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City Hall , Monday, June 2nd, 1930
The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order
at 7:30 p m by Mayor Bowen.
Councilmen present; . Bowen, Butcher, Conrad, Stevens , King
. Councilmen absent; None
The Clerk read the minutes of meetings May 5th, _May..7th .and
Minutes May 12th, and on. motion by Conrad seconded by Stevens same were
approved as read.
_Wm F Curnutt, commander of the American Legion addressed the
Council relative to celebration July 4th, stating. that the Chamber.
4th July
of Commerce and Business Mens ' Association had asked the Legion to
i conduct the celebration. Mr Curnutt presented a statement to the
effect that it would require the sum of $1,700.00 for. the following
Fireworks------- $ 775-00
Band----------------------------- 300.00
Prizes----------- --------------- 100.00
Grand Stand------------- --- 125.00
Entertainment-------------------- 250.00
Advertising---------------------- 150.00
The request was referred to the Music and Promotion Committee
for their recommendations at next meeting.
The Clerk read a letter from John Cusolito asking that the
City Council grant him a franbh se,-:to operate tramway on the
Municipal Pier. This request was referred to the Beach and Pier
A letter from Consulting. Engineer Paul Bailey relative to
Pier repair and
extension plans pier plans and specifications was read by the Clerk. Same were
ordered filed with pier extension and repair proceedings.
A communication from the War Department relative to time of
War Dept permit
for Pier Re-or completion of Municipal Pier was read and the Clerk directed to
reply by letter.
Mr W R Osborne, president of the Chamber of Commerce addressed
C of C the Council with a request that the City furnish the sum of $113.45
$113.45 and or- to defray expense of printing approximately 1 ,000 advertising
concerts in folders , also presented a letter outlining a musical program for the
dance hall
summer months. Referred to the Music and Promotion Committee for
report Wednesday night June 4th.
Recess The chair declared a recess at this time, 8: 30 pm for the
purpose of auditing demands.
Council again called to order at 9:;5 pm-; 'all councilmen present.
Mr Mackey, representing the Lumber Mends Association addressed
the Council relative to proposed derrick ordinance No. 332 and asked
Derrick Ord.
#332, oppositionthat same be,.,nd-t adopted for the reason that it required steel
derricks in C &T- tain city lot locations . After considerable discussion,
in which a number of citizens took part, action was deferred to
Wednesday June 4th at 7:30 p m. .
The Camp Oil dompany had presented a letter objecting to the
$5,000 bond clause in proposed ordinance No. 332.
The Clerk read a letter signed by Ralph E Hawes and Chris _ P Pann
requesting t1iat the Council endeavor to find employment for Howard
Boy Scouts' Phillips in order that he might be of service in training Boy Scouts;
Also , a letter signed by Ralph E Hawes and W A Greer recommending Mr
Herbert Gray for the work, and asking that the Council appropriate
city funds in the amount of $415.00 for the material to construct a
two-room cabin. The matter was referred to the Council as a committee
of the whole and interested parties , including Scout Masters and
officers were invited to a discussion of the matter with the Council
Wednesday June 4th, 7: 30 pm.
The request of Chief Steward for a resolution changing the
location of bus stops on Ocean Ave was on motion by Conrad seconded
Bus stops
by Butcher referred to the City Attorney with instructions to prepare
the necessary resolution.
H. B. City Officials were invited to attend a meeting. with other
City Officials city officials in the City Hall , Santa Ana, June 12th, 7:30 pm to
consider distribution of gasoline tax. Also meeting to be held at
same place and time June 25th. Attorney Blodget, Councilmen King and l_
Conrad signified their intention to be present.
On motion by King seconded by Conrad, Engineer Rosson was directed
Dangerous to get in communication with new owners of derrick located on lots 1
and 2 B1 116, known as the Young-Lundberg rig and see that the
derrick is made safe and adv se the Council Wednesday June 4th.
The Clerk read a letter signed by Mrs L R Ridenour, president of
Playground the P T A, relative to supervision of playgrounds during summer months ,
and expressing the desire that the City contribute money for expense
of same. The clerk was directed to reply by letter to the effect that
the City Council could not take action without recommendation from ;
the School Board.
Application The application of R H Hayward of 555 Rhea St Long Beach for
Inspector of
pier R H position of inspector of pier repairs and extension was referred to
Engineer Rosson.
Application of I W Trimbel, 122. Milford St Glendale Calif. for
position as City Engineer was ordered filed.
' r
:On motion by Conrad seconded by King, the surety Bonds of
Bonds The `texas Company to engage in electrical contracting, . Merwin Rosson
City Engineer, and Richfield Oil Co, Street Excavations were
am-roved-,.and ordered filed.
_The Clerk read monthly reports of the City Engineer, Chief of
Monthly reports- Police, City Judge, City Clerk and City Treasurer, on motion by
Conrad seconded by Butcher same were accepted and ordered filed.
On motion by King seconded by Stevens the license applications
License of Ira Wertz. to operate minature golf course on 5th St and Rudd Bros ,
pool hall were approved.
The Clerk gave ordinance No 332 its second reading. Action by
Ord. 332 the Council was deferred until Wednesday June 4th, at ; 0 P M. , on
Derricks 7 3
motion by Conrad seconded by Butcher.
The Clerk read Ordinance No. 333 , restricting certain portions
Ord 333 of the beach front against oil well drilling and on motion by Conrad
Restrictions seconded by Stevens , Ordinance No. was p y
333' passed and adopted b the
following vote:
Ayes Councilmen; Butcher, Conrad, Stevens , King,. Bowen
N es Councilmen; None
Assent Councilmen; None
Ord- 334 The Clerk gave ordinance No. 334,.. Traffic regulations and
Traffic &
335 License Ordinance 335, License, their first reading.
On motion by Stevens seconded by King, Demands approved by the.
Finance Committee were ordered paid.
The recommendation of the Music and Promotion Committee to
Band employ the h"unicipal Band Decoration day for the sum of $173.00
was on motion by Conrad seconded by Stevens ratified.
On motion by King, seconded by Conrad the Council adjourned
until Wednesday, June 4t-h at 7;30 P M.
City Clerk and ex—officio Clerk of
the Cit o 1.
ID-fes—idefitof Council.
A •
City Clerk.