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City Hall, August 4th, 1930
The regular monthly meeting of the Council was called to order
at 7:30 P _M by Mayor Bowen.
Councilmen present: Bowen, Butcher, Conrad, Stevens , King.
Councilmen absent: None
On motion by Conrad seconded by King, Minutes of Meeting of
July 7th were approved.
Engineer Rosson informed the Council that derrick located on
1,2 B1 116 lots 1 and ,2 Block llo had been made safe by owner, to his
20 Ft. strip Engineer Rosson reported that no reply had been received
Coast Blvd from 'Mr Cortelieu, State Road Dept.
Mr Blodget stated that in his conversation with Mr Meeks of
the same Dept. Mr Meeks informed him that no action could be taken
by his department until advised by Mr Cortelieu.
The $2,500.00 bond of V R Dennis Construction Co. covering
V R Dennis certain portions of Main Street paving was referred to City Attorney
Blodget for correction.
Mayor Bowen announced that there were three vacancies in the
Library Library Board: one occasioned by the resignation of Mrs Margaret
Board Talbert, one by expiration of term of Mrs May S Jackson and one by
.expiration of term of L A Arthur.
The following appointments were made by Mayor Bowen.
Mrs May S Jackson and Mr L A Arthur to succeed themselves , term
commencing as of July 1st; 1930 , and Mrs C K Cole to fill vacancy
created by resignation of Mrs Talbert, term to commence as of July
1st, 1930.
On motion by Conrad seconded by Stevens the above appointments
were approved, and the Clerk directed to notify the new members and
library secretary.
Permit The application of J L Price to operate lunch stand on wheels
on the P E Right of Way was . on motion by King seconded by Butcher ,
Ocean & lst The matter of wig-wag signal over S P Ry at lst and Ocean
.St wig-trag
was continued.
' On motion by Conrad seconded by Butcher the City Attorney was
Dance Hall asked to submit at next meeting an ordinance reinstating the 1:00
o' clock closing section in Ordinance No. 230 , dance hall ordinance.
Lighting Engineer Rosson informed the Council that the east side
' east side
lighting program would consist of removing the present lights and
installing about 100, 250 watt lights on various streets , the cost of the
work to be born by the Southern California Edison Company, estimated at
about $6,000.00. That the annual cost of electricity would be approximately
$300.00, or about the present cost of upkeep of lights now in use. That
the 'City enter into a 5 year contract to use the lights , but if , in the
meantime a lighting assessment district is formed the City would be
relieved of the contract for the area of the assessment district.
Investigation continued.
Mr A J Belport addressed the Council relative to a permit which
had been granted him to erect a steel derrick over an oil well , from
which a wooden derrick had been removed, on lots 21,23 ,25 and .27, Block
Steep 317• Mr Belport told the Council that the expense of a steel derrick
derrick would be prohibitive on account of the well being expected to be a small:.
producer. That the work was considered by the Mining Bureau merely a ,
repair job, and asked that the Council so consider it and allow the
erection of a wooden derrick.
On motion by King seconded by Stevens ` such permission was granted
subject to the City Engineer ' s approval of the guying and proper
construction. Mr Belport was asked to submit plans to the City Engineer
before being granted a permit.
In the matter of application of John Cusolito to operate a passenger
John .Cusolito tram over the municipal .pier under a 10 year contract was referred to
Pier tram
.the City Clerk who was directed to secure copies of similar contracts
from Long Beach, Venice and Santa Monica and submit to the Council before
taking further action.
Mrs E C Wright of the Woman' s Relief Corps appealed to -lire Council for
Relief for funds for the relief of destitute families. She was informed that there
persons was no provision in law for disbursing City Funds for that purpose and
directed to get in touch with the Legion Post and County authorities..
On motion by Conrad seconded by Butcher the Council authorized
Sunday concert�he continuance of Sunday concerts August 3rd to August 31st inclusive
at a cost not to exceed $125.00 per concert.
Demolition of. Engineer Rosson informed the Council that he .would begin immediately
derricks to demolish condemned derricks in Block 812 in accordance with notices
heretofore posted and authority vested in him by action of the Council.
Petition The Clerk presented a referendum petition signed by approximately a
against 376 citizens protesting the passage and adoption of Ord. No 332, and.
derrick Ord.
attached thereto- the Clerk' s certificate of registration of the signers.
Ord 337 Ordinance No 337, repealing derrick Ordinance No. 332 was then
Derrick Ord.
repealed given first reading by the Clerk.
3 �07
Ord. 338 Ordinance No 338, calling a special election for the purpose
Derrick Ord.
election of voting on certain changes in derrick ordinances .was at this time
given first reading by the Clerk.
Engineer Rosson informed the .Council that the pier repair and
Pier Repr. extension work was well under way .and proceeding satisfactorily in
accordancd. with agreement with the contractors , and that approximately
85% of the workmen were residents of Huntington Beach.
Attorney Blodget stated that he was now waiting for description
Beach con-
of the various parcels of beach frontage before proceeding further with
demnation f
the beach acquisition suit.
Demands On motion by Stevens seconded by King, demands approved by the
Finance Committee were. approved and ordered paid.
On motion by Conrad seconded by Butcher the proposal of Bancroft-
Law Books Whitney to furnish the city with a law library was referred to
Attorney Blodget and City Judge Patton for their recommendation.
The Clerk read the report of the American Legion -post covering
Amer- . Legion expenditures for July 4th.. A check for $236.87 refund of the City' s
4th July
report allowance was returned to the City Treasurer.. The Clerk was directed
to reply and thank the Legion for their efficient. management.
On motion by Conrad seconded by Butcher the license application
License of Mrs H G Trout .to operate boarding house at 300, - 5th St and hotel
at 307 Main Street was approved.
Fishing boat The request of Dockins and Morrison that the City reduce the fees
contract to be paid by them to the City in order to take care of ticket seller
was referred to Attorney Blodget for his advise, this on motion by
Conrad seconded by King. Report to be made to ,Council Monday Aug llth,
10: AM.
J N Sanborn The request of J N Sanborn that the City at its own expense
request to remove tree in front of lots 26 and 28 Block 510 was referred to
remove trees
Engineer Rosson.
On motion by King seconded by Stevens the application of Miss
Out curb LeBaron Avery to cut curb for driveway at lot 5 Block 104 was approved.
Miss Avery
The Clerk read monthly reports of the City Clerk, Treasurer,
Monthly reports Police Judge , Chief of police and City Engineer and on motion by
Conrad seconded by Butcher same were accepted and ordered filed.
McKelvey light The request of G F Mc Kelvey to have light post replaced at
post 15th and Acacia was referred to Engineer Rosson.
On motion by Conrad seconded by King the City Attorney was asked
Salary to submit a resolution making the salary of the City Judge $225.00 per
Bond On motion by Conrad seconded by King the bond of 0 V Dart
house mover was accepted.
508 ,
Upon recommendation of the City Clerk and on motion by Conrad
seconded by Butcher the salary of Helen R Axton was increased to
$135.00 per- .month commencing July lst, 1930. w
On same motion the salary of Henry Wirth Street Assistaat Supt
was increased to $250-00 and that of Harry Overmyer, assistant Engineer
was increased to $175.00 per month.
The .Clerk presented and read analyses of City water make by
Analyses of Griffin—Hasson laboratories, 2111 S San Pedro St, Los Angeles. Same
City Water
showed presence of B. coli and on motion by Conrad seconded by King
the Clerk was directed to report to the City Health authorities for
their report.
On motion by Conrad seconded by Butcher the Council adjourned
until 10:00 o 'clock AM Monday August llth, 1930.
1 k
Cler o e Council
President of the City Council
City Clerk.