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City Hall, Monday Sept 29th, 1930
Pursuant to adjournment of Sept 15th the Council was called to
order at 7: 30 P M by Mayor Bowen.
Councilmen present: Bowen, Butcher, Conrad, Stevens , King,
Councilmen absent- : None
D 0 Stewart addressed the Council and asked that an appropriation
Base Ball of $75.00 be made for defraying expenses of the local base ball team.
Also that an extension be made to the back stop on .the ball grounds.
Matter referred to the Music & Promotion Committee for re-
commendations Monday Oct 6th.
Gasoline Plant On motion by Conrad seconded -by King the application of the
Superic•r Oil Superior to erect and operate gasoline plant near intersection of
Co .
Atlanta and Huntington, and to excavate and lay pipe lines to 23rd
street along first alley northeasterly from Ocean Ave was approved by
the following vote:
Ayes Councilmen: Butcher, Conrad, Stevens , King, Bowen
Noes Councilmen: None
The Superior Oil Company' s engineer informed the Council that local
labor would be used as much as possible in plant construction and
On motion by Conrad seconded by Butcher all bids for furnishing the
Bids Street Department with road equipment were rejected except the bid of
St. Equip.
Shephard Tractor and Equipment Company, and their bid accepted as follows: A
1-Russell Superior Specialty road grader, 9 foot blade without
scarifier--------------------------------------------------$ 1010.00
1 No 1 Power Disc 61 inch weight 4600 pounds , 4 gangs---------$ 1200.00
The complaint of 6amuel A Crooks relative to two wooden derricks
Dangerous located in Block 616 which are not properly guyed was referred to Henx7y
Wirth for investigation and report next meeting.
Erect Derrick The application of 0 •H Hubbard to erect wooden derrick in Block
1807 was approved on motion by Conrad seconded by Butcher.
The Glerk read a letter from C B Baldwin, Supt of the Ilementary
City Water School calling attention to limbs over 15th street and asked that they
and be trimmed. This referred to St Supt Wirth.
Mr Baldwin also complained of the bad condition of the city drink-
ing water. This matter referred to Councilman Butcher for report at
next meeting.
The Surety Bond of F F Thorp to enggge in the house moving business
Bond was approved on motion by Butcher seconded by King.
Band Letter of J E Son, Band Director relative to employment of Band for
Armistice Day Anaheim, Armistice Day was referred to Music & Promotion Committee.
On motion by King seconded by Conrad, permission was granted the
Clerk to. issue pool hall license to Griffin & Cryder, 203 Main St.
On motion by Conrad seconded by King, demands approved by the
Finance Committee were ordered paid.
This being the time set for canvassing ballots of Special
Election Municipal Election held on Sept 23rd, the Clerk submitted the records and
the Board canvassed the returns which were found correct:;: whereupon on
motion by Conrad seconded by King, Resolution No 635 relative to said
election was read, passed and adopted by the following vote;
Ayes Councilmen Butcher, Conrad, Stevens , King, Bowen
Noes Councilmen None.
On motion by Butcher seconded by Conrad the Council adjourned.
City Cler Ex-officio Clerk of the
City Council. "- -
pre indent of the City Council.
City Clerk.