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City Hall Monday, May 5th, 1930
The Council was called to order at 7:30 p m, by Mayor Bowen:
Councilmen present:Bowen,Butcher,Conrad,Stevens ,King, ,
Absent: None
On motion by Conra.d,seconded by Butcher, minutes for the month
of April were approved.
James S Lawshe, Manager of the Huntington Beach Company,
addressed the Council relative to sale of a portion of the beach
frontage to the City. Mr Lawshe also presented a letter which he
said was done for the purpose of bringing the matter of. the purchase
before the public.
The letter was read by the Clerk, which was followed by a
discussion of the various objectionable clauses contained in the pro-
posed conveyance by the Huntington Beach Company.
The letter being, in effect, an ultimatum requiring action by
the Council within 30 days , or withdrawal of the Huntington Beach
Company's offer to sell , Mayor Bowen suggested that some action be
taken by the Council at this time.
Following motion by Conrad: "That the written offer of the
Written offer
of H. B. Co. Huntimgton Beach Company be definitely rejected, and
That the City Attorney be authorized to take such action as may be _
necessary to declare or acquire the rights to the use of the beach
frontage by the public for park purposes. "
Motion seconded by Butcher, put and carried by the following vote:
Ayes Councilmen, Butcher, Conrad, Stevens , King, Bowen:
Noes Councilmen, None
Absent Councilmen, None
Abandoned Engineer Rosson was instructed to proceed with the demolition ti
of two abandoned derricks ( dangerous structures) located in Block
812, W P Tract.
Mayor Bowen read an invitation' f rom the Mayor of Anaheim to
attend a City Officials ' meeting Thursday May 8th at 7:30 PM.
On motion by Conrad, seconded by Stevens , the City Attorney was
derrick instructed to draft and present and0rdinance requiring oil drilling
companies to deposit a bond with the City sufficient to insure
proper abandonment of well; that steel derricks be required in
certain districts; that a satisfactory financial statement be pre-
sented at the time permit for drilling is asked for and that drill-
sng -company satisfy the Council that waste water will be properly
taken care of.
On motion by Butcher seconded by Conrad the application of
Maud Vaughn to operate cafe at 310 Walnut was approved.
The application of Geo W Lowry to operate peanut and popcorn
stand on easement, S P railroad crossing East of first street, was on
motion of Conrad seconded by Stevens , denied.
Councilman Conrad, chairman of the Music and Promotion Committee ,
r Band not to
be employed advised the Council that his committee deemed it not advisable at this
time to employ a band for the summer season at a cost of, $3,400.00,
in as much as the city did not own a band stand on the beach front.
On motion by Stevens, seconded by Conrad the report was ratified
by the Council.
Relief The request of J K Sargent for two weeks leave of absence , and
that of M. Rafferty be employed as relief fireman from May 15 to
August 1st at a salary of $150.00 per month was granted on motion by ,
Conrad seconded by Butcher.
The Clerk read monthly reports of the City Clerk, Treasurer,
reports Chief of Police, City Judge and City Engineer , and on motion by
Conrad seconded by King same were accepted and ordered filed.
Derrick The application of West American Oil Co to erect derrick on
J application
B1 i07 laid Block 1807 East Side Villa Tract was referred to a committee composed
of Butcher, Stevens and Bowen.
Real Estate The application of the local real estate board for $448. 00 to help
Board asks for
adv. funds defray advertising expense was referred to the Music & Promotion Committee
On motion by Conrad seconded by Butcher the appointment of Gene
Life Guard Belshe as life guard for the summer season commencing May 1st, by
Chief Steward, was approved.
Chief of Chief Steward submitted recommendations as follows; tl) Handling
recommendations Of pedestrian traffic on entrance to pier; ( 2) Signal light on arch.
for police calls; (3) Changing stop and go signal at Main & Ocean
intersection; (4) Disposition of Chamber of Commerce building;
(5) Handling of traffic on Ocean Ave between 1st and. 8th streets.
All were referred to Fire and Police Committee and Beach and Pier
Committee with power to act, this on motion by King,seconded by Stevens.
Councilman Stevens , chairman of the Beach and Pier Committee
Spl Engineer made the recommendation that Engineer Paul Bailey be employed to
review. plans and specifications for repair and extension of the
municipal pier and that Mr Bailey receive $650.00 for his services .
On motion by Butcher seconded by King the recommendation was
approved and ratified.
Demands On motion by King seconded by Stevens, demands approved
by the Finance Committee were ordered paid. <
The Council adjourned until 7; 30 p m, Wednesday May 7th,
on motio.n1iby Stevens seconded by Conrad.
City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk o
the City Council.
pr sident of We C ncil.
S _
City Clerk.