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City Hall, Aug 18th, 1930
Pursuant to adjournment of Aug llth, the Council was called to order
at 2:30 P M by Mayor Bowen.
Councilmen present: Bowen,. Butcher, Conrad, Stevens , King,
Councilmen absent : None
Dennis Const The Clerk read a letter from Engineer Rosson relative to work done
Co balance by .Dennis Construction Co, paving Main, 17th, Delaware and others , and
that the work was satisfactory with the exception of certain portions of
5 foot strips along the Main Street parking. That this work was un—
satisfactory to him, but in as much as it was guaranteed by a $2,500.00
surety bond, he would approve payment of balance of the contract.
Dennis Corrst On motion by Conrad seconded by King the $2,500.00 bond of the ,
Co Bond V R Dennis Construction Co covering paving of five foot strips along
parking on Main Street between 14th and Clay was approved and ordered
Pool license On motion by Stevens seconded by Butcher the license application of
Jas Ballard for pool hall license was approved.
The written complaint of the Realty Board, that certain real estate
License brokers and agents were not paying City License was referred to the
City Clerk and Chief of Police.
The request of the Legion Post for the city to purchase tickets for
Legion tickets
the Brea Labor Day celebration was denied.'and the Clerk directed to
inform the Legion that the Council regretted that it could not legally
make such an appropriation.
On motion by Stevens seconded by King, demands approved by the
Demands finance committee were approved and ordered paid.
Engineer Rosson submitted a letter from a Mr Hazzard relative to
Derricks derricks in Block 812 to the effect that same would be made safe by
owners. Engineer 'Rosson to continue the matter.
Engineer Rosson informed the Council that no definite action had
Paving Ocean yet been taken by the State Road Dept relative to widening Ocean Ave.
Ave On motion by King seconded by Butcher the City Engineer was authorized
to proceed to improve connection between Ocean Ave and State highway
at east end of the City at a cost not to exceed $50.00, also to make
similar repairs at west end.
The Clerk submitted analyses of water from neighboring cities and
City Water same were referred to Butcher, Conrad and Stevens for report.
The Clerk gave Ordinance No 339, Salary of City Judge, its second
Ord 339 and last reading, and on motion by Conrad seconded by Butcher same was
Salary City
Judge passed and adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Butcher, Conrad, Stevens , King, Bowen,
Noes: None
The Clerk gave Ordinance No 340 , Dance Halls its second and last
0rd 340
Dance Halls reading, and on motion by Butcher seconded by Conrad same was passed
. and adopted by the following vote:
Ayes Councilmen Butcher, Conrad, Stevens, King, Bowen
Noes Councilmen None
On motion by Conrad seconded by Butcher -the City Attorney was
Parking directed to draft and submit a resolution limiting to two hours, .park-
ing on Main street from Ocean Ave to Olive, on Walnut from 3rd to 5th
and along Ocean. Ave, Northeasterly side from 3rd to 5th St. Councilman
King voting "No. "
The matter of installing wig-wag signal at S P C.rossong over Ocean
Ocean Ave Ave east of 1st street was referred to Attorney Blodget with instructims
j to get in touch with proper authorities and report.
Engineer Rosson reported no recommendations, for East side street
East Side
Streeta, improvements , ready.
On, motion by Conrad seconded by Butcher Engineer Rosson was
was authorized to proceed with preparation of plans and estimates for
improvements of certain major streets on East Side, also cut-off be-
tween Main St and Frankfort Street.
Mr Cusolito was asked to submit size and weight of tram proposed
Pier Tram
to be operated on municipal pier.
Beach tenting Attorney Blodget was directed to prepare and submit at next meeting
an ordinance prohibiting beach tenting. x
Matter of removing tree for Sanborn deferred.
C 33 Lamp post for 15th and Acacia, McKelvey,matter deferred.
Reso 63:0- The Clerk read resolution No 63.3 regulating parking of automobiles
along Main St, Walnut Ave and Ocean Ave and on motion by Conrad seconded
by Butcher, Resolution No 636 was passed and adopted by the following vote :
Ayes Councilmen Butcher, Conrad, Stevens, 'Bowen
Noes Councilmen King.
?: On motion by Conrad seconded' by Butcher the Council ajourned.
City Clerk e -officio Clerk of
the C' y 1.
President of the City Council.
City Clerk