conrad, Mitchell , Harrid..
Councilmen absent : None
On motion by Conrad, seconded by Butcher the minutes of the
Council for the month of March were approved.
The Clerk read a letter from the Indoor Base Ball Club r
Ball park petitioning the Council for a lease on the ball park at 1st and Ocean
for a period of 5 months beginning April 15th.
Art Anderson addressed the Council, and objected to allowing the
Base Ball Club using the grounds for the reason that damage would
be done to the grounds.
D 0 Stewart representing the Base Ball Club argued that such
would not be the case. An agreement was finally reached to the effect
that both clubs would use the grounds and determine the results after
the first few games.
- Fire Chief Sargent presented a letter recommending that more
adequate fire protection be given the Seabreeze Auto Camp grounds ,
Water Mains and informed the Council that the American States public. Service
1st and Ocean Corporation JH. B. water Co. ) would install 4 inch cast iron pipe for
the sum of $700.00, and allow the City to participate in gross
revenue for a period of 5 years at the rate of 40%. The matter was
r-eferred to the City Attorney for his opinion and advise whether or
not the water company could not be compelled to furnish service at a
lesser cost to the city.
Harvey L Grant On motion by Conrad seconded by Mitchell the appointment by
Patrolman Chief Steward of Harvey Lester Grant as night patrolman was approved.
On motion by Conrad seconded by Harris the application of Chas
License C Rudd to conduct dance hall on the ocean front and of Darling Eat
Stores to conduct cafe at 406 Ocean Ave. were approved.
Permit for The application of Leonard E Bemm for license to engage in the
marking streets occupation of marking house numbers on curbsi� was denied on motion by
Harris seconded by Conrad.
+- &pi. Dance The appointment of Lyle C Huntley as special dance hall officer
hall police by Chief Steward was approved; officer to receive no compensation from
the City.
The Clerk read a letter from Lance D Smith, attorney representing
Re derrick Mrs Angela Mayo , owner-,of lots 5,6,7 Block 812, in which the Council was-
Block 812 asked not to hold the owner liable for costs of demolishing the
derrick located on these lots. No action by the Council.
Action on the application of R M Dockins and C K Morrison,
Barge License jointly, for a permit to operate fishing barge and boats from the
municipal pier landing was deferred until 7:30 pm Tuesday April Sth'
pending legal advise relative to issuance of franchise.
The application of Jahn Cusolito for permission to operate an {
Electric Tram electric tram on the municipal pier was referred to the City Attorney_
on pier for advise in the matter of the city' s 'authority to grant franchise,
liability insurance, etc.
On motion by Conrad seconded by Harris the City Attorney was
Ord*° directed to prepare amendment to Ord. 130 so as to 3 permit the use of
h13O motor vehicles on the municipal pier subject to permission by the
City Council, same to provide ample protedtion to the city in the
form of liability insurance.
The Clerk read monthly reports of the City Clerk, City Treasurer,
Reports City Judge, Chief of Police and Engineer and on motion by Conrad
seconded by Butcher same were accepted and ordered filed.
An invitation by the Western Air Express to the Council to
Air meet attend a celebration on the Valley Blvd. near Alhambra on April
17,18 and _19 was read. No action taken.
Pier Bonds Report and letter of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher referred to
city attorney, no action required.
On motion by Harris seconded by Mitchell the Mayor and City
Ball park Clerk were authorized to sign Huntington Beach Company lease of
lease base ball ground on behalf of the City of Huntington Beach.
Tents on Matter of an ordinance against camping on the beach deferred to X
beach later date.
Block On motion by Conrad seconded by Mitchell the City Engineer was
T numbers directed to paint block numbers on curbs in the business and
residential districts.
Demands -approved by the finance Committee were approved, on
Demands motion by Harris seconded by Mitchell.
On motion by Conrad seconded by Butcher the Council adjourned
until 7:30 pm Tuesday April 8th, 1930.
City Clerk and Ex-officio Clerk of the
City Council.
esident of the hhn Council.
_—City Clerk.